Essay Sample on Apple Solutions

Published: 2023-02-15
Essay Sample on Apple Solutions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Company
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1186 words
10 min read

Apple Inc. is an American-based international organization with the concept and fabrication of consumer intimately connected products of different software and electronics. It is found in Cupertino, California, and started on April 1st, 1976. The organization evolves around in selling and supporting different electronics and personal computers, and others including hardware products, mobile phones, music players, and computer software.

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In an organization, the environment can be defined as the amalgamation of physical issues from the external ground involving the organization which result and has some influences on the augmentation, survival, and development of the creation of the organization. This would also serve as a good definition of environment in any business, considering all the factors external and internal, which influence the growth and profitability of a particular business (Tidd et,.al 30). Business leaders are mostly encouraged to carry out the environmental analysis since it is an essential tool in business as I help the leaders to be able to understand precisely the topology of business at a given time, especially the present time in any business.

The Apple company has been in the latest been seen to fall back on track on its technology level. Considering the counterparts of the company in the market, it has failed to satisfy the customer's need. For example, the biggest competitor if Apple, Samsung industries, have been able to come with products which are beyond the imagination of human beings all over the world. They have developed a phone with 5G. The phone's camera may be incomparable with the recently launched iPhone by the Apple Company. The company launched the phone recently; however, it lacks the 5G networking properties, which are the most considered currently in the market (50). This makes it fall back in terms of marketing. Also, the launched iPhone is meant to be more expensive than the counter Samsung phone in the market, yet the phone has more quality properties compared to the iPhone in terms of even price.

Again due to the souring economy in many nations throughout the world, the organization's high prices could see it exposed to significant losses. The company should reconsider to revisit its high rates to be able to fit in the souring economy of the technology market in the world (Heracleous et,.al 75). The organization in recent times has seen a decline in the sales it has been making through the sales of its phones due to the rising prices of their phones in the market. A move which has seen its competitors enjoy more since there can make more than Apple Company.

The company demands $ 750 (US) for the cheapest phone in the market which there have produced in recent times. The forecast of the company's market at this level is seen to deteriorating at a high level since many of its customers are preferring other products from other giant companies. The real question to the investors is on how long there can keep this selling price trend of the products trending in the market.

Just like in the case where the Apple Company saw its iPad being wiped out from the market by giant companies, who were able to produce a smartphone, which later eliminated the need for tablets. The company should be cautioned in the production of its products in a great deal. The number of investors in the company has also fallen (Tidd et,.al 30). This is since the confidence of the investors have declined. The company has a great objective by next year, 2020, and it aims at getting a revenue of about $ 50 billion (US) from its services. This has let the investors with a lot of questions about the determined goal of making their trust in the management of the company to decline. For instance, the organization has failed to reveal any plans in getting to the movies and television and its aims in getting into the health industry, which makes to remain relatively obscure.

The company can retrieve its way of doing things and pick all most the whole market sector and beat its competitors in the market. To achieve this objective, the company should start producing less-expensive iPhones, since the biggest problem in the market with consumers, it's the price tag of iPhones which is relatively high. However, the leaders of the company feel that such a move would cannibalize Apple's sales in a more ay to premium phones. In another way to see it emerge as the greatest giant in the market in the 21st century, the company can embark on producing iPhones with increasingly premium features and continue with its objective of hoisting the prices of its products in the market sector. These would make the iPhone lovers embark on the buying of the product due to the quality of the features which may not be provided by any other organization in the industry of the production of such commodities (Heracleous et,.al 35). Consumers in the 21st century are willing to spend more money on their smartphones, even if the smartphone of the century is full of excellent phones with excellent budgets. However, even the die-hard lovers of the Apple iPhones do have a limit of spending in the buying of the Apple products. If they are pushed too far in terms of the prices and money to spend on the products, they will be seen to abandon the brand eventually, and when they are gone, it may be a hard thing to convince them back to embrace the brand.

The organization has also made a great mistake in the market sector where they have replaced the iPhone X with a similar type of iPhone, iPhone XS, which has the same style as its previous predecessor, and the iPhone has an excellent price of $ 1000 (US). These type of price range may discourage the owner of iPhone X from buying the current model since it has almost the same features. The revenues and the sales of the Apple Company have faced a severe hit in the 21st century. This is because of the production of almost similar iPhone which to them are and contain upgraded features than the previous ones. The company should have introduced the latest iPhone at a lower price to encourage the consumers to buy it and prefer the phone from other phones from other giant producers of a similar phone with similar or more significant features (67). The low price could have convinced a lot of consumers rising the company's revenues and sales in turn. They could have ditched iPhone XR, which was not necessary at all in the market, which has made the consumers doubt they purchasing decisions.

It is hard to predetermine how long the problems for the company will last. However, the company could have put little effort into thinking of praising the underlying psychology of consumers in the entire market sector, and this would have seen them, maybe, not into such a mess.

Work Cited

Heracleous, Loizos, and Angeliki Papachroni. Strategic Leadership and Innovation at Apple Inc. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2016.

Tidd, Joe, and John R. Bessant. Managing innovation: integrating technological, market and organizational change. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.

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