Statement of the Situation - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-24
Statement of the Situation - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Marketing SWOT analysis
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1202 words
11 min read


It would be essential to demonstrate or define what a statement situation is about to describe it effectively. A statement of the problem in a case study is defined as describing a situation you want to improve or what management or people in the case study are doing wrong. So, there are numerous things or problems (statement situations) that people are doing wrong in the Droaga5 case study. They are sticking to one way of launching campaigns or using the same means to introduce products, such as the launch of books. They question a customer using hard questions instead of acting on what a customer wants. The management at Decoded was not willing too to make new choices or innovative approaches to marketing products. Another statement of the situation was, wrestling only two challenges for almost five months; that is, they spend too much time to develop a campaign and find a way to drive trial for Bing. The minimal amount of money ($50,000) for campaigns was another statement of the situation (Elberse & Owusu-Kesse 2012). Decoded wanted to kill or provide a solution to two problems using one approach, massive interactive scavenger hunt. The decoded agency had an agency style that limited its ability to explore as an agency.

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The decoded had numerous strengths that added advantage to its label. It would be essential to mention these strengths to describe it effectively. The company had the best founders in the industry for a long time, and they could identify and establish innovative approaches. It had David (Droga5) and Essex, who were co-founders. It had several eye-catching campaigns like UNICEF Tap Project and the million (Elberse & Owusu-Kesse 2012). Those campaigns are the strengths of this agency because they give the organization a picture or an added advantage; it would not be new to the market. Droga5 had random house approaches, which could have been an advantage that could address other problems. The team had another excellent campaign idea that was called a Scavenger Hunt, which was a strength. They had another campaign called decoded, which was an integral approach that called for the use of traditional outdoor such billboards. In general, Drog5 had unique, innovative campaigns that acted as one of the added advantages. It had the strength of the campaign's coordination efforts as the agency had previously worked with managers and general customers in the industry.


Apart from the fact that the agency had strengths, it had weaknesses too. Weaknesses that would be mentioned are a difficult task to brokering a deal, such as a deal between the strangest of bedfellows. Another disadvantage of the agency was to secure a high degree of control over the campaign was critical (Elberse & Owusu-Kesse 2012). It was one of the challenges that occurred in the agency. The control over the movement was the problem because it had difficulties to choose or to make a choice. Another weakness of the agency was that it had less innovative desires that would make it grow even more outstanding. The agency is also limited to a few forms of strategy, which is disadvantageous to its growth. Since the agency had one way of handling the customer's request, the agency experienced difficulty producing the best version of what a customer would want. Instead, they made a version of someone else's preference. The organization or the company had limited ways of incorporating their thinking, limiting the agency's contribution to the advertising industry. The agency's approach to using tough questions was another impact or weakness that prevailed.


The decoded agency had numerous opportunities in the market that made it grow exponentially. It would be essential to mention these opportunities to understand them effectively. Some of these opportunities are; the unique approaches to rise in the market using Bing that was the most significant feature to compete Google in the competition. It had an excellent campaigning idea, which was called the Scavenger Hunt. It was an interactive global idea that would make the company or agency even better. The agency had the best opportunity to outcompete google. There were limited competitive agencies that would work or compete with Google, and it had the support of Microsoft Bing, which was an added advantage to its competition platform (Elberse & Owusu-Kesse 2012).

It had numerous online stakes like the use of players to maneuver the online marketing platform. It is an opportunity to explore the online market like players' use because google or their competitor never thought of it, or they have not studied the same. The agency was exposed to the market with many approaches to campaign ideas that would make it even better or bigger. Grau and Jackson's vision was beyond what could be used by the agency to grow or become more competitive.


Numerous threats existed in the agency. Some of these threats are extreme competition from google and customers' habit of using google services that would have been difficult to break. In the case of google competition, the agency had the uncertainty of growing because the competitor, which google had taken over, and it would have been easy to get customers convinced easily. It had one of the problems to grow Binge, just like other agencies had the same issue. The sole purpose of the Bing that was sent was to break google habit, but it was a threat to the decoded agency as it was more of a threat than an advantage. The use of the product could not guarantee the best outcome in breaking customers' habit of using google, and any outside expected results could harm the business. Another approach or something that could be defined as the risk was the same way that the agency used or the agency style. It was one of the main threats that the company experienced as it dragged in unexpected services to customers. It applied over and over the same method. The application of the same process was a threat in a way that affected the company's ways of providing services to customers.

Marketing Problem

The marketing problem is consumer behavior. So, consumer's behavior would give the agency a better exposure to the market and improve their marketing strategy. The decoded agency had one marketing problem: consumer behavior as they did not study the consumer behavior to make the best approach to the marketing problem. It would be crucial to understand consumer behavior to inform customers' choices. It would give them a method to fill in the gap of what is missing to break the customer's habit. The recommendation based on the identified solution would be conducting a consumer behavior analysis.


The approach has numerous questions that would govern the analysis process to solve the problem. Some of these questions that would inform the analysis process would be identifying what consumers think (what do consumers think?). The second question would be, what influences consumers to choose specific options? Other items would help the process and create a solution to the issue. After the agency has analyzed consumer behavior, it should develop a marketing idea that best addresses their concern.


Elberse, A., & Owusu-Kesse, K. (2012). Droga5: Launching Jay-Z's Decoded.

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