Essay Sample on Skepticism in Early Modern Europe

Published: 2017-12-25
Essay Sample on Skepticism in Early Modern Europe
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Philosophy Europe
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 315 words
3 min read

Cardinally, skepticism is the sense of disbelief and doubt in languages which are used daily by the human race. It can also be perceived as an identifiable school of thoughts in the history of ideas. In normal circumstances, it expresses matters of uncertainty, suspension of judgment and rejection of people’s knowledge. It is thus more of an oppositional sense, which is characterized by dogmatism that lays claims to know both truth and reality. The task is thus premised at identifying facts as to why the subject attracted serious thinkers in early modern Europe.

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One of the reasons was based on the understanding that it was a product of two movements that existed in the ancient Greek philosophy. These movements were academic skepticism that was attributed to by Socrates and Plato, and pyrrhonism by Pyrrho of Ellis. The personalities mentioned were renowned philosophers whose works attracted other serious thinkers in early modern Europe to ascertain truth and reality.

It was also attractive to serious thinkers because it developed with consideration to various disciplines where many people claimed to have knowledge. The early thinkers were able to integrate the disciplines and ascertain their justification. Another reason was its ability to be differentiated, for example, epistemological skepticism could be differentiated in the areas where doubts were aligned towards reason, sense or even knowledge of things- in- themselves.

The final reason as to why skepticism was attractive to the early serious thinkers of Europe was because the writings of skeptics were popular since they went through various editions after the adoption of the printing press.

In conclusion, skepticism was primarily the attitude of doubting knowledge claims that were set in various fronts. Most of the serious thinkers in early modern Europe were attracted to it because of the reasons discussed in the subsequent paragraphs above to ascertain truth and reality.

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