Paper Example. Alzheimer's Disease International Care Home

Published: 2023-03-05
Paper Example. Alzheimer's Disease International Care Home
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Mental health Dementia Human services Social issue
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1712 words
15 min read

Dementia relates to a group of infections and symptoms that often affect the thinking and memory of individuals to the extent that they could end up interfering with the daily lives of the affected individuals (Langa, 2015, p.5). This condition is often believed to be caused by the loss of nerve cells as well as their connection with the brain. Some are linked to excess deposition of proteins in the brain. A majority of the elderly, particularly in the United Kingdom, are affected by dementia characterized by memory loss, lack of concentration, and general confusion. In the UK, several initiatives have been undertaken to care for the elderly living with dementia in various care homes within the UK (Kaitin, 2015, p.8). This paper is aimed at the evaluation of Alzheimer's disease International which is one of the intergovernmental Care homes in the UK, and to determine the role of the organization in caring for the Adult Elderly living with dementia within the society.

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Alzheimer's Disease International

Alzheimer's disease International was established in the year 1984 with the sole purpose of the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease that had been diagnosed later in the year 1906. Over the years, the organization has engaged in researching causes, prevention, treatment, and cure of dementia within the United Kingdom (Langa, 2015, p.21). The organization is backed with professional and passionate supporters and scientists who are enthusiastically thinking about through the ways of solving the health problem of dementia and particularly among elderly adults living with such conditions.

Research indicates that over 50 million individuals are living with dementia across the world, with about three individuals developing the condition within a second. However, these figures are predicted to increase to 152 million in the next twenty years, with the low income and middle-income countries being affected significantly. Thus, Alzheimer's disease International is an umbrella organization that was founded to raise awareness about dementia globally, to make dementia diagnosis and treatment a significant world concern as well as to empower the persons living with dementia and their care partners.

Mission Statement

The mission of the organization is to have a permanent solution to dementia across society. The organization maintains that until the ultimate cure for dementia has been found, they will continue to support the individuals affected with the condition so that they feel accepted within the society (Langa, 2015, p.22). The association also aims at ensuring that the individuals suffering from dementia or memory loss, including the adult elderly shall live without prejudice and fear within their respective communities.

Thus, the organization has devised a mission of bringing about first life-changing dementia treatments before the year 2015. The organization, therefore, focuses on understanding the causes of dementia, diagnosis, reduction of risk as well as an effective treatment of dementia in the relevant individuals.

Staff Training

In Alzheimer's Disease International, there is an emphasis on improved quality of dementia care through the engagement of adequately trained professionals. The care home has training modules that ensure there is understanding dementia, reliable communication with the affected patients as well as dealing with behavior change and safety within the care home.

Challenges for Dementia Care Team

Alzheimer's Disease International care homes face several challenges and pressures in executing day-to-day care operations. For instance, the care homes face the challenge of limited scope between the various residents and the care staff. The extent to which the teams accomplish their duties is greatly influenced by the communication skills of the staff members.

Organization's Vision

The central vision of the Alzheimer's disease International is to focus on a world without dementia. The vision of the organization is meant to be realized through focusing on risk reduction, care, and inclusion, timely diagnosis as well as a proper structure treating mechanism for the individuals affected by dementia (Sutcliffe, Roe, Jasper, and Challis, 2015, p.12). The vision of the organization was also to improve on dementia-related research geared towards diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dementia. The stigma that surrounds the persons living with dementia is also a significant concern of the organization.

10-Year vision

The ten-year vision for the organization includes ensuring useful contribution to the dramatic increase in the accuracy and timeliness especially when it comes to diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of those affected with dementia with special attention given to the adult elderly within the society (Svendsboe et al., 2016, p.10). Among the priorities of the 10-year vision include the identification and creation of the evidence-based care support programs as well as increasing the quality and standards of dementia diagnosis and treatment.

Organizational Values

Alzheimer's disease International subscribes to several corporate values. Such values include; respect, which relates to treating dementia affected individuals with a lot of respect while ensuring their rights are protected. Further, the organization believes in integrity, especially that which relates to transparency in the interpersonal relationships within the members of the organization and with the clients Langa, 2015, p.34). Another significant value for the organization if inclusivity through seeking the participation and or involvement of all the stakeholders in decision making without discrimination and prejudice whatsoever. Teamwork is also held in high esteem within the organization. All team members are well trained and work in collaboration+ to ensure accelerated effort towards curbing the global Alzheimer crisis.

Fundamentally, Alzheimer's disease International embraces the value of accountability and transparency as a show of commitment to addressing the dementia conditions across the world, with particular attention on the adult elderly within the UK. Ultimately, the organization encourages cooperation, primarily through mutual relationships and partnerships among various stakeholders. Most fundamentally, the organization embraces diversity since the staffs comprise of individuals drawn from diverse backgrounds

The Sphere of Operation

The World Statistics on Dementia

Alzheimer's disease International organization is cognizant of some of the essential world statistics on dementia and are working tirelessly to ensure an impactful change is created within the society (Yumoto et al., 2018, p.7). For instance, over 50 million individuals across the world have been diagnosed with dementia in the year 2019- a number that is expected to increase to over 150 million by the year 20150 incase stringent measures are not put in place by various care homes to manage the condition (Amador, Goodman, Robinson and Sampson, 2018, p.5). In the UK, the state has majorly been associated with the adult elderly within society. Therefore, the organization advocates for deliberate efforts to be taken by various care homes to reduce such menace within the region.

Most significantly, almost 60% percent of the individuals living with dementia come from low and middle-class counties. Statistics indicate that the percentage is expected to rise to 68 by the year 2050 (Snyder et al., 2015, p.3). The World Alzheimer Report 2012 shows that many people living with dementia, particularly in the UK, are adult elderly who often feel segregated, marginalized, and isolated within society. Alzheimer's disease International is committed to caring for the many people who feel isolated through the condition.

In the UK, the organization works in line with the provisions of the Health and Social Care Act 2012, which requires the health care bodies within the country to disregard health inequalities for the people of England. Furthermore, the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 implores on various agencies working within the country to uphold equality in all their operations, which is the primary concern of Alzheimer's disease International (Crowther, Shaw, Allen and Guest, 2018, p.23). However, the organization also tries to create awareness of dementia since the majority of the people across the world perceive the condition as a part of the healthy ageing, which is often not the case. In most cases, individual care homes do not differentiate dementia care form other elderly care within society.

The Organizational Belief

Alzheimer's disease International organization believes that dementia is a chronic and progressive condition that requires timely diagnosis, care, and treatment to boost the quality of life of the affected individuals (Winblad et al., 2016, p.9). The organization also believes that the negative perceptions about the infection need to be reversed so that everybody can have an understanding of the people living with dementia so that they can focus on their abilities rather than strengths.

The organization meets its objectives through championing the integration of the brain health promotion onto the public health campaigns with a clear message that it is ever too early or too late to make desirable changes within the society (Snyder et al., 2015, p.34). Consequently, the organization believes that if all the governments, companies, foundations, and individuals come together to take action, there could be a significant improvement in health outcomes for the people living with dementia.

The Organization's Strategic Objectives

One of the core objectives of Alzheimer's disease International is to ensure dementia is made a global health priority. The organization intends to meet this objective by working closely with the Word Health Organization and the United Nations to formulate various policies that would ensure proper management of dementia in multiple countries across the world (Winblad et al., 2016, p.14). Furthermore, the organization spurs the realization of this objective through the establishment of appropriate national plans as well as funding to ensure that dementia management is given the utmost priorities.

The organization also improves the partnerships and collaborations with other care homes to ensure that the elderly adult living with dementia is well cared for within the United Kingdom and beyond. Most significantly, Alzheimer's disease International advocates for the establishment of health care systems that would adequately respond to the dementia cases within the United Kingdom and beyond. This is often achieved through timely diagnosis, adequate post-diagnosis support, as well as improved access to person-centred dementia services.

The second objective of Alzheimer's disease International is to ensure a reduction of stigma, especially for dementia, affected individuals within the UK and beyond. Therefore, the organization endeavors to reduce the stigma meted on the adult elderly persons living with dementia through engaging in deliberate researches on issues relating to cultural differences and the need to protect the people living with dementia (Kupeli et al., 2018, p.12) According to the Alzheimer's disease International, this objective will be realized through the promotion of a more in-depth understanding of dementia in relevant platforms such as the international conferences, regional meetings as well as World Alzheimer's Month.

The association also aspires to reduce stigma through deliberate efforts to encourage the inclusion of the people living with dementia in the memberships of the organization.

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Paper Example. Alzheimer's Disease International Care Home. (2023, Mar 05). Retrieved from

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