Essay Sample o Teaching Role of Educator Nurse

Published: 2023-12-05
Essay Sample o Teaching Role of Educator Nurse
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Nursing Essays by pagecount
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1033 words
9 min read

A nurse educator's success in nursing faculties in universities and colleges is characterized by meeting expectations in three areas: scholarship, teaching, and service. The resulting tripartite roles are perceived as activities beyond job descriptions that contribute to the good of the society, profession, and university (Bono-Neri, 2019). Although one of the most common roles of nurse educators is to be an instructor in undergraduate nursing programs, they can undertake many other functions, depending on their settings (Bono-Neri, 2019). For instance, in university settings, nurse educators may hold appointments as clinicians in the university hospital and nursing faculty in a college (Summers, 2017). Other educators work exclusively in a community or hospital setting, educating the community, patients, or staff. Regardless of the settings, however, educators' roles go beyond teaching to include participating in scholarship and service.

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Teaching Role

Nursing educators have three main roles: teacher, scholar, and collaborator. In undertaking the teacher role, an educator nurse assumes leadership in curriculum design and development, instruction, and evaluation (Bono-Neri, 2019). The Educator nurse's teaching role is evident in different education contexts such as curriculum development, classroom teaching, clinical teaching, and virtual teaching. As a result, education remains the core of nurse educators (Laurencelle et al., 2016). The knowledge and experiences gained through education are critical in engaging students in learning, thus broadening their vision of communities, patients, and their profession. The teacher role's vital element is its capacity to create and promote appropriate and desired behavior within the nursing profession (Laurencelle et al., 2016). Apart from teaching, educator nurses have a scholarship role that entails contribution to the professional literature by writing books, articles, and internet materials focusing on various subjects within nursing. Besides, as scholars, educator nurses undertake the research to discover, integrate, and apply new knowledge to the profession (Westphal et al., 2016). Lastly, the educator nurses undertake the role of service to the society by participating in activities beyond their job descriptions. These services may comprise serving as committees or holding office in professional organizations.

Nurse Educators as Change Agents

Nurse educators play a critical role as change agents in society through educations. Education remains one of the most powerful positions in shaping and changing society's behaviors and beliefs (Laurencelle et al., 2016). Nurse educators teaching role goes beyond training and empowering nurses to acquire desired behavior in educating patients to change behaviors that are harmful to their health. They often change the nursing staff's behaviors by educating them on new practices that are designed to change by equipping them with a new approach to patient care (Laurencelle et al., 2016). Generally, much of nurse educators' work aims at bringing changes, either through adding to knowledge or by providing new experiences so that people are informed on how to solve problems or change behaviors (Westphal et al., 2016). As a result, nurse educators' role is to provide critical knowledge whose goals are to change nurses, patients, and society towards achieving better health outcomes.

Scholarship Plan

Teaching is a complex process requiring advanced knowledge, skills, and experience to achieve the desired goal. Education and nursing are different professions that are merged by nurse educators. Therefore, nurse educators need to have deep insight into the most effective techniques for imparting desired knowledge to nursing students (Summers, 2017). Insight into these techniques is achieved through experience and research. In teaching, research plays a critical role in improving knowledge because the findings are based on scientific evidence. Educator nurses specializing in education should enhance their teaching methods and other education-related fields (Salminen et al., 2016). Nurse educators can acquire such teaching knowledge by reading journals such as nursing education, healthEd, Nurse Educator Journals, nurse education today, and nurse education in practice. Nurse educators undertaking teaching roles should share their knowledge, findings, best practices, and experiences with other teachers through writing to these journals.

The additional qualification required for a person to teach as a nurse educator starts by undertaking a master’s course in the nurse educator degree program. The course often covers education and learning theories, teaching strategies for nurse instructors, education technology in training nurses, and curriculum design and development (Summers, 2017). After completing the program, the individual should seek certification as a nurse educator from a National League of Nursing (Salminen et al., 2016). The course is critical because it gives aspiring nurse educators insight into various crucial aspects of teaching, such as teaching methods, lesson preparation, examinations, and evaluation. Besides, the knowledge and skills acquired to facilities effective teaching to nursing students and transformed their behavior enables the educator nurse to act as a change agent.

From the discussion above, it is evident that nursing educators have many roles, such as serving as teachers, scholars, and collaborators. Their major role, however, is teaching nursing students. They also act as scholars by sharing their knowledge and experiences with various journals. They also undertake service by participating in activities beyond their job descriptions, such as being committee members in other organizations. Their abilities to transform nursing students make them be a change agent in society. Nurses can only undertake teaching roles after completing a master's course in the educator degree program and acquiring certification from the National League of Nursing.


Bono-Neri, F. (2019). Pedagogical Nursing Practice: Redefining nursing practice for the academic nurse educator. Nurse education in practice, 37, 105-108.

Laurencelle, F. L., Scanlan, J. M., & Brett, A. L. (2016). The meaning of being a nurse educator and nurse educators' attraction to academia: A phenomenological study. Nurse Education Today, 39, 135-140.

Salminen, L., Stolt, M., Metsämäki, R., Rinne, J., Kasen, A., & Leino-Kilpi, H. (2016). Ethical principles in the work of nurse educator—a cross-sectional study. Nurse education today, 36, 18-22.

Summers, J. A. (2017). Developing competencies in the novice nurse educator: An integrative review. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 12(4), 263-276.

Westphal, J., Marnocha, S., & Chapin, T. (2016). A pilot study to explore nurse educator workforce issues. Nursing education perspectives, 37(3), 171-173.

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