Archaeology Analysis - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-26
Archaeology Analysis - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Science
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1656 words
14 min read

Archaeology refers to the study of humans' history, specifically the culture of prehistoric and historic people via the exploration and discovery of the writings, structures, and remains. Analyzing particular house artifacts and structures, many can drown about who might have been its occupants and the type of activities that took place. Detailed analysis of meticulous collection and smaller site parts of small faunal and findings, soil, and botanical samples with their particular find spots makes scholars reconstruct the common activities, interactions, and people in their ancient homes. The functions in a room can get determined via room inventories, molecular evidence, and particular installations. The findings not only do they provide a better understanding of the activities that went through a particular room, but also can give information about the wealth and rank of the owner. The main hypothesis of the room of study is that the room must have been a bedroom.

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I hypothesize that the room served as a bedroom due to the artifacts recovered from it. The artifacts recovered, which symbolize a bedroom's presence, include. Firstly, there were flat tinny pieces with iron-ore polish polygons that got fitted in a mosaic design onto a black slate. At the edge of one piece, what looks like a hole was identified. After deep research of the artifacts from almost 500 specimens, it got identified as the ancient Maya mirrors. Based on a deep analysis of the mirrors, it was found that the mirrors get used for ritual purposes, mostly by elite people.

They were used to symbolize authority. Also, certain individuals used them for divinatory purposes—individuals communicated with supernatural beings using these mirrors. The mirrors were quite valued and were very eye-catching. Individuals also used them as viewing mirrors while clothing. However, given that the mirrors were highly valued and served various purposes, a bedroom could be the most probable location of such a mirror.

Another artifact recovered from the room was a piece of silver hairpin jewelry. A hairpin is an item worn by women for beauty purposes and functions to keep their hair in shape. Hairpins are mostly stored in the bedroom since beauty gets done there. Most people prefer keeping their wealth in the form of jewelry. The material from which a piece of jewelry gets made has great significance since it can indicate the occupants' fortune and social status. Women from rich families wear silver, jade, and gold hairpins. Those from a poor background could only be able to afford bone or wood hairpin. A silver hairpin is essential in fixing the hair and also for decorative purposes. Hairpin thus improves an individual appearance, just like shoes and clothes.

A glass perfume bottle got also recovered from the room which has a brass coating. Perfumes are used by both genders to make them have a good smell. Some people wear perfume while going to bed for relaxation and have overall contentment. However, women get hypothesized to be more to perfume than males. The presence of a brass coated glass perfume bottle may also indicate that the occupants were well-up. Individuals from a poor family may probably afford the steel coated bottles since they are cheaper. Glass vessels were both used in the ancient and current generation to store perfumes. However, the design and incorporation of brass coating symbolize that the perfume must have been from the current century where technology is much advanced.

A ceramic handle pull knob thought to be for wardrobes was also observed. Wardrobes are a place used to store clothes. In the 21st century, where the textiles and clothing industry has evolved, many social class people use the wardrobes to store their clothes. Traditionally where individuals possessed few clothes to need, not a wardrobe to store their clothes. Ancient people like the Egyptians utilized baskets as a way of storing their clothes and belongings. Wardrobes got invented by the Roman soldiers and got used by the elite people to place their expensive clothes. Ceramic built-in wardrobes get mostly found among rich people's homes who can afford classy things. However, the poor are most likely to use wooden or plastic wardrobes than ceramic due to their affordability. Having traced a ceramic wardrobe would only be hypothesized that the room occupants were from a well-up family and of the recent century due to the minimum damage observed. Metallic hangers were also recovered with coats of rust to indicate that the occupants must have excavated the room for a while.

Pieces of a broken lampstand got also recovered. A lampstand is a stand, tripod, or pillar used to hold or support a lamp. Lampstands get mostly found in the bedroom. Individuals use lampstands for late-night studies, use them as a source of light while visiting washrooms, and so forth to avoid causing distracting other people while in their sleep. Even in the Jewish tradition, the lampstand was used as a light source to lighten a room. Having located a lampstand, therefore, makes one hypothesize it is a bedroom for the occupants.

Gold medal artifacts also recovered from the room—the gold medal in the award gets given to the highest achieved person in a competition. Medals are a form of prizes awarded in various competitive activities. Medals are known to get made from three metals, which are gold, silver, and bronze. The metals get awarded to different individuals based on their performance. Gold is an award given to the most achieved individual; silver gets awarded to the second most achieved while bronze to the third individual. An individual may choose to store such artifacts in the bedroom to motivate them to sleep and wake up every day. Having recovered such an artifact, a hypothesis that the room's occupant (s) was a champion get made. One can also conclude that the occupant must have been rich due to the gold medal's presence. The occupant must have also been from the 21st century since, in ancient times, award winners were rewarded with olive wreath since gold was rare.

A pair of plastic French high heeled shoes got also recovered from the room. High heels are a type of shoes where the heel is a bit higher than the toe. The shoes make the one wearing them appear much taller than their normal height. High heels got invented earlier, back in the 10th century. Horse riders mostly wore the heels to keep them safe on the horse. Earlier made shoes were, however, made of raw leather, papyrus, and palm leaves. Shoe height in historic perspective symbolized wealth, nobility, and authority. In the recent century, curved heels tend to maintain the same legacy. Consumer culture and modern technology led to many shoe companies emerging. However, plastic shoes did not exist traditionally, which now makes us believe that the room's occupant must be of the modern generation.

A metallic table got also recovered in the room. The table has a silver coating on it. It was placed about three feet from the door. The table had some shelves beneath it. The table has an elevated part where the lampstand got found. The table gets thought to get used for studies by the occupants, and the shelves beneath are believed to be a place where they placed their study materials. The table is made of metal, implying that the occupant must have been either earlier or modern. In the earlier century, tables got made of wood, metal, and marble. The earlier made tables were flat with no designs on them. The recovered table has designs and places for placing the lamp and reading materials. Thus, it only depicts that the occupant existed in the modern generation when technology has been advanced. The silver-coated table also depicts that the occupant must have been wealthy.

Two plastic chairs also got recovered from the room. The chairs got located in two different positions. One chair was right beside the silver-coated metallic table, and the other got situated at the corner near the place where mirror pieces got found. The table near the table got thought to get used for studying purposes while the one at the corner got thought to get used for beauty purposes. A brass button got also recovered from the room. A button is a significant artifact in that it can signify work of art, studio craft, or even folk art. Buttons are often found in clothing, although they can also get found in bags and wallets. Buttons get sewn on garments and various items for the aim of ornamentation. During ancient times, buttons objects got used as seals or ornaments, unlike in modern times where they get used as fasteners.

Buttons with holes for fastening clothes first appeared in the 13th century, which later become common and used for snug-fitting clothes. Buttons get made from various materials, both synthetic and natural, and time from the combination of both. Brass buttons get said to be popular for shirts and suits. Brass buttons are iconic of been used by politicians like George Washington due to their cultural value. Having located a brass button in the room indicates that the occupant must have been an important person.

Besides, the metallic table was a clean floor area, which was symbolizing that something big like a bed was there. The size was approximately 76*80 inches in dimensions. The bed's size indicated that the occupant must be of good status to afford such a bed. It also indicated that more than one occupant shared the room, probably the occupants were a couple.

In conclusion, from the above illustration of the room, it can thus get hypothesized that the occupants used the room as a bedroom. Only in the bedroom can one find all those remains like the broken pieces of mirrors, pair of shoes, lampstand, perfume containers, wardrobe handle pulls, and medals, among others. The occupants also get high social status due to the quality of materials found in those artifacts.

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