Analysis: Stakeholder Relationships Essential for Corporate Success - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-25
Analysis: Stakeholder Relationships Essential for Corporate Success - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Business
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 473 words
4 min read


The paper critically analyses the importance of having stakeholder relationships in the organization. The author investigated the psychological perception of different stakeholders across the organization by reviewing the quarterly earnings of the company to identify the earning misses. Earning misses show that the company has a divergence in stock control, stock exchange, and, most importantly, stakeholder reviews. The review indicates that the single failed exchange between the stakeholders and the corporation will lead to damage to the reputation of the company in question.

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The paper also analyses how social and historical perspectives affect the relationship between the stakeholders and the corporation and how these perspectives can be used to develop policies to aid in building a good relationship. The analysis was done by examining the trait attribute of the various actors in the organization. Trait attributed purports to describe how certain actor behaves in a particular manner that affects their perception about the organization. The theory links the social and economic history of the company to the character trait of the stakeholders. Also use of social media in relaying the company's reports and reviews affects the trait attribution of the stakeholders leading to either a positive and negative reputation for the company.

The trait attribution from the Journal tried to explain the psychological perception of individuals that affect the exchange. On the other hand, it is not conclusive as to how the organization should include that trait in decision making to aid in keeping a discrete relationship. The diversity of workplaces across organizations makes the trait attribution theory a bias in research for failed exchange.

The sample for analysis is based on the companies published on the Fortune website as the report is published online, and it is likely to get public scrutinization, thus a perfect entity for trait attribution theory.

The analysis and discussion of the research finding from the journals show that the failed exchange and company reputation are interdependent with each other. On the other, the study does nit empirically explain the connection between character traits of the stakeholders to the reputation of the company remains an issue for further investigation.


From the above analysis, the Journal is relevant for my research paper on the Exploring critical success factors for stakeholder management in attracting investments to the oil and gas industry as it identifies the role of the stakeholders in keeping the business process in line. The Journal describes how the different factors that affect the relationship between the corporation and the stakeholders can be used positively to build a good stakeholder relationship. My research will be about the success factors for stakeholder management; therefore, the Journal gives a clear identification of how the stakeholders affect the company's reputation.


Failed Stakeholder Exchanges and Corporate Reputation: The Case of Earnings Misses. Academy of Management Journal, 60(3), 880-903.

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Analysis: Stakeholder Relationships Essential for Corporate Success - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 25). Retrieved from

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