Mandatory Vaccination Essay Sample

Published: 2018-08-16
Mandatory Vaccination Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine School
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 958 words
8 min read

What is Vaccination?

Vaccination is a method of preventing diseases in both humans and animals, it involves the exposure of the body or system of the organism being vaccinated to antigens which will stimulate defense against the pathogens causing the disease. Herd immunity is a situation when a large percentage of a given population has been vaccinated. Vaccination is responsible for the eradication of diseases such as small pox and the prevention of measles, polio and tetanus. Small pox is probably the first disease to be vaccinated, its vaccine was discovered by Edward Jenner a British scientist in 1796. His works were improved by another scientist called Louis Pasteur.

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The Public Health Agency of Canada advocates for vaccination as a successful means to prevent the Canadians from irresistible sicknesses, and urges all people to get immunized. The government of Canada doesn't seem slanted to venture into the shred, taking note of that immunization strategies, and its legality, is in the jurisdiction of the provinces.

Several countries have enacted legislations for mandatory vaccination aiming at achieving a healthy living population. This step has encountered several challenges during the process of implementation. Religious and cultural beliefs being the major stumbling block for such governments. In this paper we shall critically look at the draw backs of mandatory vaccination but not neglecting its advantages. In Canada, it is a requirement for all children ti be immunized before beginning their schoolin. Alberta has not made this legislation.

The danger of illness as a result of immunization is generally low with most inoculations in spite of the fact that with the real virus administered as in the case of Chicken Pox vaccination the risk is expanded. There are still some hazard that may create fevers when inoculated as the body constructs resistance to the illness.

Mandatory Immunization

To take out the danger of malady episodes, at different occasions, governments and different foundations set up approaches requiring immunization. For instance, in 1853, England and Wales enacted a legislation requiring all to be vaccinated against smallpox, and levies were imposed on individuals who did not abide by the legislation. In 1905 the Supreme Court of United States, in Jacobson v. Massachusetts made a ruling that states could constrain inoculation for the benefit of everyone. The current U.S. approaches ordinarily require pupils and kids get immunizations before enrolling to schools, albeit numerous states take into account cultural or beliefs and individual exclusions because of philosophical or wellbeing purposes. Mandatory immunization has greatly reduced chances of infection by diseases.

Compulsory immunization approaches have blended resistance from an assortment of people, commonly known as the “anti-vaccinationists”, who protested it on religious, moral and ethical grounds, political, health related safety, among other reasons. Regular complaints included cases of extreme government intercession in individual affairs or that proposed immunizations were not adequately safe (Salmon, 2006). Numerous present day immunization arrangements permit exclusions for individuals with bargained invulnerable frameworks, sensitivities to inoculation segments, or firmly held protest.

Medics, specialists and parents have done broad investigations, and in the wake of doing their own examination they have inferred that it is ideal to immunize sparingly, or on an alternate timetable, or not vaccinate at all. It is notable that children who are unvaccinated seem to be significantly stronger, healthy and considerably more brilliant than their immunized associates. (Ferris, 2010)

A sample of several opinions from various people some of whom have first-hand experience across the world show a bitter response to vaccination arguing that the vaccines don’t work and this issue of vaccination is a plot by the pharmacists in collaboration with politicians to solicit huge sums of money from unsuspecting individuals globally. Many don’t believe that it is because of vaccination that several diseases have been eradicated, in fact vaccines are blamed to spur some negative reactions in the body of the recipient.

School Vaccination Requirement

Both Adults and children are sound regardless of being inoculated or not. Not as a result of immunization that people evade disease! Immunizations are loaded with toxin. The producer immunization embeds offer an arrangements of known adverse reactions – a significant number of which are not reversible, hazardous to life, and terribly bad. Due to all these reactions, vaccines ought to be named as unsafe items. Anyone concerned about their security and that of their kids should look past what is relayed in the media, since you will without a doubt not hear reality there. The media are business agents being used to advertise these products in return for pay, Research on an article, or more after which one should make a decision. No one should be forced to vaccinate.

Eventually the choice to immunize ought to be with the parents however shockingly in many nations it doesn't. A few countries permit cultural or religious reasons and health related factors as satisfactory explanation to exempt one from immunization. In many states one of the passage prerequisites into government funded school vaccination is a requirement (Horn 2010). Legislation on compulsory vaccination should be lifted in countries affected. This is because it is a personal opinion and belief. It is proved beyond doubt through research that vaccines are not 100% efficient as most parents may think. 95% may be successful but 5% are at a risk.


Ferris, D., Horn, L., & Waller, J. L. (2010). Parental acceptance of a mandatory human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination program. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 23(2), 220-229.

Horn, L., Howard, C., Waller, J., & Ferris, D. G. (2010). Opinions of parents about school-entry mandates for the human papillomavirus vaccine. Journal of lower genital tract disease, 14(1), 43-48.

Salmon, D. A., & Omer, S. B. (2006). Individual freedoms versus collective responsibility: immunization decision-making in the face of occasionally competing values. Emerging themes in epidemiology, 3(1), 1.

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