Research Assessment Questionnaire Example

Published: 2019-10-30
Research Assessment Questionnaire Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Research Analysis
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1780 words
15 min read

Title: Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

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Does the title point to the subject and scope of the study? (.n.d). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X No, it does not. The article focuses on on-line learning experiences of college students. There was no inference (reference) of on-line classes in the title of the article.

Does the title stimulate reader interest? (.n.d). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X No, the article made us want to take a snooze as soon as we read the title.

Yikes, Im not sure she will accept as graduate term.

Summary: This title of this paper was not properly written by the author because it had no inferences and other relevant information

Abstract Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Did the author include the overall purpose of the study and the research problem being investigated? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from

X Yes the author stated in the abstract: In order to gain a better understanding of the ways in which an instructor could enhance an on-line learning experience, we surveyed 96 students enrolled in on-line Health Promotion and Wellness courses

Did the author include the design of the study?

(n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from

X Yes the author indicated the study was a survey and that 96 students were surveyed.

Did the author share the major findings found as a result of the study?

(n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from

X Yes, the author shared some of the major findings of the study in the abstract. (He stated) Some of the main findings from the survey of the students were stated.

Did the author provide a summary of their conclusions? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from

X Yes, although the conclusions mentioned in the abstract had no hard data to support them. The reader has to read through the whole article to get to the hard, supporting data.

Summary: The abstract of this article is very interesting as it covers most of the information required in a comprehensive abstract.

Introduction Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Was there a research problem or question identified?

(n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from

X No, there was no clear research problem or question identified.

Does the introduction contain an exploratory question or hypothesis?

(Fankel&Warren 2010) X Yes, the author is trying to determine the effectiveness of on-line learning instead of classroom learning.

(I would say no it does not have a specific question, even the survey questions are vague.

Does the introduction contain any operational definitions (i.e. is there enough background terminology to provide the reader with proper background information and context)? (Frankel & Warren 2010)(we need the page number on this) X Yes, the author defines what distance learning is.

Did the researchers conduct a literature review of related studies?

(n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from

X Is this required in a pilot study?

Summary: The introduction of this article could not reflect problem statement of this study but the only advantage is that it has proper explanations regarding the subject matter.

Literature Review Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Did the researchers conduct a literature review of related studies? (Levy & Ellis, 2006).

(need page number) x No, the author did not included other related studies in his article.

Summary: Research Problem Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Is the research problem researchable? (Bhattachergee, 2012 pg. 24) X The author never disclosed a specific research problem

Is the research problem relevant? (Bhattachergee, 2012 pg. 24) X The author never disclosed a specific research problem


The author failed to refer to other relevant studies and therefore there was no comparison of result of this study with other previous studies.

Research Design Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Was the research method selected and clearly stated within the article? (Bhattachergee, 2012 pg. 22)

X Yes, the author stated his research method which was a survey and also included the questions that made up the survey.


Research Hypothesis Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Does the research hypothesis specify directionality? (Bhattachergee, 2012 p. 13) X No, the hypothesis of the author are not able to direct the reader

Does the research hypothesis specify causality? (Bhattachergee, 2012 p. 13) X No, the author also failed to reflect causality in his hypothesis.

Does the research hypothesis specify independent and dependent variables? (Bhattachergee, 2012 p. 13) X Yes, the hypothesis of the author is able to identify independents and dependent variable to help in his analysis.

Summary: The hypothesis of this research was not able to reflect specific causality and directionality. It could only use specific dependent and independent variables.

Instrumentation Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Are the instruments clearly described? (Bhattachergee, 2012 pg 57-60) X The author also described his research instruments properly by stating them to the readers and also explaining the way they are carried out.

Are the chosen measurement instruments reliable? (Bhattachergee, 2012 pp 23,36) X There is also high reliability of the measurements chosen in this research. The author ensures that all the instruments are reliable and able to provide accurate data.

Are the chosen measurement instruments a valid measure of theory being researched? (Bhattachergee, 2012 pg 23,36) X Yes, because all the measurement instruments selected by the Author are able to support this study and produce accurate result

Summary: The method used to collect data were very reliable and were able to support the collection of relevant data from different sources.

Ethics Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Is the research conducted in an ethical manner? (Bhattachergee, 2012p. 137) X Study participants remained anonymous

Did the participants give informed consent? (Bhattachergee, 2012, p. 137 ) X Yes, they were able to provide relevant information that could support the effectiveness of this research

Summary: The researcher considered ethical concerns because they obtained authority from relevant officers. The research was also done in an ethical manner because there was confidentiality of the participants information.

Selection of Participants Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Did the author use a well-defined sampling technique? (Bhattacherjee, 2012 p. 66) X The sample technique that the Author used in this study was well defined and could allow the researcher to collect and analyze correct and accurate data.

The selection of participants is clearly stated? (Bhattachergee, 2012 p. 66) X The Author also stated clearly how the participants were collected as the author revealed the respondents were selected randomly.

Does the sampling frame correspond to the population of interest? (Bhattachergee, 2012 p. 66) X Yes, it corresponds because there were only 123 students who were enrolled for the course.

Summary: Limitations Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Did the author identify the study's limitations and weaknesses? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from

X No, the Author did not even identified the problems he faced during his study

Did the author comment on the relative importance of the study's limitations to the overall interpretation of the results? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X It was not very important in this research.

Summary: It therefore mean that there were other gaps such as provision of research limitations that the author need to add for this article be more credible

Discussion Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Does the content explain whether or not the results were expected? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X The author only provides the results without explaining his expectation.

Does the content go into greater depth when explaining findings and explain their meaning? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X Yes, the findings was explained in details with their meaning to allow the reader understand the result of this study.

Does the content reference to previous research by comparing their results with the findings from other studies? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X Yes, the author compares result of the previous studies with his result to ensure there is consistency

Does the content carefully consider all possible explanations for the study results? (n.d.). Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X All the possible explanations were considered in this research because all the information concerning on-line learning were included

Summary: The author provides the entire requirement when writing the discussion section of this article. It therefore shows that this article is able to explain the research findings in details.

Results Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Did the authors restate the research problem? Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X No, The author just highlighted the research result of his study without restating the research problem.

Did the authors summarize their findings in a logical sequence? Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X Yes, The results were arranged logically that the reader can easily be followed.

Is the content presented in a factual and concise way? Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X Yes, because the reader is able to understand the research findings without the assistance of the expert.

Did the author use figures, charts, tables, etc. when appropriate to display findings? Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X Yes, the author used tables to present his data such as table 1 that shows the importance of certain instructors activities.

Summary: This section was well presented as the author presented results of his research in a more precise way that can be understood easily by the readers.

Recommendations Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Did the author make suggestions for future research? Retrieved September 1, 2016, from X The author concluded that further research is required to answer the original research problem.

Suggestions for future research I suggest that the future researchers should consider ethical issues when carrying out future research.

It is also important to include research limitation to ensure that they are doing not affect future research.

Summary: It is suggested that by the author of this research that it is important to consider ethics and research limitations when writing future research.

Correlational Research Design Yes No N/A Explanation from Readings

Is there a relationship between the variables in the article? (Lomax, 2013 no pg #) Need p. # X Yes, there is a close relationship between two or more quantitative variable.

Did the research study contain two or more quantitative variables? X Yes, because it is able to rank students numerically and als...

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Research Assessment Questionnaire Example. (2019, Oct 30). Retrieved from

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