The Gender Roles and the idea of Masculinity and Femininity - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-16
The Gender Roles and the idea of Masculinity and Femininity - Essay Sample
Essay type:  Book review
Categories:  Women Gender Discrimination Character analysis
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1030 words
9 min read

Community and global address on the discussion for gender equality concentrations on the harassment of women, as it rightly should. However, the effect that outdated male assumptions have on the continuation of gender imbalance, at a global scale, also needs to be emphasized. This report asks how male domination influences how males engage with gender imbalance. This essay will talk about gender roles as it is explained in Bloodchild” and “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves’ short stories.

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“Bloodchild” talks about how women are abused and humiliated in society. As much as the women do not like to carry the eggs, but are afraid of humiliation in the following day. Women are forced to sleep through stinging. “Xuan Hoa, take off her shoes, “T’Gatoi said (Butler, 3). “The short story is used to explain how women are racially abused in society due to their gender and skin color. This makes it more difficult for women to lead a normal life in society. As much as the women are oppressed in the context, they are still expected to follow the rules and regulations of the society, as depicted in the story “My older sister obeyed, swaying drunk as she stood up” (Butler, 13). This shows how difficult women face different situations that they are expected to comply with. Butler’s argument that individuals are terrified of what is not the same relations in with the subject of oppression and racial harassment in that she uses how humans are terrified for anything which they cannot depict as known to them. It is worse when racial discrimination is to women compared to men.

Bloodchild has explained the oppression of women as one of the major themes in the short story. The character in the story is forcefully engaged in sex (raped), involvements incestuous affairs (San Miguel, 40). Such a dominated and forceful relationship is expressed in many parts of the story in “Bloodchild.” From the story, it is evident that men can commit such atrocities, but it seems normal to them. This may be affected by the fact that it is a masculine dominated society. Women being treated as slaves to women are another theme that oppresses women; however, the theme has been explained differently.

T’Gatoi, however woman, imitates outdated maleness. She is bodily capable, being tall and physically strong than Gan T’Gatoi under no circumstances made an appeal, but only offers instructions, even the time when T’Gatoi is in Gan’s family’s home (Butler 18). When she fetches sterilized eggs for the family to take for conceiving, for example, T’ Gan Gatoi commands who gets extra and more. T’Gatoi is also publicly foremost: she is a prosperous representative and the leader of the Preserve, using this might to defend the HYPERLINK "" Terrans from the “gangs” of worried HYPERLINK "" Tlic that would eat them (Davis, 315). This indicates the dominance and accountability that men have long held in male-controlled communities. Through distinction, it’s evident that Gan—inhabiting a customary woman responsibility—is not the same to T’Gatoi in their love affair. Gan is selected from delivery to undertake T’Gatoi’s siblings in his body, minus ever having any opinion, which forms the agreement between the Terran and the Tlic.

Feminism and masculinity can be explained in St. Lucy’s wolf girls. The girls forget their new “home” and spray “exuberant yellow streams all over the bunks” while jumping around and nuzzling each other (Russell 226). This reserve and disrespect to concern are stereotypically related to men’s physiognomies, especially in male kids. The changes to femaleness and regulations start with the switch of the females’ identities (Perttula 15). Females are given exceptionally womanlike identities: “Jeanette,” “Mirabella,” “Linette,” and “Claudette.” This is a deliberate plan, as their new identities are essentially related to female abilities and beliefs. Had the misses been assigned with hermaphrodite identities, they would have been assisted, at a written form like in a book, to make visits between two genders. Hence, altering their identities indistinguishably secured them to a set sex identity. Furthermore, the altering of the identities separated them from their earlier experience and life. Changing their names means cutting the links with the normal life experience.

Upon detailed examination, we see the most significant assessment is of gender. “Saint Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” imposes distinctive female gender roles on wolf children of both female and male (Russell 230). This obligation generates submissiveness and discloses the effort to be a critique of male-controlled culture. Upon the sibling's consent their effeminate exercise, they start controlling themselves and others, as well as be unable to find their need and readiness to help each other. This discloses the command configuration and capability to influence formed through the obligation of the distinctive women’s gender responsibilities. The girls are given tranquilizers against their wishes so that they can be stimulated (Scrivner 41). They are prevented from experiencing their youth dreams. They are forced to adjust to normal life as it is explained in stage 2; after a time, your students realize that they must work to adjust to the new culture (Perttula 24). This work may be stressful, and students may experience a strong sense of dislocation.” Women in this set are denied conjugal rights, they have the feeling, but they are duped not to do so.

Work Cited

Butler, Octavia E. “Afterword to “Bloodchild.”.” Octavia E. Butler, Bloodchild and Other Stories (New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1995) (1996): 30-32.

Davis, Jalondra A. “Butler’s Monsters: The Grotesque and the Black Communal Body in Octavia Butler’s Dawn.” On the Politics of Ugliness. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018. 309-334.Perttula, Jill. “Cultivating and developing critical thinkers in the ninth grade: How to be a” thoughtful” reader and writer according to Ms. B.” Virginia English Journal 69.1 (2019).Russell, Karen. “St Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.” (2007).

San Miguel, María Ferrández. “Appropriated Bodies: Trauma, Biopower and the Posthuman in Octavia Butler’s “Bloodchild” and James Tiptree, Jr.’s “The Girl Who Was Plugged In”.” Atlantis. Journal of the Spanish Association for Anglo-American Studies (2018): 27-44.

Scrivner, Luan. “There is Magic and There is Madness: A Look Inside Karren Russell’s St. Luchy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves.” Celebrating Writers and Writing in our Communities 1.1 (2019): 20.

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