The Intent of the Public Policy (Implicit and Explicit) - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-16
The Intent of the Public Policy (Implicit and Explicit) - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Policy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1126 words
10 min read


The purpose of the public policy is to set the course of action over a given period by the government officials but not as individuals. The two systems discussed are economic and cultural policies in the United States and how they affect business. Some public policies are implicit and others explicit. Implicitly monetary policy is not primarily formulated to center on the informal economy; they have usually considered externalities measures to the system rather than their primary focus. In the public policy field, some economic policies possess a hidden cultural purpose hence meet the requirement to be implicit cultural policy. The U.S.'s artistic approach focuses on arts initiatives, and the National Endowment for the Arts funds it abbreviated as NEA, among others (Ahearne, 2009). The United States has patchy arts and cultural policy systems; however, the creative placemaking has succeeded in progressing cultural policy.

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What Is the Public Agenda Surrounding the Public Policy?The policy list is composed of the demands that the decision-makers agree to look at; it's weighed according to the policymakers' political urgency. The public plan surrounding both economic agenda and cultural policies is that the two systems have acquired political support from the policymakers, activities, and citizens. For instance, the cultural institution receives funding from the United States to grow the theatre industries, thus creating opportunities for her citizens by creating job opportunities for those in the cultural sector. Economic policy in the United States is supported in the public agenda since the U.S treasury ensures the prosperity and development in the United States economy and world economies through assisting in determining appropriate economic policies.

Is The Policy Appropriate Or In Appropriate

The economic policy is appropriate because it plays a vital role in raising the United States' GDP. Countries with the proliferating economy are usually engaging in international trade, unlike developing countries that are only involved in import and export taxes, resulting in a low growth GDP ratio. Any rational economic policy is always funded by the U.S treasury to create revenue for the country. It either depends on the level at which the economic and social development of a nation. Cultural policy is also appropriate since the United States has funded the project towards reviving the theatre, arts industries to provide a platform for the communities to participate and preserve their heritage for decades to create employment and boost the economy.

What Resources Do The Public Policy Provides

The cultural policy provides many resources to the public; for instance, it offers networking, especially theatres and art. It also provides learning opportunities, internships, and helping those venturing into cultural policies (Smidt, 2012) professions to develop skills and expertise they require to be successful in this field. The American society for public Administration (ASPA), the most prominent professional public organization in the entire world, is focused on advancing the art, science, educating, and encouraging public and nonpartisan administration practice. Members who are already subscribed to this public administration receive training seminars and learning opportunities through webinars.

Should This Bill Have Being Implemented?

The bill should be implemented since cultural and economic policies provide various benefits to society. According to Ahearne (2009), the cultural system plays an essential role in theatre and art. It is created to preserve and protect cultural goods and values, enhance artistic creativity, and establish a cultural field. Cultural policies develop various areas of interest, even the issue of heritage is addressed, parks, zoos, and even libraries and museums are included in the education sector through the public. According to Kurin (2004), UNESCO was formed in 2006 to centralize arts education to a world plan for human development and social transformation sustainability.

Does It Address That Public Problem

The policies address public problems; the economic system provides small additions to education's growth rate. If everything is done correctly, the growth might be tremendous for developed economies such as that of the United States. Economic liberalization in Latin America is an excellent example of how these policies have addressed the public problem ( Jerath, et al., 2016). The cultural policy also plays a critical role in addressing the general issue because both are deeply associated with significant financial support. United States Office, local public authority, and a state agency, the federal agency does the same on top of that.

Have There Been Any Amendments To The Public Policy?

A balanced budget amendment, this constitutional rule requires that any U.S state cannot spend more than it generates, in this case. It must balance between expenditure and the projected receipts. According to Dickler and Shaw, (2000), the amendment aims at putting the politicians in power in check by restricting them from making uncountable and irresponsible short-term decisions while in office. This amendment, therefore, brings higher fiscal discipline.

What Was The Reason For The Amendments?

The balanced budget amendment was passed in the U.S in every state except Vermont. A balanced budget minimizes overspending and limits politicians from misusing public funds allocated in their respective countries. However, the legislature is allowed to suspend the rule when and only there is a national emergency, war, or recession.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages of The Public Policy?


The cultural policy brings cultural heritage and opportunity through funding, taxes, and education.

Culture is a means to speed up and change failed schools. Also, it's a way to reclaim the role of America in the world.

Art has aesthetic value since it enriches, glorifies, expresses, and amuses.


The USA has no cultural ministry; therefore, cultural programs are highly fragmented, making it difficult to administrate NEA, not a culture ministry.

Children from a lower socioeconomic status, popularly known as SES (Springer et al, 2015) in the U.S, are at risk for obesity.


Ahearne, J. (2009). Cultural Policy Explicit And Implicit: A Distinction And Some Uses. International Journal Of Cultural Policy, 15(2), 141-153.


Bosserman, B. (2011). The National Security Implications Of A Balanced Budget Amendment. Center For Strategic And International Studies.

Kherallah, M., & Kirsten, J. F. (2002). THE NEW INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS: APPLICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURAL POLICY RESEARCH IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: “New Institutional Economists Are The Blue-Collar Guys With A Hearty Appetite For Reality.” Oliver Williamson, 2000a. Agrekon, 41(2), 110-133.

Smidt, C. D. (2012). Not All News Is The Same: Protests, Presidents, And The Mass Public Agenda. Public Opinion Quarterly, 76(1), 72-94 .Http://Citeseerx.Ist.Psu.Edu/Viewdoc/Download?Doi=

Springer, A. E., Li, L., Ranjit, N., Delk, J., Mehta, K., & Kelder, S. H. (2015). School-Level Economic Disadvantage And Obesity In Middle School Children In Central Texas, Usa: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Journal Of Behavioral Nutrition And Physical Activity, 12(1), 1-11.


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