Essay on Taming Communication Barriers: A Critical Analysis for Leaders and Managers

Published: 2023-10-27
Essay on Taming Communication Barriers: A Critical Analysis for Leaders and Managers
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Communication
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 749 words
7 min read

There are many technical language barriers to effective communication. However, with a critical analysis of the problem, there is a solution that helps in taming the challenge. Leaders and managers in the organization have a direct target of ensuring that the communication they pass is sufficient. It is a significant blow to the leadership and the organization's primary goal in having communication barriers among its employees.

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With the consideration of critical research and dynamic analysis with report challenges issues, the following are the suggestive, effective ways of hedging communication barriers and having clear elaborative transaction documents to various language that the intended communication can reach all employees (Lisa & Tobin, 2016). Using the interpreter to give elaborative information designed to be communicated by the management and the organization leadership. It is necessary to have qualified interpreters to provide competence in sign language and interpret the information being communicated. The provision of language classes before joining the organization is helpful. It ensures that everyone is on the same page concerning language hence making communication easy and its effectiveness. The use of visual modes of communication like television is clear to make information reach the target employees by the management in the shortest time possible. The more straightforward language being used in the connection is essential to ensure no challenges are encounter by the employees in the process of communication. The manager and needs with full command of the vocabularies language of the employees are in an excellent position to pass information.

The manager challenges in dealing with the virtual team development are solved by the principle and clear fundamentals of hedging the differences arising between employees. The following are the fundamental principle that management relies on. Building teamwork that is rhythmical is of excellent importance (Oxford University, 2016). Utilizing the best communication use of technology is reliable to the organization in fastening the pass of information and anytime, anywhere, to a large population—the specification of one communication charter to avoid confusion and make access to be quick.

Furthermore, the necessitation of team together physically in prior moments is an excellent foundation for familiarization among them employees. Clarification of tasks and clear elaboration of the process to give employees confidence in knowing what to do, when, and how to perform assigned tasks. The organization needs to have an agreed language of communication within the establishment. Fostering leadership, clarification of track commitments is authoritative in the communication of the virtual teamwork (Shinnishi & Higa, 2018). The ratio needs to be 1:1 for the employees’ gender and the duties being assigned for direct proportion.

There are several barriers to communication in the organization. The following are definite challenges to discussion. Language vocabulary and information overload is an excellent barrier to communication. Employees find it hard to understand. The communication apprehension gives both parties difficulties in perceiving the information in conversation. The selective and perception of employees in communication information is a challenge. They tend to ignore other parts of the communication. Filtering is a challenge to the interaction of employees. The employees view the information in broadcasting as a barrier to the real passing of information.

Encountering a person with an ego in the organization is a daily challenge. It is wise for the management to ensure that he or she hedge the lock head issue with such person due to their need in the production and task performing. It is strategical to have such employees be tacked with the profession of the skillful social life of human beings. People with a big ego eventually have sour forth to the organization, and employees need to be enlightening to lower their egos professionally.

In the discussion, ten different ways help in overcoming communication in technological competences. We elaborated on the approach and carrying of the virtual teams and need to take business effectively. In conclusion, five communication barriers in dealing with co-workers with a massive ego. With all consideration of the study information, it is helpful to the organization to ensure better leadership and management for the sufficient growth of the establishment.


Lisa, H., & Tobin, T. J. (2016). Twenty-first century teamwork: Defining competencies for virtual teams. Virtual teams, 239-258.

Oxford University. (2016). LinkedIn. LinkedIn.

Shinnishi, M., & Higa, K. (2018). An empirical analysis of communication on trust building in virtual teams. Journal of Service Science and Management, 11(02), 278-296.

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Essay on Taming Communication Barriers: A Critical Analysis for Leaders and Managers. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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