Free Paper: Student Placement in First Career Choices on Post-high School Pennsylvania Universities

Published: 2022-03-25
Free Paper: Student Placement in First Career Choices on Post-high School Pennsylvania Universities
Type of paper:  Dissertation proposal
Categories:  University Education Job
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1659 words
14 min read

Performance and social responsibilities of educational institutions and students related to placement rates of graduates in their First Career Choices and (Drop Out) rates.

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EdD Education Project - Graduate First Career Placement



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Prospectus: Alignment of student placement in First Career Choices on post-high school Pennsylvania universities


The study will focus on an evaluation of post-high school Pennsylvania universities and the magnitude of "Drop Out" rates of students in academic majors. The target study of this research will focus on a random selection of Pennsylvania universities. The study is expected to experience unique challenges considering the percentage of rural communities in the state. The statement of the problem provides the information that there is limited research to show a relationship between academic majors and placement in First Career Choices of students. The (success rate) of between student selection, allocation, and enrolment in an academic major to the actual completion of programs and placement in First Career Choice occupations was determined using a quantitative design methodology. Additionally, the research study also evaluates the achievement and drop-out rates of students. The researcher also faced a challenge to establish a theoretical basis for counselors. One of the variables for this study was the diversity of the learning theories. A checklist of counseling learning models from Pennsylvania learning institutions was selected for evaluation. Some of the primary themes recognized include the selection of an academic major related to First Career Choice, social responsibilities of educational institutions related to the guidance of students for major academic selection, and the need of informed academic major selection. Major academic selection in relationship First Career Choice placement was compared using a quantitative research model.

Definition of the Problem

A problem exists in Pennsylvania where graduates have a difficult time to obtain jobs after completing their studies. The cumulating debt is a significant factor that is worsening the situation. Before the start of the presidential campaigns in the United States, policymakers were busy crafting proposals that would respond to the increased public concerns regarding the cost of college attendance. Parents from various districts in the United States understand the need to educate their children to secure a decent job; however, they record that the cost of college has increased exponentially (Luis Santos, & Haycock, 2016). In the United States, the taxpayers who are the parents have to share the burden of educating their children together with the government. The United States college completion is also in a crisis. About 70 percent of students who graduate from high school enter college to pursue post-secondary education; however, the completion rates are higher despite the fact that a majority had the opportunity to attend college. In the United States, students who attend four year institutions, four out of ten complete their degrees while those who enroll in a degree program of six years, six out of ten manage to complete their studies and graduate. The increased completion rates cause severe consequences such as the lack of payoffs in the workplace. Post-secondary graduates in Pennsylvania have a difficult task to obtain that fall under their academic proficiency (Vedder, 2013). According to Liekar (2012), students who acquire who take a college preparatory curriculum are more successful in college and their careers.

Even though there is limited research to show the existence of a relationship between academic majors and completion and placement in First Career Choices of students in Pennsylvania, the primary reason why graduates cannot secure jobs in the state is that of the cumulating debt accrued while obtaining their postsecondary education. The situation is well depicted by the volume of debt acquired by students while pursuing their careers. According to Hanover Research (2014), the increasing student debt has transformed how society views the value of higher education. After surveying nine universities, the study results concluded that universities should manage the transition from college to career placement by designing frameworks to help students attain jobs. Leonhardt also mentions that another high concern in Pennsylvania is the increased number of students with debt who lack their certificates because they did not complete their studies. (Leonhardt, 2014). The rate that students find gainful employment in their area of post-secondary study and majors is a social responsibility for post-secondary institutions. According to the AFT Higher Education (2016), it is the responsibility of the institutions to ensure the enrolled students achieve success after completion of their studies. The learning institution should have a shared understanding of the definition of student success. AFT members view student success as the ability of scholars not only to attain a degree but also to have the opportunity to participate in job training to improve their professional skills and have an added advantage in the employment sector. It is also essential for the faculty members of an institution to discuss how student success is articulated and refined to ensure students succeed in their educational journey. Azeem, Gondal, Abida, Naz, Hussain and Munira (2009), argue that educational institutions must develop standards of learning to assure quality education. However, the social responsibility of academic institutions is magnified by the growing debt for students. Leonhardt (2014) points out that the debt value has up scaled from $3,517 to $8,500. Moreover, statistics of households with debt rose up to 14 percent. Therefore, this research study finds a valid reason to study post-high school Pennsylvania universities, current placement information, and curriculum. The focus of this study is not to comment on research done by Abel and Deitz that focuses on job opportunities in urban states than rural settings. The research is aimed to assess the realities of First Choice Career Placement and dropout rates

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to evaluate post-high school Pennsylvania universities and the magnitude of "Drop Out" rates of students in academic majors. The research will focus on some of the major factors that are making it difficult for graduates in Pennsylvania to lack jobs. Scientific research and deductive reasoning will be adopted to further understand the problem.

Research Questions

What is the difference in registration in specific academic majors and actual placement First Career Choices for traditional universities?

What is the difference in enrolment in specific academic majors and exact placement First Career Choices for trade schools?

What is the difference in registration in specific academic majors and actual placement First Career Choices for apprentice programs? Review of the LiteratureThe National High School Alliance has designed a framework for stakeholders and leaders to plan and implement practices that align the school, community state, and federal policy based solutions (Liekar, 2012). The Alliance notes six critical principles that are necessary to ensure to improve learning institutions. The six include empowered educators, learning environments suited for individual students, accountable leaders, integrated system of high standard and curriculum support, and youth and community engagement (Liekar, 2012). The Alliance argues that encouraging students to pursue rigorous works in an environment where the six principles are followed, an automatic alignment will be developed between course content and assessment. Moreover, the students will test their capabilities and have an added advantage to obtain college credit and validation as well as access a post-secondary success in the future.

An urgency argument is not significant for this study because once a problem and its consequences are defined; a systematic evaluation must be undertaken. The study will focus on the social responsibility of the issue for both business owners and graduates as it relates to fiduciary matters.

I will also explore how this study can build on previous findings or fill a gap in past research conducted by scholars and other relevant bodies. With thorough research, I have not come across research related to my topic. One of the prominent questions that the study may seek to answer is what are the social or economic issues associated with the problem of underachievement and lack of placement in First Career Choice for graduates. On the contrary, I will not focus on the question; I will try to demonstrate what the implications are for current and future social, economic contributions. In fact, there could be recommendations for society or academic institutions to progressive advance in the future.

In this study, I would also admit I have a partiality since my summary of the issue relates to it. In my life, I have been proven incorrect for many times. It is like the older I become I run less on new ideas but my wisdom expands; hence, I have no experience in this field, but I will try my best.

Theoretical Foundation

The truthfulness of the hypotheses and the research questions will be determined through scientific research and deductive reasoning. The target population will consist of four randomly selected universities in Pennsylvania. The researcher will control the mix between public and private institutions. Data will be fast collected from placement offices, reviewed, and an analysis will follow of student satisfaction questionnaires that I will generate and distribute to student organizations. My report will explore differences in students' expectations of First Career Choice placements compared to the actual realities of First Career Choice placement data. Research data and summaries of placement data for selected universities will be compiled. Alumni surveys will be used to collect secondary data. I will utilize closed-ended questions with assigned numeric values to answers for additional survey data collection will be utilized as well as a review and categorization of existing student satisfaction surveys. The differences in expectations and placement for First Career Choice occupations will be tested using the independent t-tests. According to Urdan (2012), t-tests are used to compare two means to identify whether they are different from each other. Moreover, the independent sample is utilized when one wants to analyze two independent samples on a given variable. Secondly, I will seek to demonstrate if there are differences between traditional education and contemporary education. Section 2: The Methodology


The hypotheses will be generated using scientific research and deductive reasoning. These hypotheses will be tested by assuming normal distributions with a criti...

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