Violence on Campus. Essay Example

Published: 2023-08-13
Violence on Campus. Essay Example
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  College Violence Bullying Essays by pagecount
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1230 words
11 min read

In recent times, numerous campuses have reported a growing concern about violence rates and their impacts on students of campuses and colleges. Multiple concerns have been raised on whether institutions and governmental bodies are doing enough to curb the ever-growing issue. Numerous students of diverse ethnicity are usually targeted, and hence, violence rates and effects may have a lifelong effect on such victims. Violence in schools and campuses do not limit to students only but to teachers and lecturers as well. Such is attributed to the increasing number of gang presence in neighborhoods and institutions in which recruits are initiated and hence become part of the union.

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These violence cases take multiple forms ranging from sexual violence, cyber-attacks, school shootings, bombings, terrorist attacks, and much more. Across America, women aged between 18-24 years are deemed to be highly susceptible to rape cases, which are usually undertaken through applying physical force, incapacitation, and much more. 8.8% of females and 2.2% of males usually encounter sexual assault experiences, while 4.2% of students have been stalk victims since they arrived in colleges and campus (Banyard, Mary, and Maria 446). About 21% of LGBTQ community college students have reported sexual assault cases. Nearly 86% of campus law enforcement agencies have mandates to carry out arrests within the college grounds (Banyard et al., 447).

Violence cases on campuses and colleges are usually attributed to some sizeable causes. As such, risk claims on such happenings can best be understood in terms of survey reports carried out on crime rates and violence cases affecting first-year students and other on-site staff and employees at the campuses. Most females across campuses tend to experience more violent experiences in the form of rape or sexual assault, as they are easy targets for perpetrators (Banyard et al., 447). The perpetrators range from classmates, friends, lecturers, and even staff employees on campuses. The malicious use of ulterior methods is the primary cause of violence on campuses. Each and everyone at the campus experience different forms of abuse during their stay on campus, and even after graduating from campus. Online bullying is also a significant violence form in campuses in that students at times receive unwarranted messages and calls on issues about their sexuality or personal life and are therefore intimidated by perpetrators. They, therefore, become victims of continued abuse due to delayed efforts in terms of action taken from authorized law bodies governing students' rights. The violence rates are also high amongst staff members and lecturers in which they are bullied or assaulted by unsuspecting students regarding educational impositions they impose on them.

Such violent experiences usually cause unprecedented consequences as some of the sexual assault victims end up suffering from long term effects of physical and emotional trauma caused by the occurrence of rape experiences. As such, some drop out of campus; others change their lives while others drop in terms of academic performance. These violent cases can be attributed to a given number of factors that facilitate the indulgence in such unethical behaviors. Amongst them are behaviors and attitudes. Most campus populations consist of multiple ethnic compositions with different backgrounds and cultural beliefs and norms. As such, some of the students come from very abusive families in which violence is a norm and, therefore, becomes a habit due to its consistency and lack of moral appeal (Dills, Dawn, and Gayle n.p). As such, such families are unstable, and henceforth a child who later becomes a student adopts such a form of the mechanism as a means of survival and a way of communicating their emotions and feelings. Such attributes tend to be triggering factors for such individuals to engage in violence; hence they become perpetrators to unsuspecting victims.

Another factor is the access to weapons in which perpetrators begin to perform unrighteous deeds of violation based on the fact that weapons are readily available. In American society, multiple cases of gang-related shootings and school killings have been reported in recent times. Law investigators and professional reports attribute the increment as a result of the uncontrolled flowage of guns in and out of neighborhoods within different states. Weak gun control laws in some states have led to the increment of assault cases on campuses creating an emotional wave of uncertainty in harmonious living amongst students and staff members on campuses. Environmental impact is also a significant cause agent in that the campus populations consist of mixed races, ethnic groups, and income levels of different ideologies (Dills, Dawn, and Gayle n.p). Such dispositions act as grounds for which crimes and injustices are carried out. The disparities in wealth incomes expose campus students to unprecedented abuse from friends, stalkers, and even classmates, creating a disharmony. Unreliable law systems also impose many bearings on violence on campuses due to slow reactions on mandates of violence cases and their aftermaths. As such, unscholarly efforts lead to numerous unprecedented loopholes.

These developments lead an institution to come up with a resounding notion on how to mitigate such divergent claims. There is a need, therefore, for communities within institutions to impose better rulings on violence cases on campuses and mitigate such risks. Imposing clear jurisdictions involves coming up with a prevention strategy that streamlines institutional efforts on identifying and correcting the perpetrators of particular cases. Imposing clear measures helps in implementing flexible terms through various departmental functions toss on rights violations and campus violence. Such efforts, therefore, help in implementing directive efforts inclined to limit violence scope and limiting the effects experienced by victims. There is a need to identify the motives and risk factors that can expose one to be a victim of such consequences. Such efforts help to minimize possible resultant effects on students and the campus community at large (Duncan 269). The prevention strategies for such claims help to streamline efficiency in regards to law imposition on identified suspects, thus bringing them forward for interrogation and administration of similar jurisdictional rulings. Campuses would hence be able to develop a new plan for addressing possible threats and means of eliminating future occurrences in any area; thus, communication patterns and flow should ideally adjust the scope of everyone affected by the violence cases.

In summary, campus violence cases are emerging threats and thus should be looked into. Mitigating these concerns levels helps to create a justifiable community prospect in which rights imposition and inadequacy are addressed sufficiently. Creating a self-study program helps to mitigate and create ideal network settings in which campus members can raise their concerns on policies addressing assault cases and what law enforcement agencies within the college should do. Suh's developmental efforts are resounding benefits in that a community would be able to coexist peacefully while keeping violence at bay. Elaborate structuring and reasoning serve as critical elements in eradicating any unresolved concerns and efforts imposed by threat factors. Such flexible strategies allow for changes, therefore, covering any left-out objectives directed at imposing quality needs and rights evaluation

Works Cited

Banyard, Victoria L., Mary M. Moynihan, and Maria T. Crossman. "Reducing Sexual Violence on Campus: The Role of Student Leaders as empowered bystanders." Journal of College Student Development 50.4 (2009): 446-457.

Dills, Jenny, Dawn Fowler, and Gayle Payne. "Sexual Violence on Campus: Strategies for prevention." (2016).

Duncan, Susan H. "College Bullies-Precursors to Campus Violence: What should universities and college administrators know about the law." Vill. L. Rev. 55 (2010): 269.

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Violence on Campus. Essay Example. (2023, Aug 13). Retrieved from

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