Essay Example on A Case Analysis on Patient's Spiritual Needs

Published: 2023-11-24
Essay Example on A Case Analysis on Patient's Spiritual Needs
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Christianity Case study Ethical dilemma
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1379 words
12 min read

Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean disrespect of a patient's autonomy? Explain your rationale.

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From the article, we realize that the role of the physician is very significant at this point. Parents ought to be as informed as possible in the clinical situation. It is when the doctor needs to speak to Mike more about the fact that the actions he makes are potentially bringing further harm to James, even though it is not his intention. He needs to explain the seriousness of James' condition and risks to Mike if he doesn't get a kidney transplant soon enough. In so doing, the doctor does not disrespect the autonomy of the patient. James is a minor and his parents are entitled to make the choices on his behalf. Initially, the doctor respected their decision to take their son through faith healing, and when his health deteriorated, they opted to ring him back for treatment. As part of his job, the doctor tries to explain to Mike the seriousness of the condition and would worsen; the physician should assure the father that he has Mike's best interest at heart, thus trying to treat him fast. At this point, it would be best if the physician may need to seek a pastor from the parent's religious community who can emphasize to parents that by giving James medical care does not mean they are compromising the teachings of their faith in God. The physician ought to be careful when talking to Mike, not disrespect his belief in God and encourage him to continue praying for his son as he is undergoing treatment.

Quite a several factors affect decision-making for individuals. It may be things they have encountered in the past, age, an individual's faith, and culture, among other things. Healthcare professionals should much value an individual's religious and cultural beliefs, considering their importance to preferences for treatment and care (Dietrich, 2010). Disputes regarding clinical judgments and personal opinions should undergo a sensitive discussion. MAs medical practitioners, we are expected to report circumstances to relevant authorities, as the child protection agencies, if we see that parents' decisions or acts may expose the child to either death or disability. The situation becomes harder to report in cases where the parents do not wish to hurt their child deliberately but are making decisions regarding their faith. In some dangerous situations, the practitioner may opt to go against the parents' decisions based on religion to save the child's life as reported to the relevant authorities (Orr, 2003).

In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian believe about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about his trust in God and treat James concerning what is genuinely honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James's care?

Different believers have distinct ways on they perceive health and sickness. Some believers consider illness as a test of their faith from God. In contrast, others view some ailments as a result of disobeying God, for instance, a Christian would have the impression that an individual with a sexually transmitted disease is due to their promiscuous way of living (Miller & Shelly, 2006). Most believers hold that any form of suffering and illness is due to the sin that Adam and Eve committed against God in the garden of Eden. Some believers do not believe in medical treatment during the times of illness; this, however, depends on the different perceptions of faith that individual has, and could thus make one think that they are not faithful to God by not believing in Him entirely for healing. It is important to note that God does not require Christians not to seek medical attention during ailment: Luke was a doctor, and he was among the people who wrote the gospel books.

Nobody should ever depend entirely on religion and prayers to cure any form of ailment, which, through medical technology, has a known cure. Adjacent to modern medicine, prayer offering is also conducted. Aside from Mike allowing the medical Practitioners to use the medicinal technology to perform the transplant on James, he should also hold firm in his faith to God and pray for his sons to get better. Mike ought to see the doctors as vessels used by God to provide healing to James. Mike, should not stop going to church; in fact, it would be necessary for him to continue with his routine of going as he was before and maintain a firm faith in God even as James continues to receive medical attention.

Also, there is a need to enlighten Mike on the concepts on how the treatment will aid in the care of so that he will be able to make a sound decision in regard to his son's treatment. It would be essential to make him aware that beneficence means the advantages of remedies against the risks involved since the transplant would be of benefit to the son: and that the benefits outweigh the risks involved in conducting the treatment process. While he needs to affirm his belief in God, in this situation, he should embrace the fact that medication is necessary.

In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike in determining appropriate interventions for James and his family or others involved in his care?

A pastor or a chaplain provides spiritual care to the believers of their faith and non-believers by allowing them to have a personal relationship with God by carefully listening, testifying, praying, and reading the Bible (Miller & Shelly, 2006).

The religious needs are critical and influence the individual's ability to make choices while they are sick. Different people may perceive life and health differently, arguing that one should tolerate suffering and assuaged if need be eliminated (Hordern, 2016). HOPE is a faith evaluation tool: with a survey that brings physicians from general principles to particular situations through learning about the origins of hope and its significance to patients, if they are an affiliate to a specific religion in general, their personal beliefs and what impact their faith could have on primary healthcare and decisions that bases on a matter of life and death (Saguil & Phelps, 2012).

The doctors should perform a religious analysis on Mike and his wife to determine how much impact their faith could have on primary healthcare. Despite the fact the faith healing did not work the first time, it is worrying that Mike still chooses faith as the option for his son's over medical treatment a second time. From the assessment, the doctor would be in a position to tell how Mike reasons in terms of his spirituality and medical care, depending on Jame's sick condition. At this point, it would be okay for the medical practitioner to involve a pastor from the church Mike attends to tackle any issues and doubts he could be having on the medical treatment of James, his son.

To conclude, it is essential to note that Mike and his wife are going through a tough time in their lives, and they are torn between choosing medical care over spiritual healing for the illness of their son. The belief that they are unfaithful to God through seeking for medical care. At this point, they need all the necessary support for them to make a sound decision.


Hordern, J. (2016, October). Religion and culture. Retrieved August 30, 2020, from

Saguil, A., & Phelps, K. (2012, September 15). The Spiritual Assessment. Retrieved August 30, 2020, from

Dietrich, C. (2010). Decision Making: Factors that Influence Decision Making, Heuristics Used, and Decision Outcomes. Inquiries Journal. Retrieved August 30, 2020, from

Miller, A., & Shelly, J. (2006). Called to care: a Christian worldview for nursing [Ebook] (2nd ed., p. 206). Retrieved August 31, 2020, from

Orr, R. (2003). Faith-Based Decisions: Parents Who Refuse Appropriate Care for Their Children, Commentary 1. Journal of Ethics | American Medical Association. Retrieved August 30, 2020, from

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