Free Essay Answering Why Homeowners Should Not Install Solar Panels on Their Homes

Published: 2022-05-30
Free Essay Answering Why Homeowners Should Not Install Solar Panels on Their Homes
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Energy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1259 words
11 min read


Solar energy has recently gained popularity as a key source of renewable energy with a growing number of countries transitioning to this form of power as their primal source of energy. In this energy source, the sun's energy is captured and turned into usable electricity, a process that occurs through devices known as solar panels. The working of solar panels involves the absorption of sunlight, generation of direct current (DC) and its conversion to usable alternate current (AC) (Jager et al., 2014; Xiaoyan, 2014). The AC is then directed to an electrical panel at home before being distributed accordingly. With the recent major improvements in solar energy manufacturing quality and technical efficiencies, many homeowners have turned to solar energy as an alternative solution to their energy needs. Although this has helped them bring down their household electricity consumption, there are various cons that have been associated with the installation of solar panels. As such, the following paper provides reasons as to why homeowners should not install solar panels on their homes.

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The high initial upfront cost of solar panels

To start with, the installation of solar panels is linked to an initial upfront cost which is expensive for some (Katume, 2017). Buying of the system is one of the key reasons for a high upfront cost and the initial cost aspect is considered the leading con of solar power installation. The current prices of solar cells that are highly efficient are estimated to be above $1000 while some house owners may need more than one which can be quite expensive for them (Katume, 2017). Therefore, the more the energy needs of an individual the higher the cost of installation. Despite the continuous efforts that various governments have put towards increasing the affordability of solar power, not every house owner is able to manage the costs associated with the initial installation costs. Although governments can give credits to their citizens for solar panels additions, their manufacture and installation are still high. The time required for the system to pay itself off could be long and has been estimated to be about seven years. According to a study by Xiaoyan (2014), solar services customers have frequently raised complaints regarding the long period they need to wait for the generation of solar power after solar panels' installation.

Solar panels don't work on every roof

Another factor that discourages the installation of solar panels on homes is the fact that the panels do not necessarily work on every roof (Katume, 2017). For instance, the roofs of older homes such as those made of slate tiles may make the installation of solar panels difficult. Also, some roofs may have been designed in a way that does not leave enough clear space for the fitting of solar panels. In other instances, the roofs could be covered in shade for long hours in a day and throughout the year. Such conditions might not be favorable for the generation of solar power. The installation of solar panels may encourage the cutting down of any trees that may be casting a shadow or blocking sun rays from reaching the panel. This explains why sunlight and weather are key factors that should be taken into account when considering the installation of solar panels. The generation of solar energy only happens during the day which implies that for about half of any single day, the system is not producing any energy. In connection with the weather of an area, it has been established that solar cells' efficiency can be affected by the weather. Further, pollution levels in a given area can affect the efficiency of solar cells (Jager et al., 2014). For example, in an area that is highly polluted with black carbons, they combine to form smog and haze that consequently reduce the amount of sunlight that is able to reach the earth surface due to the blocking of the sun (Puiu, 2017). This serves as a major blow to homeowners who live in areas that are heavily polluted such as cities as reduced efficiency will call for additional maintenance and repair costs. Additionally, the location of the homes on which solar panels are to be installed is a key factor in the determination of whether the generation of solar energy will occur. For instance, areas around the equator are said to have a greater solar electricity production potential compared to areas closer to the poles. Similarly, areas that constantly direct sunlight have greater potential to produce solar energy than those that are regularly overcast.

Maintenance and upkeep cost

Maintenance and upkeep cost is another factor discouraging the installation of solar panels on homes. Just like any other household appliance or element, solar panels also require being maintained, an activity that comes with an extra cost (Katume, 2017). For instance, solar panels require cleaning and repair when necessary. They may also need to be insured which could result in additional charges. While a solar panel system can be in good condition and work for a long time after its purchase, the lifespan of some of the electronic equipment that make up the system, such as the power inverter, is said to be short and hence require replacements. Therefore the cost of carrying out such replacements occasionally should be taken into consideration when budgeting for a solar panel installation project (Xiaoyan, 2014). The installation of solar panels also comes with an extra cost due to the fact that this type of energy requires storage for later use. Mainly, the storage is done through batteries that are charged during the day in order to supply energy at night.

Moreover, the storage batteries also comprise cells that require replacement after long-term use (Puiu, 2017). The installation of solar panels is also made challenging by the presence of untrustworthy installers, contractors as well as faulty panels. The hiring of an untrustworthy installer or contractor exposes the homeowner at a high risk of electrical accidents. Thus, there is the need to verify the references and credentials of the said professionals before hiring them. In this regard, there are special bodies that accredit the services of particular professionals including energy practitioners. In addition to the disadvantages that are linked to solar panel installation, this source of energy also has some benefits such as the production of renewable and clean energy, house value increase, easy installation, and maintenance as well as its ability to reduce electricity bills (Puiu, 2017).


In conclusion, as demonstrated herein, there are numerous reasons that explain why homeowners should not install solar panels on their homes. Some of the key explanations highlighted in this paper include the high initial upfront cost that is associated with solar panel installation, panels that do not necessarily work on every roof as well as a possible high maintenance and upkeep cost. It has also been demonstrated that the installation of solar panels has several benefits as well. However, despite these positives, from the perspective adopted in this paper, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits that come with the installation of solar panels. Therefore, based on these facts, it can be said that homeowners should not install solar panels on their homes.


Jager, K. D., Isabella, O., Smets, A. H., van Swaaij, R. A., & Zeman, M. (2014). Solar Energy: Fundamentals, Technology and Systems. UIT Cambridge.

Katume, N. (2017). Pros and Cons of installing solar panels in your home. Retrieved from

Puiu, T. (2017). The pros and cons of solar energy: What you need to know. Retrieved from

Xiaoyan, H. (2014). Comparative Analysis of Solar PV Business Models.

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