Social Media Connects: Analyzing 3 Wall Posts from WHO, Entrepreneur, and Student - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-30
Social Media Connects: Analyzing 3 Wall Posts from WHO, Entrepreneur, and Student - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Social media
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 496 words
5 min read

Social media has provided immense platforms for people to interact with each other even when they are far, geographically. For this paper, three wall posts from three different individuals and organizations on Facebook will be used. To begin with, there is a post by the World Health Organization (WHO) on their Facebook page. In this particular post, dated July 8, 2020, WHO is reminding people of the various ways of reducing the risk of spreading Covid-19. On the same day, an entrepreneur of Zimbabwean descent, Strive Masiyiwa, also posts on his wall how technology can be used as a tool to provide solutions (Masiyiwa, 2020). Last but not least, Harvard University also posts, same day, their thoughts on the ICE policy that required their international students to go back to their countries (Harvard University, 2020).

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The first post is more about providing information to people, and as of July 10, 2020, it had been shared 15,000 times by people all over the world. From the 2600 comments, it is evident that the post touches many as people are responding to the post by describing how well or poorly the guidelines have impacted their countries (WHO, 2020). Masiyiwa's post is also informative, and it challenges its readers to maximize technology through the examples that he has used. About 177000 individuals react to the post, and in the comment section, Masiyiwa is actively interacting with his followers, which seems to inspire them to action. Harvard University followers, in the comment section, seem to be raising a debate on whether the ICE policy is good for the people or not.

Unlike other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook does not have a limited number of characters that one can use in a post, so the users of Facebook are expressive. An implicit notion that Facebook users have is that popular posts are good for marketing purposes, and they, therefore, attach their business handles or state that they sell certain products in their comments hoping that they will attract the attention of a potential customer.

By focusing on the wall posts, it is possible to see how people interact with each other, especially by assessing the reactions to the posts, the comments, and how people share the post on their walls to allow others to see the same post. Also, individuals and organizations schedule online events, live discussions, and online dates to promote the social relationships that they have with other people. From these Facebook features, people can share news, facts, and other information that gives a perspective of the impact that the pandemic has created all over the world.


Harvard University (2020). ICE Policy. Facebook.

Masiyiwa, S. (2020). Technology is Simply a Tool to Provide Solutions. Facebook.

WHO (2020). Reduce Your Risk of COVID-19. Facebook.

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Social Media Connects: Analyzing 3 Wall Posts from WHO, Entrepreneur, and Student - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 30). Retrieved from

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