Free Essay Sample: Technology and Environment

Published: 2022-09-21
Free Essay Sample: Technology and Environment
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Environment Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 572 words
5 min read

According to Elimelech, & Phillip (2011), one of the areas that has experienced substantial negative as well as positive impacts of technology is the environment. Various theoretical perspectives are associated with technology and the impacts it has had on the environment. Furthermore, ideological perspectives have been developed to help understand how technology influences the environment. These ideological perspectives have been critical in helping the government to come up with policies to address the problem.

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Theory of environmental sustainability is an example of theoretical perspectives that relate to technology and its impact on the environment. This theory focuses on the measures that the environment should undertake to remain properly. The theory of environmental sustainability has explained that technology is one of the factors that can be used to sustain the environment. Technology can be used to control various issues such as the amount of carbon in the environment. This element will reduce the rate at which global warming is spreading.

As much as technology has had a positive impacts on the environment, several negative impacts have been identified. These impacts cause the environment to deteriorate at a faster rate. Since these impacts lead to faster the destruction, the government has used various ideas to come up with policies that will prevent this issue. One of the policies is to restrict the use of technology where they have harmful impacts on the environment.

The social structure that has led to the rise of this social issue is that since the rise in technology has helped to carry out various activities, it has been employed in every place extensively. The technology is used extensively because human beings want to make work easier for themselves. As a result of this, technology has been employed in all the places such as industries which have led to increased emission of carbon (Healy 2012). The social problem in place which is the impacts of technology on the environment goes through various stages. The first stage of the social problem is the development of technology to be used in various places (Duffy, & Jonassen 2013). This technology is then implemented in various places so that it can be used to carry out various activities. When human beings find out that it has huge benefits, it will be used extensively in various places. The extensive then results in increased negative impacts of technology on the environment.

An example of a social, environmental movement that has been established is the Environmental Protection Agency which was formed in 1970 (Leach, Stirling, & Scoones 2010). Its main aim was to protect the environment from the air as well as water pollution. The second social movement that was established was the Greenspace organization in 1070 (Leach, Stirling, & Scoones 2010). During this time, there was an increase in the development of nuclear power. The main aim of this organization was to reject the use of nuclear power as it could have harmful effects on the environment.


Duffy, T. M., & Jonassen, D. H. (2013). Constructivism and technology of instruction: Aconversation. Routledge.

Elimelech, M., & Phillip, W. A. (2011). The future of seawater desalination: energy, technology,and the environment. Science, 333(6043), 712-717.

Healy, D. (2012). Hydraulic Fracturing or 'Fracking': A Short Summary of Current Knowledgeand Potential Environmental Impacts: A Small Scale Study for the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (Ireland) under the Science, Technology, Research & Innovation forthe Environment (STRIVE) Programme 2007-2013.

Leach, M., Stirling, A. C., & Scoones, I. (2010). Dynamic sustainability: technology,environment, social justice. Routledge.

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