Students Coping W/ Bullying/Victimization: Strategies & Models. Free Essay

Published: 2022-12-27
Students Coping W/ Bullying/Victimization: Strategies & Models. Free Essay
Type of paper:  Research proposal
Categories:  Students Pedagogy Bullying Human behavior Emotional intelligence
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1744 words
15 min read

Bullying is unfortunately prevalent in schools, and for the stakeholders such as teachers, it can be very puzzling to establish the remedy for bullying in class. This is even though there is sufficient literature that has proposed better strategies and models to cope up with bullying in the classroom (Wurtele, 2017). Bullies have been around forever.

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Consequently, technology now affords even more conducive platforms for bullying actions. The old "stones and sticks" are not practical today - online name-calling and another kind of insults on the internet are rapidly taking a new course. Both online victimization and classroom bullying can have severe impacts on the victims. Studies reveal that prepubescent and pubescent students are on the receiving end than adults (Austin, 2018). The coping strategies applied to respond to bullying or victimization online and in school varies from prepubescent to pubescent students. There are full of spectra that should be evaluated to define the various coping capacities for a particular group.

Purpose Statement

The purpose of this comprehensive research is to understand further the difference in copying frameworks applied by prepubescent and pubescent students to respond to bullying or victimization online and to explore preventive measures of cyberbullying and bullying in schools before they happen, and laying out adequate intervention frameworks after they have occurred. The study was conducted in April 2019.

Research Questions

This study addresses the following five questions.

  1. What is the prevalence of bullying or victimization online and in school?
  2. What is the difference in the coping strategies among the prepubescent and pubescent students applied to cyberbully and bullying in schools?
  3. Apart from age, what is the difference between males and females when it comes to cyberbullying and bullying in schools?
  4. What is the role of the parents, teachers and the society with regards to cyberbullying and school bullying for prepubescent and pubescent students?
  5. What are some prevention and intervention strategies for bullying online and bullying in school?

Research Methodology

As specified in this title, this section includes the research methodology of this study. In more details, this section will outline the research design, the participants, methods of data collection, the selection of the sample, the instruments, the procedure, the analytic strategy, and rigor and quality (Kumar, 2019). The section is vivid in mentioning every component applied in carrying out this research. From population span to sampling techniques used in the interviews. This section also explores a piece of detailed information about the explanation of the selected nature of analysis applied the method of data collection.

Research Design or Structure

Research plan means the structure that is used to develop given research. Research design is a very critical part of any research since it includes four critical consideration which consists of the conceptual framework, the strategy, and the identification of what and who to study plus the tools and the procedures that are supposed to be used to gather and evaluate data (Lewis, 2015). Usually, the research design is divided into qualitative and quantitative research.

This study used a qualitative research method in the social sciences to evaluate the behaviors, perceptions, feelings and the belief of the society with regards to bullying in schools and well as cyberbullying. The types of qualitative research method used include case study research, action research, and grounded theory. The qualitative data sources include observations, interviews, questionnaires documents and texts, the impression and reactions of the researcher who conducted this study (Merriam & Tisdell, 2015). The interviews formed the fundamental of evaluating the understanding and awareness of the society about the prevalence of bullying in schools and victimization online.

The rationale for doing the interview is to compare what the researcher thinks and feels about a given spectrum. The interviews also incorporated the components of psychology to examine the feelings and the reactions of the students vividly; how often they exposed or became victims of cyberbullying and bullying in class (Shalaginova, Cherkasova, Haidov, & Basin, 2015). Additionally, the study was also aimed to explore the differences in coping schemes of prepubescent students and their counterparts, pubescent students. The interviews were also occasioned to find out the role of parents and teachers concerning bullying online and in schools. The study further includes the aspect of students' selection with regards to gender, family background and various systems of learning (Waasdorp & Bradshaw, 2015).


When evaluating the participants, the research is going to consider the population, research sample and the sampling method. The community, in a research context, can be used to refer to a target group of people with certain similarities or a group of people who participates or have been selected by the researcher concerning his study. Hence, the population from which samples were derived comprise of the following groups:

  1. Prepubescent male students from a various family background
  2. Pubescent female students for diverse family background
  3. Parents with varying societal status and gender
  4. Both male and female teachers from multiple learning institutions
  5. Technology professionals

The study applied a purposive sampling method for the selection of the participants for the interview. This type of sampling refers to the intentional collection with the guidance of the study`s requirements. This is a practical approach that enables the researcher to gather relevant and essential information for addressing the research questions (Etikan, Musa, & Alkassim, (2016). A face-to-face interview was carried, but again many participants were also interviewed through phone and given the tight schedules.

Research Methodology

Research methodology refers to the course of the manners in which the research is being carried out. It entails instruments or tools and techniques used to carry out the study or rather a findings. Thus, it is crucial to adequately select an accurate method that resonates well the research objectives. The study considered two types of data collection techniques; library research and field research. But generally, the study still found the qualitative approach essential. Data was gathered from library material such as textbooks, both published and unpublished documents including journals, conference proceedings, theses, and dissertations. This also included sources from reputable websites. The material used from the library is grounded as secondary data meaning that they are ready to be used by anybody apart from the researchers.

Another technique used to gather data in this study is field research. Several filed research methods were used. They include interviews, case studies, and observation. A lot of focus was bestowed on interviews to gather the primary data. Primary data refers to the data collected during the time of carrying out research. Therefore, to adequate acquire sufficient primary data, a face-to-face interview was done. A structured interview was used with previously prepared questions (Silverman, 2016). Form of participation agreement was also written and sent to the interviewees in advance to ensure that only participants willing contributed to the research are given a chance. This was focused on the parents, teachers and technology professionals. The structured interview should raise the study questions to the correspondents in an arranged order and must be in line with the research questions and objectives. All the participants for the meeting are mentioned below:

NO. Interviewees Number
Male prepubescents 9
Female prepubescents 11
Male pubescents 7
Female pubescents 12
Male parents 6
Female parents 5
Male educators 6
Females educators 8
Male technology professionals 2
Female technology professional 1

Figure 1. List of correspondent

During the sampling of the correspondent above, the study considers different background, financial capability, and exposure to technology. This was to ensure all models of the society are incorporated in the study.

Instrument or Tools

These are very critical components of any research. Apart from using the questionnaires, other devices such as computers, pens, phone and recording devises were essential for gathering and collecting data for interviews, case studies, and from the library. The machines should be prepared in advance to avoid last minute discrepancies. Sometimes scenarios would force researches to be accompanied to the field if they cannot adequately handle alone, the data in the area.

Research Procedure

  1. The research presented in this work has been done according to the steps outlined below:
  2. The previous researchers on bullying online and bullying in schools were scrutinized, and vital issues and concepts were established and incorporated in the model of the study. This also includes the evaluations of material gained from the library.
  3. Correspondents were contacted for potential interviews. The research instruments were also made ready at this stage.
  4. The researcher went to the field and used the instruments to collect the data, through interviews, case study, and observation.
  5. The data was finally evaluated and put into these chapters.

Rigor and Quality

Given the adequate preparation for the study, the goals of the research plus the objectives, and entrustments, the methodologies, and strategies of the study were sufficient conspired and devalued to make sure that the data gathered is rigorous and quality to be able to help the researcher develop proper research. Therefore the information presented in this study is thorough and of higher quality.

Upon the gathering of the data, the researcher reviewed and secondary and the primary data collected from the field to verify the similarities or the differences that exist among the materials. The evaluation was made to make sure that the study had got as fewer errors as possible

Limitations of the Study

Although the application of expert judgment is quite common in approaching study models, this study could not adequately provide a blueprint on how the prepubescent and pubescent students differ in there comping capacities to bullying on the internet and in schools. This is due to that fact some of the correspondents especially the group of prepubescent students did not give insightful answers that could be used to support their position with regards to bullying vividly. Again, there is a wide range of spectra that vary from correspondents to correspondent, and this constrained the study, thus in some scenarios, the researcher was compelled to apply probability. We also did not find the opportunity to place the interviewees in one place for example, in a debate kind of forum to directly compare and contrast their feelings and reactions with the response to the research topic.

Ethical Considerations

Given the significance of ethics in conducting research and the encounters faced during the time of conducting an investigation, the analysis must make efforts to safeguard the dignity of the research participants. Studies have revealed the standards that should be used during research to fulfill the ethical requirements (Hammersley, 2015). Therefore, this study demonstrated some codes of ethics by allowing the participants to submit written forms so that they could confirm their willingness to participate in the study.

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Students Coping W/ Bullying/Victimization: Strategies & Models. Free Essay. (2022, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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