Essay Sample on Wireless Convenience and Risks

Published: 2023-12-30
Essay Sample on Wireless Convenience and Risks
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Security
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 632 words
6 min read

Question One

Wireless network sniffing, network injection attack, congestion problem, and negative association cover some of the risks associated with wireless communication discussed in this assignment. In problem congestion, the risk occurs when every subscriber has no access to the Random Access Channel and cannot receive or respond to calls (Asam & Ajaz, 2019). Such a problem is a risk because outing and incoming calls experience various forms of blockage. At such point, an Access Grant Channel cannot manage to get a free traffic channel that would then request a mobile or relocate mobile terminal. In wireless snuffing attack, hackers use a piece of hardware or software that they run to decode data and translate into readable formats of human beings. Hackers use such tools to steal essential credentials such as passwords, credit cards, and spy on networks.

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The use of setting up cell phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and assurance of encryption or any similar strong network present some of the safeguards associated with wireless communication. The confirmation of setting up cell phones and PDAs would secure wireless communication that would, in turn, protect its users. The setup cell phones have numerous features like encryption of transmission, protection via passwords, and automated data wiping.

Question Two

Whether I am comfortable or not comfortable using wireless communication on my computer, the issue depends on various concerns such as safeguards associated with wireless. I would be pleased to use a wireless hot spot doing my computer network if I have securely installed cellular phones and PDAs. There would be the inclusion of each security features such as encryption of transmission and password protection. Password protection would make it comfortable to use the hot spot to do my computer work. That means without those features, it would always be doubtable to use a hot spot to do my computer work.

Question Three

Automated data wiping, password protection, and encryption transmission are some of the safeguards I would use in accessing unprotected (public) wireless communication. Each of the mentioned features would protect unauthorized access and decoding of data via wireless communication. In automated data wiping, such a part would prevent any data retrieval by attackers. The automated wiping of data could mean protection of the device from corrupt individuals such as hackers. The approach would protect any data used in unprotected wireless communication like public Wi-Fi. In password protection, data protection would be essential via the use of passwords to limit any data breach on the device. Since there is unprotected access, the provision of a password would distinguish each personal device from the rest and restrict hackers from accessing the device.

Question Four

An individual is at risk of using a wireless connection via a laptop than a phone. The wireless connection mechanism is via radio waves instead of cables, and this approach increases vulnerability that is easier for attackers to access the device. Unlike cell phones or smartphones, they have an inbuilt antenna crucial for sending digital information (Rommel et al., 2019). The wireless connection via phone is more secure because individuals can access or retrieve data on smartphones than on laptops. Each mobile phone that connects to a tower directly connects to a phone’s internet rather than another phone. Such an approach reduces risks associated with a wireless connection. The fact that wireless connection in a telephone can fetch data explains why using such a plan in a smartphone is better than in computers.


Asam, M., & Ajaz, A. (2019). Challenges in Wireless Body Area Network. Proc. of International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(11).

Rommel, S., Raddo, T. R., Johannsen, U., Okonkwo, C., & Monroy, I. T. (2019, February). Beyond 5G-wireless data center connectivity. In Broadband Access Communication Technologies XIII (Vol. 10945, p. 109450M). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

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