The Mathematics of Real Life - Free Essay

Published: 2023-11-19
The Mathematics of Real Life - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Knowledge Mathematics
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 926 words
8 min read

Mathematics is essential and can be applied in various fields to give solutions to real-life problems. The concept bases on numbers so that it can prove either a fact is true or false. Therefore, the higher the numbers that show a fact, the more a fact is said to be depended upon.

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Part 1: The Story

Step 1: Watch or Read

Data Literacy: Real-world Learning through Problem-Solving with Data set.

Step 2: Identify

The mathematical finding is essential as they ensure that the best fact is obtained in a given problem. It is important to note that numbers are used for proving a given fact to indicate that the fact is accepted or it is not accepted.

Part 2: Potential Bias

Step 3: Uncover Bias

Various biases are presented by the author and show the barriers that the author has witnessed. Some of the bias that can be seen in the story is financial bias and patent. The author had to uncover information before publishing the article.

Step 4: Address these Questions

Potential Bias

Potential bias are biases that do not show that the work has been compromised, not it makes the author not publish his work. Potential bias can be said to come from any affiliation, financial holding, and funding that can be said to affect the objectivity of the review. Some of the common factors of potential bais include employment, membership related to organization advocacy, support or funding, patents together with significant financial holding. During the time of publication, it is noted that authors are supposed to submit the Disclosure of Potential Bias from in the publication process (Alarid-Escudero & Kuntz, 2020).

The potential bias that guides interpretation depends on whether the author disclosed his potential bias, such as the funding of the publication, his professional affiliation, the grants that the author received in the past years, the financial holding of the author, and employment (Stewart, 2019). These factors are noted to have potential bias and are noted to be necessary for the interpretation of the publication.

Informed Decisions

Informed decisions are very crucial, and they depend solely on facts in the mathematical sector. To make informed decisions, there is a need for comparing various facts and coming up with the best out of the many particulars. Decisions are said to be activities that are carried out every day, and they are supposed to adhere to and followed closely to reach solutions ( Alarid-Escudero & Kuntz, 2020). Informed decisions require that one has to gather information, think about potential solutions, analyze all the possible solutions to the problem, s and ultimately arrive at the best course of the actions after comparing various alternatives.

The first step in coming up with an informed decision involves identifying the problem that is supposed to be solved. The problem is the primary factor that is supposed to be addressed. Secondly, collecting the required data and information that will be used for solving a given problem. It is essential to consider collecting relevant information that can be used for solving the problem (Stewart, 2019). Thirdly, brainstorm all the possible approaches that can be used to solve the problem. This involves comparing various methods so that the best way or solution can be taken. Fourthly, picking the best solution and coming up with a plan on how to deploy the solution to the public. Lastly, reviewing the decision that you made to ensure that it is the best decision for solving the problem at hand.

Roles of Bias and Extraneous Variables in Decision Making

Biases and extraneous variables can be said to have effects on how decisions are made. To be precise, biases can be said to have a negative response to how decisions are made. Biases can be referred to as how individuals think can have a major barrier in the process of making decisions (Alarid-Escudero & Kuntz, 2020). Biases are flagged by distorting and disrupting objective compilation of any given issue through the introduction of influences into the process of decision making that usually separates from the decision itself. On the other hand, it is essential to note that external variables are all variables that are not independent but tend to affect the outcome of any given experiment. These variables are supposed to be controlled all the time so that they do not affect the outcome of a result. In decision making, extraneous variables are significant as they explained the alternative effects (Alarid-Escudero & Kuntz, 2020).

Step 5: Conclude

Being human means that everyone has a personal bias that affects his life both professionally and out of professional life. The subjective word of everyone is influenced by education, beliefs, values, peers, experiences, friends, and families. For one to be aware of his biases is vital to how the individual leaves both professional and personal-well being (Alarid-Escudero, F., & Kuntz, 2020). An example of a personal bias that is noted to affect my professional choice can be said to be education. Individuals who have higher education are said to have many choices to choose from as compared to those that do not have the proper knowledge.


Stewart, S. (2019). Addressing Potential Bias: The Imbalance of Former Prosecutors and Former Public Defenders on the Bench. J. Legal Prof., 44, 127.

Alarid-Escudero, F., & Kuntz, K. M. (2020). Potential Bias Associated with Modeling the Effectiveness of Healthcare Interventions in Reducing Mortality Using an Overall Hazard Ratio. PharmacoEconomics, 38(3), 285-296.

Goodman, B., & Flaxman, S. (2017). European Union regulations on algorithmic decision-making and a “right to explanation”. AI magazine, 38(3), 50-57.

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The Mathematics of Real Life - Free Essay. (2023, Nov 19). Retrieved from

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