Free Essay Example: Ayurveda Research

Published: 2018-01-22
Free Essay Example: Ayurveda Research
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 406 words
4 min read

Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurveda is one of the mostly applied traditional systems of medicine that are incorporated in the modern medicine. In the recent past, Ayurveda has been globalized, and more research on the modernization of the practices is still underway (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). The Ayurveda practices such as therapies and use of herbs have been integrated into the contemporary medicine in the treatment process of people with a terminal illness such as cancer patients (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). Therefore, it is important to focus on some of the therapeutic management of the disease in reference Ayurvedic perspective.

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It is important to note that the Ayurvedic concept defines cancer as a non-inflammatory or an inflammatory swelling in the body (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). With the knowledge, Ayurvedic practitioners knew what kind of herbs and therapy they were to use. Unlike the traditional Western drugs, Ayurvedic drugs and therapy can treat some of the side effects caused by the cancer treatment drugs (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). One of the major principles of Ayurveda states that the cancer abuse of the natural environment upset the human body systems thus the same nature can be used to cure the body (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). In the modern era, most drugs are used using natural herbs to treat some of the side effects caused by cancer drugs and to boost human immunity.

Ayurvedic Therapy

Additionally, the therapies in Ayurveda involves health maintenance known as Prakritisthapani chikitsa, the restoration of normal system functions as Roganashani chikitsa and spiritual healing natively known as Naishthiki chikitsa (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). All the principles are applied in the current treatment of diseases, and outwardly health maintenance is involved in the treatment of cancer. Most importantly, Ayurvedic practitioners insisted on the finding the cause of illness before treatment (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). Currently, the medical professionals have to diagnose a patient before treatment and recommend the best ways of treatment. Moreover, Ayurvedic systems approved drugs and therapies in minor issues while surgery was meant for major issues (Patel & Mansoori, 2012). The recommendation of treatment is similar to the current practices.

Notably, the Ayurvedic practitioners had various principles that guided them on how to treat patients with different chronic diseases. Besides, from using the drugs, the principles of Ayurveda play a critical role in the modern medication process and potentially create chances of finding the cure to cancer.


Patel, D., & Mansoori, A. (2012). Cancer–an ayurvedic perspective. IJARPB, 2(2), 179-195.

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