Essay Example: What Is Meant by the Term Lifespan Development?

Published: 2023-08-02
Essay Example: What Is Meant by the Term Lifespan Development?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Knowledge Psychology Anxiety disorder Lifespan development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 688 words
6 min read

Lifespan development is a view of a lifelong process across the developmental domains of cognitive development, physical and psychosocial. Lifespan development defines how we grow and change from conception to death. The process involves understanding the emotional, cognitive, social, and physiological changes that people undergo in their lifetime.

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Describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how it works.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs describes how humans naturally take part in behavioral motivations. The theory consists of five human needs referred to as hierarchical levels. The needs that are lower in the hierarchy need to be satisfied before one goes to the next needs that are higher. The needs include physiological needs, which are the lowest in the hierarchy, safety needs, then love and belonging esteem needs, and finally, self-actualization needs.

What is the “Big 5” Model of personality? (OCEAN)

The big five models of personality is a suggested grouping of personality traits that include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. The big five model of personality

Describe each of the 8 types of social influence given in this chapter.

Social influence is the process by which others' actions change an individual's behavior, beliefs, and attitudes. The eight types of social influence include conformity, compliance, social roles, obedience, self-fulfilling prophecy, persuasion, propaganda, and psychological manipulation. Conformity is a change in belief, behavior, or thinking to align with normative standards or those of others. It is mostly seen among peers. Compliance occurs when an individual behaves in response to an indirect or direct request. Social roles are expectations of a certain group about how people are supposed to behave or look.

On the other hand, obedience occurs when one behaves in a certain way because an individual with a higher status has ordered them to do so. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a socio-psychological situation where a person predicts something that later emerges because an individual believes it will. Persuasion involves an individual guiding another person or themselves in adopting an attitude by symbolic or rational means. Propaganda is another type of social influence that influences an audience using facts or loaded language to encourage a particular perception and an emotional response to the presented information. Psychological manipulation aims to modify a perception or behavior through deceptive, abusive, and devious tactics.

Define and explain the function of Industrial & Organizational Psychology.

Industrial organization psychology is a discipline in psychology that focuses on improving workplace productivity and other related issues like the mental and physical well-being of employees. Industrial and organizational psychology applies the research methods and psychological principles to improve quality of life and solve the day to day problems in the workplace.

How is stress related to illness? What are some ways stress can be regulated?

Prolonged stress places the body in a continuous state prepared for physical activity. When the body has no time to regain stability, it weakens the immune system because it becomes overworked, exposing the body to sickness.

Some of the common ways to cope up and manage stress include changing the way one thinks about a problem and approaching it differently. Another way is evaluating the source of stress and learning how to solve the problem. One may also manage emotion-related stress by distracting, releasing, or managing their mental state. This may be through yoga or physical exercise.

What is an anxiety disorder? Briefly explain each of the four anxiety disorders listed in our textbook.

Anxiety disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by feelings of anxiety, worry, and fear. The four types of anxiety disorder are generalized anxiety disorder, which occurs when one feels unrealistic and excess tension and worry with little or no reason. Specific phobia involves feeling intense about a specific situation or object. The third disorder is a social phobia that occurs when one has overwhelming self-consciousness and worry about day-to-day social situations. Lastly is a panic disorder where one feels fright that attacks randomly.

What is cognitive therapy? How does it work?

Cognitive therapy works by altering people’s behavior and attitudes by focusing on thoughts, beliefs, images, and attitudes and relating them with how an individual behaves when dealing with emotional problems.

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Essay Example: What Is Meant by the Term Lifespan Development?. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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