Free Essay - Statement of Purpose for Computer Science Major (Online Program)

Published: 2023-08-30
5 min read

As the world’s utilization of technology has risen considerably over time, the use of technology in day-to-day living has been unlimited and restricted simply by the human mind. I was previously engrossed in the world of Mathematics and economics until my work experience influenced my inclination to the Computer Science field. My academic and work experience have necessitated me to use programming languages. I now look forward to being a database administrator who will establish databases for organizations in all sectors of the economy following their specific needs to guarantee that data is available for proficient and effective utilization by anyone permitted. I hope to carry on improving my abilities through an online program in computer science at Georgia Tech.

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I learned several programming languages during my studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I was pursuing my major in Mathematics and Economics. During my graduate program, I continued with an economics program, which equipped me with robust statistical and mathematical skills. In the course of the program, I also familiarized myself with Python and Stata for financial analysis as well as data management. I have likewise worked as an Operation Analyst in Morningstar, Inc. at the Chicago office. In 2017, I worked in a project for a Retirement Manager UI testing. I was responsible for bug fixing using a test environment UAT, which I achieved using Python. I was not a tech person at first. However, after tremendous testing and bug fixing, I improved my skills and project management abilities. I am confident I received excellent commendations from customers on resolving issues on time and appropriately. I have also worked on a new command system introduced by an IBM team, and I was allocated the head of system build-up and testing. I worked with the Sales, Finance, and Operation teams to re-count their needs for the new structure. I later established an interest in practical fields such as database management and administration with the two working experiences I have had. Thus, I enrolled in many online Python courses from Coursera to expand my technical skills and achieve my career objectives in addition to expanding my career options in the future.

The master's program provided by Georgia Tech is the best fit for me as I intend to take up a high-quality package without relocating from my current home country. I have been taking online classes during my leisure time for a long time, so I am used to learning through the massive online format. The computer science program will also help me to improve my programming skills as well as my database administration skillset I will require to be proficient in the database administration profession. Using the knowledge I will gain in this program, and I hope to learn more about database design, database performance, and security implementation. These capabilities will make me competent in the leading database administrator roles of keeping the data dictionary, implementing organizational principles and safety, and monitoring the overall performance, thus make me well-rounded in the computer science field. This program will equip me with the training I require to be a distinctive database administrator with both creative flairs and mastery of database administration.

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