Free Essay on International Community and Its Responsibility to Protect

Published: 2020-08-13
Free Essay on International Community and Its Responsibility to Protect
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  International relations Security
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1800 words
15 min read

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The question of the international community and its responsibility to protect is fundamental issue in our society. This issue raises a series of complex questions that need to be keenly looked into for better understanding of the subject. In this research, the aim is to answer the series of queries that come about once the term international community and the responsibility to protect is mentioned.

First of all, the research aims at defining what the international community is. This is because different parties have different descriptions or rather definitions of the international community. Is the international community a basic type of community? (, 2015). Is it an organization or is it a governmental body? (, 2015) Secondly, who are the members of the international community? As we know, a community is a group of people that share or support a common origin, belief or idea. (, 2015). Therefore, it is fundamental to find out the members of the international community. Thirdly, what is the right to protect? What are the key principles that govern the right to protect? Under what circumstances is the right to protect applicable? How does the right to protect interfere with the sovereignty of a state? Fourthly is the research aims at answering whether all humanitarian interventions are on the basis to protect human life? Are there other agendas of the nations that offer humanitarian aid under the right to protect? Finally, the research will attempt to look at the outcomes of humanitarian interventions. What are the opinions of the States that have or have not received humanitarian aid on the basis of the outcome of humanitarian interventions? This will be achieved by looking at the norms regarding humanitarian intervention in the Middle East countries. (Abazi, E., 2004).


While doing some research about the previous humanitarian interventions of the US in Iraq and other Middle East countries and the current state that these nations are in- adverse poverty and never-ending scenarios of warfare- the processes of such humanitarian interventions got me thinking. I, therefore, decide to look in deeper at these processes; how they are carried out, who are involved and why despite all these interventions, there have been so many casualties of warfare and a state of peace has not been achieved in these nations, rather the economies of these nations have deteriorated at a very alarming rate. (Buergenthal, T., 2009)

Another driving force for this research was the Rwanda genocide. One may ask how? But actually a friend of mine was one of the affected individuals during that period of genocide. Listening to him narrate the story of how innocent individuals were butchered on the basis of ethnic differences yet so little was done to intervene during that period of mass murder, made me interested in digging deep into such situations where humanitarian interventions are key and may be part of the solution. (Chandler, D., 2004).


One may ask what this research will contribute to the society. To be honest fundamental basis of this research is enabling understanding of the importance of human life and peace. To individuals in the field of political science, it will offer a better understanding of the role politics play in peacemaking process. What are the effects of politics in humanitarian interventions? Practical examples of political play in the right to protect will be given in this research to portray a clear picture of government activities in humanitarian interventions. It will also be informative as the research tends to answer a lot of questions that deal with the right to protect. Giving detailed scenarios in the research will even create a better understanding about the right to protect for individuals in field related to political science. (Arbour, L., 2008).

Hopefully, the research also aims at changing the lives of individuals in the general public since the right to protect is concerned with human life, and that refers to the general public.

To achieve this, the research aims to uncover all the details about the issue. It will look at the issue from the perspective of the affected people. What are their experiences with human interventions? How did they feel about it and did it really provide a solution? Looking at the situation from their perspective will be key as only they can provide a real time experience of what happened during their encounter with humanitarian interventions.

Evidently, the research is beneficial to the individuals in the field and the public. It will aim at uncovering more about the right to protect with reference to the Middle East. All the untold stories and undiscovered facts about humanitarian intervention will be touched on by this research, and at the end of it all, it will up to society to determine whether it beneficial or disadvantageous. If it is beneficial, is it being done in the right way or are there better way that can be employed to improve it? Therefore the target for the findings of this research paper is mainly the public and individuals in political systems that are involved in humanitarian intervention. (Bello, W., 2011).


The content of this research will be based on internet resources and interviews mainly. Internet resources will be a source of preliminary information that will be required for the basis of interviewing individuals. There will, therefore, be a link between the information sourced from the internet and that that is acquired from the interview that will be conducted.

Interviews will be crucial as they will be done on individuals from states in the Middle East that have had humanitarian interventions. Through internet research and research from library material, questions for the interview will be easily formulated since this research will provide an understanding of the key issued that need to be touched on in the interview.


In any research it is essential that the right methodology be used in order to get the required information. The tools for research need to be precise, accurate and relevant to avoid ambiguity and acquiring irrelevant information. Therefore, the main research methods that will be utilized in the research are primary sources of information specifically questionnaires and interview and secondary sources of information, especially interviews.

First-hand information is very crucial to this research hence interviews and questionnaires will provide a lot of essential data. For the interviews; this will target a variety of individuals such as political analyst, ambassadors of the countries that have offered humanitarian aids to the country they have offered humanitarian interventions under the right to protect. Political leader, especially leaders in the defense ministry of the Middle East countries will form a big part of the interview. It will also be essential to interview the office of the special adviser on the prevention of genocide in the UN. (Bannon, A. L., 2005). Finally, it will be important to interview the people in the Middle East states on their experience with humanitarian interventions. Use of questionnaires will supplement this in order to get a larger response about the issue.

Research that will be done using the internet will mainly be of service when it comes to the preparation of the questionnaires and interview questions. Information acquired from internet research will mainly point out on what to ask in the interview in order to get a better understanding of what happens in situation where the right to protect is applicable.

When the research is done, it will be essential to summarize data obtained from the interview so as to reach a conclusion on questions that were previously ambiguous in the internet research. Information from the questionnaires will need to be analyzed. For example tallying will be done for data involving numbers and the information represented in graphical forms or tabulated for better understanding.


Some challenges are bound to arise during the research. The first likely problem to arise will be getting the interviews. Some of the individuals to be interviewed are likely to decline to be interviewed or may not be available for interviews due to busy schedules. This may be avoided through early and persistent enquiry for interview opportunity. Some respondents may also be unresponsive when it comes to interviews and questionnaire. This can be evaded by distinctly explain the role of the research and how it will be beneficial to the society. If the respondents are still uncooperative, do not insist further. Not all the questionnaires will be gotten back after issuing them to respondents. This may affect the outcome of the research as inconclusive data will be obtained. This can be avoided by preparing a lot of questionnaires and distributing them to a larger number of respondents. The research will also be time costly and expensive. A lot of time will be required to do internet research, carry out the interviews, prepare, disseminate and collect back the questionnaires. Data analysis and summarizing the information will also be time consuming. Preparation of the questionnaires will also be costly. The research will also require travelling to the Middle East countries which will be both time-consuming and costly. To save on time and money when travelling, it will be essential to pick a fairly expensive but fast way to travel.


Abazi, E. (2004). The Role of International Community in Conflict Situation. Which Way Forwards?. The Case of the Kosovo/a Conflict. Balkanologie. Revue D'A(c)tudes Pluridisciplinaires, (Vol. VIII, nA0 1). Retrieved from

Arbour, L. (2008). The responsibility to protect as a duty of care in international law and practice. Review of International Studies, 34(03), 445-458.

Bannon, A. L. (2005). Responsibility to Protect: The UN World Summit and the Question of Unilateralism, The. Yale LJ, 115, 1157.

Buergenthal, T., Shelton, D. L., & Stewart, D. P. (2009). International human rights in a nutshell. Thomas Buergenthal, Dinah Shelton & David P. Stewart, INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS IN A NUTSHELL (4th, 2013-34.

Bello, W. (2011). The Crisis of Humanitarian Intervention - FPIF. Foreign Policy In Focus. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from

Chandler, D. (2004). The responsibility to protect? Imposing the Liberal Peace. International peacekeeping, 11(1), 59-81.

Dictionary, t. (2015). the international community Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from,. (2015). Retrieved 9 November 2015, from,. (2015). Office of The Special Adviser on The Prevention of Genocide. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from,. (2015). SECRETARY-GENERAL EXAMINES 'MEANING OF INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY' IN ADDRESS TO DPI/NGO CONFERENCE | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from,. (2015). Taylhardart | The Role of the International Community in the Protection of Venezuelan Democracy. Retrieved 9 November 2015, from

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