Essay Example. Ways in Which the Church Both Supported and Retarded Scientific Activity

Published: 2023-08-01
Essay Example. Ways in Which the Church Both Supported and Retarded Scientific Activity
Essay type:  Cause and effect essays
Categories:  History Science Christianity Church
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 667 words
6 min read

Commonly, the church is referred to as a building that is used for community worship. It is referred by many as an organization where people gather to share God's message. Nevertheless, this does not match with what was referred to as the church by the early Christians because at that time church was not a building, but people used to gather secretly at their homes (Hannam, 2007). When the word church is mentioned, most people think of it as a building, but in a real sense, it is more than a building. As Christianity’s spread influence, buildings dictated devotion was established and turned to be what is referred to as church today. This paper discusses how scientific activities were both supported as well as retarded by the church in the period of medieval hence giving the approach for the two-sided approach.

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Although weak in the theory of astronomy, granted a responsibility to look for heavenly omens, astronomers from China turned out to be acute observers. With reliable intelligence dating from the 18th century Before Christ as well as perchance from the Shang Reign, the range of accomplishments from Chinese observational is impressive. As in cultures in different places, the world of medicine and doctors became sturdily standardized as well as developed. Wealthy, along with aristocratic families, utilized physicians, where court physicians haunted especially high positions, in part due to their expertise concerning poison as well as snakebites. Top-level physicians distinguished themselves from empirics by training along with licensing. At Nalanda, the regional Centres thrived as a medical institutions from the 15th through the 12th centuries BCE (Hannam, 2007). In addition to that, the rule of Muslims brought advanced irrigation along with hydraulic technology the agriculture of North India, comprising the artificial lakes utilization.

The church is retarded in various ways. Since disagreement in the firmaments supposedly indicated disagreement in the rule of the empire, astronomy became a state matter at an initial period along with the official patronage recipients. Professional personnel administered the observations for astronomy as well as the calendar even prior the China unification in 221 BCE and momentarily Bureau of Astronomy, or Board of Imperial assumed jurisdiction. The emperor’s astronomical reports were state secrets and since they were dealing with portents, omens, as well as related matters to politico-religious, official astronomers employed un unusual dwelling in the entire bureaucracy with workplaces locked to the quarters of the emperor (Hannam, 2007). The astronomers from China played a mild protagonists that affected astronomic observations sometimes for political reasons. Compared to the Islamic world or China, traditions of study in ordinary art were less dynamic in India. In some parts, the unearthly, Indian religions’ original character militated in contradiction to nature’s direct study. In several customs, the major beliefs of Hinduism, Jainism, along with Buddhism envision the daily universe as a magnificent illusion with an awe-inspiring theological authenticity underlying a short-lived world of appearances.

For the two sided-approach, the science for Christians is the faith allowance that is grounded on expectations as well as works of acquiring a residence with the groups of mysteries of new-flagged strict developments. Science has both advantages and disadvantages to the church in this is why were it is the positive church will always support it, and in case of negativity, the church will be against it (Hannam, 2007). One tactic to recognize science, as well as belief, is the circumstance that science alarms the natural world, whereas religion alarms both the extraordinary as well as the characteristics.

In conclusion, both church and science match and differ in various ways. At one point in life, one must depend on the other and in another they contradict each other. Science has brought several changes to the churches regardless of the faith of the believers, and also the church has contributed to some changes in science. Two should work together for the development of the entire world.


Hannam, J. (2007). Science and Church in the Middle Ages. Retrieved 13 May 2020, from

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Essay Example. Ways in Which the Church Both Supported and Retarded Scientific Activity. (2023, Aug 01). Retrieved from

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