Smart Shield: Stylish and Effective COVID-19 Protection for Children - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-12
Smart Shield: Stylish and Effective COVID-19 Protection for Children - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Childhood Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 643 words
6 min read

The smart shield gadget is designed to protect children from COVID-19 when schools re-open. This gadget created is when the supply chain of face masks became compromised because most factories needed to upgrade the face masks (Hiroshi, 2019). The outbreak has also impacted most companies, and so the primary concern was children. Since sourcing the typical face masks was hard, the smart shield mask was designed to give out a new look and offer more protection. The stylish shields are also available when outsourced from other factories

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The stylish guard will also provide better protection than the normal; face masks because children might fail to maintain the social distancing rule. In terms of effectiveness, particularly with the COVID-19 infections, the smart shield can infer the particles that may be surrounding the environment by decreasing the contamination of the droplets released by the children either when they are playing or interacting (Hiroshi, 2019).

When the face shield covers everyone, they have both the source of protection and control over susceptible people. Therefore it can be envisioned that the effectiveness is better than dealing with the current situation. The smart shield has many advantages, and this will give parents security when they hear about schools re-opening (Hiroshi, 2019). The standards of the usual medical mask contain a finite lifespan. However, once they get wet, they become ineffective

The smart shield's advantage is that they are durable because they are made from plastic material. The good part about it is that children are known to make themselves dirty when they play. With this smart shield, the children can clean them regularly or even wash them with water, soap, or any disinfectant around them (Hiroshi, 2019). This ensures that they are safe, and there is no accumulation of germs, as seen on the medical masks.

The smart shield masks also prevent children from touching their faces. As required by the World Health Organization, no one should touch their face, particularly the eyes, nose, and ears with dirty hands (WHO, 2020). Surfaces are full of bacteria, and children are not careful enough to realize they are touching dirty places. The good thing about these gadgets is that even when done accidentally, the child will be protected.

As known, people always touch their faces when adjusting ordinary medical masks, and this makes them risk getting infected. This is what the children will also be protected from because their hands are usually contaminated with viruses. Therefore, when individuals try to auto-inoculate themselves, they end up touching their faces, which transfers the virus (WHO, 2020). Schoolchildren are consequently protected from such adjustments

The smart shield has also been designed to change color when it is not clean. The item is designed to give warnings if it needs to be cleaned, and this will prevent the child from having general visuals unless they clean it. The indication also allows teachers to inspect the children whether they have cleaned the smart shield to avoid contamination (WHO. 2020). Stylish protection is also designed for older adults who go to work.

The reason why it is designed differently is that children and adults portray different characters. While grown-ups can avoid touching their faces, they have the habit of using their phones—most of the time, they forget and put it on their ears while making phone calls. Therefore, the new smart shield will guide and remind them that the standard way of doing things has changed (WHO. 2020). Grown-ups will also adapt to the unique style of sanitizing their phones before putting them on their ears to avoid infections.


Hiroshi, O. (2019). Glycan shield and structure prediction of spike glycoprotein and its interaction with human CD26. Emerging COVID-19 coronavirus, 107-116.

WHO. (2020, July 31). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) - events as they happen. WHO | World Health Organization.

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Smart Shield: Stylish and Effective COVID-19 Protection for Children - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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