The Rationale for Pursuing the Nursing Profession - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-14
The Rationale for Pursuing the Nursing Profession - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Medicine Employment Healthcare Nursing leadership
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 617 words
6 min read


Beyond the assumed qualities of caring for others, my rationale for pursuing nursing as my profession is based on the advancing health and leading change. Strong leadership is essential in the future of nursing. For any effective transformation of the health care system, strong leadership must be realized. I understand that throughout the healthcare system nursing profession is required to produce strong leaders to serve as full partners with others and be accountable for the delivery of high-quality care based on their contributions which they can achieve by collaborating with other health profession leaders.

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To realize the vision of a healthcare system that is transformed, strong leadership is highly essential, and it should be implemented. In most cases, the public does not view the nursing profession as a form of leadership. Still, all nurses are expected to have strong leadership skills in evaluation, implementation and advocacy for any reforms in the nursing health system (Wood 1-2). As a nurse, I require competencies and leadership skills to work with other health professionals and physicians in redesigning and reforming any efforts in the health care system. The nursing profession continues to develop; hence it requires significant improvements that involve adopting policy changes throughout the health care system. In this context, as a nurse, I am required to translate any new research findings into nursing education, practice and policy.

Pursuing nursing profession requires me to be a full transcends partner in all nursing levels, which requires excellent leadership skills in collaborating with other health professionals and within the nursing profession. The nursing profession requires strong patient advocates which involve healthy decision making aspect on how to deliver and improve care in the health care system. There are many roles that leadership in nursing profession plays such as identifying areas of waste and problems, tracking improvements, implementing and devising improvement plans and making proper adjustments to establish goals in the healthcare system (Wood 2). Conceptualizing roles to develop and shape nursing healthcare is one of the critical things that professional nursing leaders should practice. Pursuing nursing profession is also based on how nurses are expected to serve actively on commissions, advisory committees and boards, primarily where policy decisions are implemented in advancing health systems as well as improving patient care.

Characteristics that will make you Successful in the Nursing Program

There are various leadership characteristics that I possess and will make me successful in the nursing program. Some of these characteristics include emotional intelligence, critical thinking, integrity, communication skills and professional socialization, among others. I am focusing on emotional intelligence as a nurse leader. I am expected to work closely with other nursing professionals, especially the trainees, to assist them in developing their emotional intelligence. Developing emotional intelligence is quite essential since peers get support to cope with everyday challenges. As a nursing professional, I will be able to help the trainees manage any challenges that might result in poor team collaboration and emotional exhaustion.

Critical thinking will help me guide unpolished practitioners to develop their ability to make decisions. As a nurse leader, I believe that this skill is essential in increasing multidisciplinary collaboration instances in the healthcare environment. Integrity is one of the primaries for all professional nursing leaders. It will help me in making the right decisions in any necessary treatments plan. Effective and safe care decisions are intrinsic and should be practiced ethically by all nurse leaders. I also possess excellent communication skills that will help me to collaborate in the nursing healthcare system. The medical profession requires a lot of engagement which is achieved through practical communication skills.

Work Cited

Wood, Robert. The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. The National Academies Press, 2010.

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