Free Essay: Different Standards and Expectations from Sons and Daughters

Published: 2017-11-01
Free Essay: Different Standards and Expectations from Sons and Daughters
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sociology Family Parenting
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 979 words
9 min read

Do Parents Have Different Hopes and Standards for Their Sons Than for Their Daughters? Reasons and Outcomes of the Tendency

Parents have different expectations for their sons and daughters. Though the United States is a nation built on the concept of equality, where there should be no gender discrimination, various studies indicate the opposite of the common belief. Americans parents hopes and standards vary depending on the gender of their child (Gonchar 22). Parents expect more from their sons than the daughters. The different hopes and standards depending on the gender of the child may affect their development

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At first, when parents give a birth to a child, the majority of them worry whether their child is gifted. Most of the parents spend considerable time consulting other people or browsing websites to find out whether their children have any unique talents. Parents have higher expectations from their son, however surprisingly; various studies indicate that girls are more talented than boys by 11% (Gonchar 22). As a result, most of Americans parents ends up being disappointed by their sons.

Parents hope that their sons will be more intelligent than with their daughters. Most of the parent associate brilliance rather with sons than with daughters (Scott, Crompton, and Lyonette 33). Parents have the belief that sons should pursue top careers, for instance, neurosurgery, law or engineering. On the other hand, parents expect their daughters to pursue middle-level careers such as nursing.

Parents also expect that their daughters will be pretty as compared to sons. In this case, parents are worried about several physical aspects of their daughters, for instance, their weight, height and facial features (Scott, Crompton, and Lyonette 35). As a result, most of the parents spends a lot of money in cosmetic shops. Parents are also more likely to control the type of food their daughters consume to prevent them from being obese. On the other hand, parents are less worried about the physical appearance of their sons. Parents do not consider aspects such as height, weight and facial features of their sons. As a result, there is a likely-hood that sons may be overweight than the daughters.

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Why Do Parents Have Different Standards for Their Sons and Daughters

Parents also have the perception that daughters should be protected more than sons. As a result, daughters are exposed to strict rules more than sons are, for instance, at schools, the teachers are too strict to girls than boys. The belief that makes parents protect their daughters more than sons is influenced the reports by various women activists organizations that claim that one in every three girls globally experiences violence (Scott, Crompton, and Lyonette 37). Some type of violence that girls experience are rape, early marriage, war and even participating in prostitution while they are still young. On the other hand, parents hope that the likely- hood of their sons being exposed to violence is minimal; as a result, they do not care about the boys’ security a lot. However presently, the boys are not secure; therefore, parents should change the perception. Boys currently face challenges such as being exposed to hard drugs while they are young, being radicalized and joining terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaida or even dropping out of school. Therefore, parents should protect their sons the same way they protect their daughters.

According to various studies, parents should not have a standardization for their children while basing on their gender. The different standardization and hopes have a negatively impact the growth and development of children (Gonchar 22). For instance, parents expect their sons to be more intelligent than their daughters. In this scenario, daughters will feel inferior as compared to sons, which may affect their academic performance. On the other hand, boys will feel that they are not protected as compared to girls, thus currently, boys are being exposed to dangerous activities that may ruin their lives in the future.

The different expectations and standardization will also ruin the gender equality rule in the country. The United States Constitution spells out that both the male and female genders should be treated with equality. As a result, there should be no gender discrimination. Therefore, if parents prefer one gender to the other, for example, thinking that their sons deserve better education than their daughters will result in the abuse of their constitutional rights (Gonchar 22).

To sum it up, American parents have different hopes and expectations concerning their children depending on the gender; that may result in negative impacts on the development of the children. Parents expect that their children will be talented. Parents also expect that their sons will be more intelligent than their daughters. On the other hand, parents are more concerned about the physical appearance of the daughters than the sons because they want them to be pretty. Parents also protect the female child more than the male child. The varying expectations can have negative effects on the development of a child, for instance, some children may feel inferior as compared to others. In addition, the variation of expectations results to the violation of the equality rule that is stipulated in the American Constitution.

Works Cited

Gonchar, Michael. "Do Parents Have Different Hopes And Standards For Their Sons Than For Their Daughters?". The Learning Network. N.p., 2014. Web. 5 Oct. 2016.

Scott, Jacqueline L, Rosemary Crompton, and Clare Lyonette. Gender Inequalities in the 21st Century: New Barriers and Continuing Constraints. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010. Internet resource.

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