Student Leader Role Essay Example

Published: 2018-02-20
Student Leader Role Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  University Leadership analysis Education Students Motivation
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 551 words
5 min read

Student council leadership

Student leadership is an issue that has elicited heated debate in the recent past. Many experts argue that student leadership enables one to gain confidence, develop communication skills, become responsible, and develop negotiation skills. However, individuals opposing the issue claim that student leadership makes learners to become irresponsible people in the society. Notwithstanding these diverse opinions, student leadership improves one’s career and enables him or her develop communication and problem solving skills for future workforce.

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Student leadership enables one to gain confidence necessary in any career. Most student leaders are elected into their positions by their colleagues. Therefore, having their capabilities recognized by others is empowering and the roles they do in such positions are likely to be appreciated. By undertaking such roles, student leaders gain confidence needed in the workforce.

Student leadership enables one to become responsible. Principally, student leaders not only care for themselves but also extend their responsibilities to people they lead (Yenko, 2014). Leaders of a particular group not only ensure tasks are executed but also ascertain that all members of the team perform tasks according to their abilities. More importantly, when an individual is unable to complete an activity as required, leaders ensure that such activities are completed successfully according to the stated requirements. Therefore, lessons gained in the course of student leadership shape one and make him or her to become responsible in the future career.

Student leadership makes people to gain management skills and become good managers in the future. Studies have indicated that an effective leader is one whose management skills improve on a daily basis (Yenko, 2014). Student leaders often monitor operations activities, prioritize workloads, make budgets and carry out other executive roles. Essentially, practicing these skills in schools prepares one to become experienced in the workforce.

Becoming student leader while in college improves negotiation skills and prepares one to become a future manager. Most students undertake projects that have competing interests jointly. As a result, student leaders learn ways of establishing priorities and compromising other things when necessary. Studies have revealed that success is only realized when the reliability of a project is maintained and everybody involved in the project feel empowered and valued. This kind of negotiation is essential in assisting any group accomplish its goal including the experts within the workforce. Therefore, student leadership enables one to undertake conflict resolution or cooperative learning workshops that enable them to gain essential negotiation skills necessary for the managers. With these skills, one stands a chance of becoming a good manager who can solve any problem that employees may experience.

In conclusion, student leadership plays a critical role in shaping future careers of individuals because it enables them to gain confidence, develop communication skills, become responsibility, and develop negotiation skills. Despite conflicting views that have been advanced opponents of this issue, especially on the negative effects of student leadership on future career, no specific study have been conducted to ascertain such claims. Therefore, such claims are baseless and unfounded.


Yenko, E. (2014). Being a leader in college will help you succeed after graduation. Noodle. Retrieved 18 January 2018, from

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Student Leader Role Essay Example. (2018, Feb 20). Retrieved from

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