Summaries of Readings

Published: 2023-09-25
Summaries of Readings
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Finance Students Research Science
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 462 words
4 min read

The first reading 2019 Diversity Survey discusses a survey conducted by ASNE Newsroom Diversity Survey. This survey attempted to establish demographic composition in the field of journalism and determine best practices in media involving the rate of hiring and retention of diverse media personalities. It was taken by four hundred and twenty-nine news organizations, including two hundred and sixty-seven print media and sixty-five online-only news websites. The research revealed that the number of salaried workers in online-only publications had risen by around 5% in 2019 from 25.6% in 2018; however, the number of non-whites who work in all newsroom totaled to 21.9%; besides, the number of women who work in all newsroom stood at 41.8% and remained unchanged in the two years. Approximately 200 journalists who identify themselves as gay, lesbians, bisexual, or transgender took the survey, only 22% of journalists were non-whites in this category. The survey also found out that around 18.8% of non-whites held managerial positions in print/digital and online-only publications. Of these, 40% was held by women. Generally, this study was meant to advocate for the inclusion of diverse individuals across the nation to promote transparency as well as equality in the media industry.

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The second article, The Media Today, discusses about racism in the press, referring to the recent killing incidence of George Floyd, a black African. It is evident that non-whites journalists are segregated even when reporting news as they are threatened in the line of their duty. Besides, their fellow whites ignore their reports claiming that they gather and compile half-baked reports. The article reveals that the newsroom workforce has not achieved diversity, especially in high positions, and editors ignore issues concerning race in their news. Today, newsrooms remain hubs for racial disparity, which inhibit quality coverage. Racial segregation has led to emotional distress among the journalists of color, thus influencing their performance adversely and wellbeing. This raises ethical questions in the press. The reading also backers for the investment of diverse journalists and treating them equally in terms of working conditions, remuneration, and job positions. People of color are also resourceful in this industry; hence their presence should not be overlooked due to their skin color.

The Three Questions for the Readings

The media is the backbone of democracy in any nation as it informs and criticizes democratic concerns. So how does the media claim to promote all these while it promotes racism in hiring, retention, and treating non-whites in the industry?

How is transparency, accuracy as well as the credibility of news promoted in the press while there is racial segregation in the industry?

One of the pillars of journalism ethics is impartiality; however, reports from people of color are considered unreliable. How are the news reported fair, objective, and without undisclosed conflicts of interest?

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