Essay Example Comparing the Articles on Sexual Harassment Scandals

Published: 2022-04-01
Essay Example Comparing the Articles on Sexual Harassment Scandals
Type of paper:  Article review
Categories:  Sexual abuse
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 979 words
9 min read

Summary of Unintended Consequences of Sexual Harassment Scandals by Claire Cain Miller

According to Miller post in the New York Times, recent sexual harassment scandals have far-reaching consequences in workplaces. Miller exemplifies the implications with the chills originating from the Silicon Valley in the wake of the sexual harassment season. The stories show that male employees, both at senior and junior management levels, are becoming scared and hyperaware of the possibilities of "wrongful accusations, suspicion, gossip and misunderstood comments as they interact with female employees" (Miller). The consequences of such fear are drawing of parameters to avoid cases which pose a threat to their careers. For instance, senior male employees and managers are eluding one-one-one interactions and closed-door meetings with potential female recruits, entrepreneurs, and employees with the heightened preference of meeting in conference rooms over restaurants for fear of suspicion. The reduced contact between male and female employees makes it difficult for women to establish and maintain a genuine relationship with senior people within the workplace. Consequently, women suffer from the act of men shying away from interacting with them as such behaviors place the possibility of career advancement, investments, and promotion in jeopardy (Miller). Miller attempts to solidify the claim regarding the difficulty in women building relationship with senior male employees. She uses the views from McKinsey & Company research showing the higher proportion of men interacting with senior leaders than their female counterparts at different levels. The gender imbalance in interaction and contact with senior management explains why many women are stuck at lower levels in companies corporate ladder (McKinsey & Company). A male interviewee belonging to entertainment and news industry suggests that the consequences of sexual harassment scandals have had a positive impact on workplaces by creating a better working environment as "people are more sensitive to how they conduct themselves" (Miller). Thus, previous sexual harassment scandals have served as eye openers to male employees of what can happen.

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Summary of Missing the Point of Sexual Harassment Stories by a Mile, Scared Men Are Now Wary Of Being Alone With Women by Aimee Lutkin

The article acknowledges that sexual harassment still manifest themselves in contemporary organizations occurring in the form of sexting, phone sex, grotesque genital flashing, forced kissing and back rubs. The reality of such occurrences, according to the article, is reflected by publicized stories and heightened fear among senior managers over the meeting, interacting and talking to female subordinates. Men are wary of the consequences of sexual harassment with many citing that it "it ruin their lives." Lutkin's article quotes Dr. Mukund Komanduri, an orthopedic surgeon who agrees to avoid contact and interaction with women says " I'm very cautious about it because my livelihood is on the line." According to the Lutkin, male managers have intense fear following the stories and sexual harassment scandals emanating from the Silicon Valley. The consequences of such fear and avoidance of female subordinates have decreased the likelihood of women to obtain support and promotion skills, knowledge and hard work go unnoticed because of impaired rapport from male managers. The article points out that interaction with women in contemporary organizations carries enormous reputation risks as male managers now have the attributes of leaders who do not speak or interact with minorities and women. The consequences of such fears are that individuals now cancel casual coffee dates, networking and team building meetings with minorities and women. Lutkin demonstrates the prevalence of avoidance of women by using information from Center for Talent Innovation holding that 64% and 50% of senior women and junior women respectively evade solo interactions which spark sexual harassment rumors.

Comparison of the two articles

Miller's article is more compelling than Lutkin's article. The reason behind the judgment is that Miller's article is not only comprehensive but also incorporate numerous research studies, interviews, and hyperlinks which enable readers to access more information. First, Miller's introductory statement is captivating because, at the mention of Silicon Valley, the reader wants to know what occurred in the famous region and home for the leading technology organizations such as Oracle, Intel, HP, Google, Cisco, and Apple. Stories and facts in interviews and comments from Center for Talent Innovation's CEO, Sylvia Hewlett, harassment stories from military academies, Fox News and Uber maximize the readers' engagement. Hyperlinks and hypertexts in Miller's article are more than in Lutkin's thus increased credibility of the article and the ability of Miller to keep readers glued to her piece of writing for long. An important hyperlink is the one directing readers to Hewlett's article dubbed "Make Yourself Safe for Sponsorship" in Harvard Business Review's website which has insightful information for female subordinates about how they can align themselves with high-powered individuals within their workplaces to fast-track their professional development (Hewlett). Furthermore, Miller has an opinion on the probable ways of ending the fear of male leaders interacting with female subordinates. She emphasizes the need for a relationship-building meeting in organizations. Such an opinion is likely to attract positive comments, unlike Lutkin whose opinion about the matter is authoritative and definitive. Lutkin advice men by saying that "if you don't want sexual harassment accusations, don't harass women, and you'll do just fine" (Lutkin). By being open, Miller's article makes readers perceive that the writer welcomes their opinions and thoughts on the issue.

Works Cited

Hewlett, Sylvia Ann. "Make Yourself Safe for Sponsorship." Harvard Business Review (2013). Web. <>.

Lutkin, Aimee. "Missing the Point of Sexual Harassment Stories by a Mile, Scared Men Are Now Wary Of Being Alone With Women." Jezebel 10 September 2017. Web. <>.

McKinsey & Company. Getting to gender equality starts with realizing how far we have to go. 2017. Web. 5 March 2018. <>.

Miller, Claire Cain. "Unintended Consequences of Sexual Harassment Scandals." New York Times 9 October 2017. Web. <>.

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