Paper Example. Technological Developments in the Information Sector

Published: 2023-08-21
Paper Example. Technological Developments in the Information Sector
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Information technologies Development Business strategy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 643 words
6 min read

Technological developments in the information sector have also made it possible for people to search, purchase, and pay for products online using their computers and phones. The integration of marketing activities of businesses with smartphones is revolutionizing the way firms conduct their operations. It is currently mandatory for a company to have an application and to have a presence on the internet to succeed in its activities (Khaskheli et al. 2017). Furthermore, it is now much more affordable for a business to develop an application for its clients than it was previously. This fact has caused many companies to build highly interactive applications that help them interact with their clients more deeply. Furthermore, some firms now compete depending on the appearance and functionality of their apps (Schmitz et al. 2016). Specifically, if a business develops an app that does not please its clients, people would be less inclined to use it, which will lead to lower sales. Moreover, if a business has a well-developed application that gives its users more functionalities, it is most likely to get many online clients, who will then purchase the firm's products. This section describes the functional, structural, and resource objectives of the development project for the mobile application.

Developing an application alone is not sufficient to make an enterprise have many clients and high sales. If a company's competitors do not have apps and another has it, the one with the application will have more clients than its rivals. However, in the current market, where almost all companies have them, having an app does not guarantee a business more clients. Precisely, if a business, such as Company X has an application and its competitors also have it, having the app alone will not help the firms. In such a case, the application's functionalities and features will determine the benefit it gives to the business. Considering this information, a company needs to invest in a proper process of developing the application to ensure that it makes an app that will be better than that of its competitors. For instance, if the app allows its users to search for products and order for them on the app, it will attract more clients than those who lack these features.

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This paper analyses the development of a smartphone application for Company X, which sells food to its clients. The discussion will focus on the objectives of the project. Considering this development as a project is beneficial to a business since it leads to the development of attainable goals that ensure the successful completion of the project. Expressly, in a project, the client and consultant all agree about the final objectives; therefore, it is easy to attain the mission successfully (Appelbaum & Steed, 2005). This case will use the functional, structural, and resource requirements outlined and discussed below. However, before discussing the objectives, it is vital to state the usefulness of having goals.

Having objectives is a crucial step in any project as it helps the implementation team know the order that they will use to achieve it. It also helps them know when they have attained the required goals. Objectives act as a guiding map for showing the way the implementation team should follow. It achieves this using a set of clearly defined goals that the project should achieve. Moreover, in many cases, the client's objectives are usually formed and discussed with the implementors. Therefore, if anything does not go according to plan, the implementors will know about it and correct it appropriately. Thus, having clearly-defined objectives helps the implementation team ensure that it gets precisely what the client needs. Therefore, it is crucial to outline the goals of this project. In this case, this project will have three sets of objectives, which are functional, structural, and resource-based. These requirements will outline the goals that the implementation team will need to attain.

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Paper Example. Technological Developments in the Information Sector. (2023, Aug 21). Retrieved from

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