Essay Example on White Fragility-Robin DiAngelo. Main Argument in the Book

Published: 2024-01-15
Essay Example on White Fragility-Robin DiAngelo. Main Argument in the Book
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Christianity Books
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1847 words
16 min read

In 2018, a noble book dubbed White Fragility was published, which later jumped to the top of the New York Times bestseller list propelled by the protest following the ultimate death of George Floyd, the black American (DiAngelo, 2015). The question of racism came about again during this sudden moment. The book addresses the rising concerns of racism and why people find it hard to talk about it publicly. The author has expounded on the importance for Americans to objectively understand and put forward the question of racism to show how whites share collusion in nurturing racism as being the substratum of the larger US community. DiAngelo portrays white fragility as the frustration of a person and defensiveness when faced with hard facts on social justice and fairness, which is openly seen in the novel. She has also tried in her book to convince various organizations, including but not limited to the Administration of universities and office in charge of corporate human affairs, that the whites must sort and focus on personally driven initiatives to oversight and work against prejudices of races the hardly knew existed among themselves.

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The book also has to shed light on the disturbing thoughts, defensive mechanisms, and arguments that white people perceive taking and using and any given when handling the issues revolving around social justice and racism (DiAngelo, 2015). To keep readers up to date, the author has given critical instances of injustice surrounding white fragility. These were arrived at following her observations and those that she monitored and encountered as a consultant on the racial discrimination and injustices around social welfare. The clear picture of white fragility is when a man argued that affirmative action had discriminated the white people.

She has highlighted an instance where a claim arose of a white woman who was sported speaking negatively about another woman of color. Still, the white woman defended herself by saying it is a common issue that had nothing to do with racial discrimination (DiAngelo, 2015). The black lives matter movement that was turned into 'All lives matter' by the white people who feel endangered is another perfect scenario of white fragility.

The author has tried to bring out perfect and practical instances that justify that all seem not to be well by the people of color at any given. The book also guides the reader through various sections directly relevant to the white fragility and skillfully and critically in a sense that brings the image of what troubles the people. Through the books, she narrates how colonialism gave rise to racism in the nation.

Major Strengths of the Book

One significant positive contribution is its exclusiveness in highlighting various systems, avenues, and structures that have held hostage many citizens in America who are not considered white while giving extra privileges to those considered white. This is a sign of looking down upon other races. The script tries to explain that everyone is at an equal angle and the same level, your origin notwithstanding. While engaging people who consider themselves successful, she puts more effort into intense racism (DiAngelo, 2015). Well, when the whites understand this, and everyone ostensibly realizes the rights and truth, the question of racial discrimination shall be forgotten entirely. DiAngelo is very candid while addressing the matter in question. She wears a brave face without any fear of contradiction and addresses any discussion or with all groups of people (DiAngelo, 2015). She is always at the forefront of deconstructing and doing away with self-privileges as a white. Besides, she has given a blueprint covering a conversation with Angela, her black colleague. During the short discussion with her colleague Angela, she commented that changed the perception Angela had built and felt uncomfortable and saw it wise to repair the harm and secure it as a lesson.

The author has also made a compelling submission that touches on today's oppression. Due to the value majority has given to the white culture and traditions, they fail to see it as a race contributing to the norms of the current oppression. All indications show that the normative whiteness is on display virtually everywhere. The state of Whiteness has been regarded as the primary benchmark by which other races are being evaluated. Several white people do not understand their whiteness even though they tend to build a specific virtue of sensitiveness of the issues that revolve around the race and stop further discussion about it (DiAngelo, 2015). The book had demonstrated this by illustrating the horror of a particular mother when her daughter pointed out the skin of a black man in an open. The author points out that it would not have been surprising to the mother in the case would have for a white man.

Two Major Weaknesses of the Book

This book 'White Fragility' is one of the most admirable spotlights as it shows out how and why white people put them reacts and takes up when presented with evidence of racial discrimination or that something they have said or exercised themselves may be racist; these notwithstanding the book has still received a fair amount of criticism for its depth of reasoning analysis. In her nobble work and to make the reader have a broader view of the subject matter, DiAngelo has made backing to various states and gave recognition that agreed that white supremacy is dominant more so the states that at one felt the impact of being colonized by the European countries. However, the main target and point of focus lie on the white's Fragility and the already existing social injustice in the United States, leaving many questions about other countries of reference. This situation may leave the reader in a lot of suspense with the urge to have further inquiries and elaborations of how this kind of racial discrimination and social injustice may be white fragility experienced in other states.

Consequently, McWhorter also views that DiAngelo's perception of Black people is problematic, and readers of her book are discouraged from looking for a solution. Instead, she accuses those who want to propel change of failure to commit and hard work of self-reflection. "I see no connection between DiAngelo's brand of reeducation and vigorous, constructive activism in the real world on issues of import to the Black community," opines McHorter. Who were worries about how the black men and women submitted their interest to the ideas which had been put forward by DiAngelo because they were considered adults with distinguish self-regard and principles, and few of the books about racial discrimination are seen to conflict with the interest of the back directly.

Strengths with a thoughtful Theological Engagement.

Reading this book with attention is a crucial step in attempting to move further perpetuity. It brings a sense of equality despite your area of origin, profession, or age. It encompasses everyone, be it farmer, student, engineer, or parent; everyone is equal because we all live under one messed up society dominated by social injustices and other crimes against humanity (DiAngelo, 2015). The responsibility of changing this status quo remains responsible citizens. In this scenario, Fragility opens a window to readers from the United States and creates a perception that they are better and vulnerable than others. To comprehend the white supremacy and the racist that has historically existed and persists, it is the humble duty and time for white people to steps methodically and intentionally.

Through religious teachings and dominations from areas of worship groups, they can restructure their learning and skills professionally to fit the need of the persons in such groups hence creating a strong union of students free from racial culture. The latter last-mentioned captures a range spectrum of cultural backgrounds and religious engagements, representing multifariousness with people from different origins, racial types, and civilizations in race, ethnicity, and culture. These religious organizations are mandated to carry out mediation in institutions both from the public and private sectors. Places of worship and religious institutions have the power and the vigor to bring and of their civic people the potential to draw people out of their racially isolated way of living to a more comprehensive open and interactive space based on ideas and facts rather than the color of the skin. The religious organizations create a relationship between the races, which through consensus may be turned into a miniature of the American society's community-based bond.

Houses of worship should be designed to be holy places share love, care, and acceptance, even though sometimes they become meeting points where people gather and discuss matters which are against the set doctrines like topics of racial tension., homophobia together with sexism sometimes they become arenas for subtle racial tension, homophobia and sexism (DiAngelo, 2015). The organizations of the church are designed in hierarchical and oppressive styles. Designs with their authority and power and also believed to the center of theological administration. Still, authoritarianism maintains that the male dominate over the female gender, and the same applies to the leaders of houses of worship, for example, clergy over the laity and therefore, the level and strength of oppression continues to expand and grows more profound, leading to confusions and disagreements in such sectors as religion social management.

Chapels should, by definition are intended to be spots of adoration and acknowledgment, however now and then they become fields for inconspicuous racial strain, homophobia and sexism. The associations of the congregation are organized in man centric and progressive ways with their tyranny and furthermore accepted to the focal point of philosophical organization yet dictatorship guarantees that the male beats the female and the ministry over the people; henceforth, the underlying foundations of abuse lie and becomes further. This is risky as it focuses to an issue of strict qualities and not just of social administration.

Other than theological, religious education, Black theology majorly emphasizes on "Black" view of this kind of liberation theology, which majorly embraces and responds to the evil and unpleasant reactions of the other faction of the color. The nonwhite is always considered a political and social construct instead of a natural or neutral term, which tends to embrace the view of others as opposed to reality. The people of color have gone through social frustration in different avenues. On several occasions in public or service centers, 'blacks' are often underrated and discriminated against by whites. Many hold a view that the religion associated with people's color is collocated to white theology. Hence, it is regarded as a xenophobe by design though it's just a negative perception very far from the truth. Different people carry a different understanding of the word "Black" to mean a collective or joint struggle by the people whose ethnic origin is less than the others with intentions to compete and pose a challenge to the superior group. Racism is one of the most dangerous disasters emanating between whites and blacks.


This book is essential but very necessary for evangelical Christians from all perspectives, more especially the white evangelical Christian; the author of the books speaks a language that has been nearly missing throughout the history of the white evangelical church.

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Essay Example on White Fragility-Robin DiAngelo. Main Argument in the Book. (2024, Jan 15). Retrieved from

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