Free Essay on the Educational Approach to Research

Published: 2017-12-07
Free Essay on the Educational Approach to Research
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Data analysis Research
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1134 words
10 min read

Sampling Technique

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This research used a probabilistic sampling technique to group the data into the required categorization. The sample is gathered in a process that each paper had an equal chance to be used in the research, based on the relevance of the information. The information was searched online according to the relevance of the information contained. Additionally, the papers were searched according to their year of publication, in that those published between 2010 and 2016 were most probably to be used in the research.

For the field study, the participants in this research will be sampled in a company setting. The cross-sectional sample for this study will include ten organizations in the United Kingdom. The process will involve rigorous screening procedures, whereby the importance will be placed on the approximated number individuals. The process will include rigorous testing procedures, whereby the emphasis will be put on the approximated number individuals. Out of the chosen group of companies, a fraction of members of the organizations will be used in the research.

The plan to recruit the preferred sample will be based on a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey tool will be randomly distributed in the. Those who will respond to the questionnaire and submit the answers will be chosen to take part in the study.

Instruments of Data Collection

This research will involve the use of data collection instruments to get data from the participants of the investigation. The tools are surveys, the observation grids, interviews, and self-report. The variety of instruments would guarantee the accuracy of the information obtained.


Surveys will be given to the sampled individuals to respond to and provide information about their perspective on the research questions. Each will fill a survey separately and hand over for comparison. It will be an effective way to cover the entire population within a short time.


The researcher, with the sampled individuals as the respondents, will do private interviews on the research questions and their responses recorded. It will provide accurate information from the respective respondents.


The respondents will be required to give their account of what they think about the incorporation of learning in corporate organizations without the influence of the research questions.

Observation grids

Here, the researcher observes the subjects freely as they interact to get their perspective on the research questions.

Data Analysis Techniques

After the collection of data, the data was organized and analyzed. To answer the first research question, “What is the relationship between the educational approach and the effectiveness of professional education?” the professional quality of individuals who have gone through professional education in various approached will be compared. To answer the second research question, “What is the relationship between the professional finance education and the performance of finance institutions?” the success of companies that have incorporated professional education will be evaluated, while comparing with those that rely on just the knowledge the professionals get at college. To answer the third research question, “What is the relationship between the implementation of finance professional education and the future development of the finance profession?” the research will evaluate the available research papers on finance and determine if the authors are already in the field while studying the markets or they did while still in educational centers.

Dissemination plan

The target audiences drawn from this research study the academic, scientific community within the school the questionnaire survey will be carried out and the community members, which are made up of the professionals, companies, and learning institutions. Secondly, the dissemination plan will be made up of six main elements.

Products Finding

The research outcomes and results are items that will be disseminated with the information provided in the questionnaires by the participants. It will include varying symptomatology observed and signs of success exhibited. These findings will facilitate a translation of the research proposal into actualization.

The end User

The end users here will mainly comprise of scientific, academic community interests in the disorder.

The dissemination partners

The distribution partners will include those individuals, networks, or organizations that are passionate about the depression findings.

Distribution Plan

Finally, the distribution plan will include communication. The communication will then expound on how one would convey the study outcomes to the target partners. It will be facilitated through well-established information channels before the next stage. The next step in the plan will be the evaluation. Evaluation will determine the eventual findings, what worked, and what requires more examination. The last significant element is the dissemination work plan. This element will determine the position to begin the study, how to begin it and the requirements.

Ethical Considerations

The first ethical issue encountered in this research was patents and copyright consideration. Copyright issues will be considered in the research by ensuring the all the research is original and does not contain ideas from other research papers. All the papers used in the research are those whose authors have accepted to be used for research. For those that are copyright protected, the authors were consulted for permission to be used.

The second ethical issue to be considered is the impact of the research to on the social life of the people and companies. It was conducted in such a way that it does not instill negative impression about corporate organizations and educational organizations. The customers have a choice to choose what they feel suits their needs.

Then, anonymity is important for this proposed study. The participants will have the luxury of remaining anonymous based on their preferences. The freedom to remain anonymous will provide the participants to take part in the study without feeling infringed and pressured. Thirdly, there will be a need to have informed consent. The researcher will conduct the study but after informing the participants about the purpose of the study, procedures involved, and the expected duration of time.

Additionally, confidentiality is important during the study. This ethical consideration requires that the participants' rights are respected regarding their privacy. And since the participants have the freedom to reveal accurate information about them, there will be a need to recruit the research participants carefully to facilitate the much information one can get. On the confidentiality limits, the participants will be given information. This report will reveal how the data will be used and what to with the information collected.

Limitation of the Research

Although the research covers the concept of professional education, it is bias regarding geographical location. It covers more of the companies in the United Kingdom and just slight of the middle east. This information may not be a representation of the global concept since other vital economies like America and Australia are not incorporated. The rapidly developing African economy is also not considered.

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