Free Essay: Servant Leaders Have to Be Empathetic

Published: 2023-04-13
Free Essay: Servant Leaders Have to Be Empathetic
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Movie Personal leadership Servant leadership
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1320 words
11 min read

Was Walt Disney a servant leader?

Walt Disney is a savant leader with a passion for empowering others to join their quest. According to Wilkes (1998), servant leaders are usually full of inspiration for their mission of theirs. They'll actively attempt to boost their mission of theirs each day and enthusiastically motivate others to get involved in it. In the movie, Walt Disney maintained convincing Travers to agree to offer the rights to the Disney company therefore a lot more people can talk about her story. Based on the movie, Disney's cartoons are going to bring joy not just to kids, but to other adults also. Travers's Mary Poppins will fly from the webpage. Walt Disney's quest was to make everybody happy via Disney animation, and also, he encouraged Travers to sign the agreement.

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Servant leaders have to be empathetic (Wilkes, 1998). Saving Mr. Banks discussed that Walt Disney frequently personnel working overtime late at night. He told Richard that as he was younger, he regarded Mickey Mouse as his life which made Richard comprehend why Travers was extremely seriously interested in this particular movie taking (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013). Walt Disney analyzed difficulties from Travers's viewpoint, he attempted to understand Travers by his experience promoting Richard being far more understanding and patient with Travers. These scenarios prove that Walt Disney is a servant leader. He is not only excited about the mission but also motivates others to get involved in it. Above all, he is determined to understand other people's perspectives on various matters

How would you describe Mrs. Travers and her leadership style?

Mrs. Travers is a regular autocratic leader. Based on Kendra (2019), Autocratic leadership is a leadership style indicated by specific command of little feedback and all the choices from team members. Autocratic leaders generally make decisions according to their judgments and suggestions and seldom accept guidance from followers or juniors. They have all of the energy & responsibility and make individual conclusions without consulting their subordinates. Autocratic work environments usually have minimum flexibility. The movie mentioned that Travers required that there be no white in the movie, although Walt Disney insisted the movie to be done in London.

Travers threatened of cancelling the cooperation in case Walt Disney did not agree to her terms (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013). She did not pay attention to Walt Disney's guidance and insisted on not working with red in the film, even though the story occurred in London where red is an essential color. Travers just makes decisions based on their own preferences. When Walt Disney differs, Travers threatens him by canceling cohesiveness. Crystal (2017) discovered Rules are positioned for staff to go by in an autocratic leadership like since there's a requirement to produce consistency. That means the partnerships created by the employees are with the guidelines, not with individuals, and that can help to lower morale in the long run. Based on the guidelines, workers are forced to stay within the arrangement of their executives.

The movie mentioned that Travers maintained questioning the names of film characters and also criticizing their dress, which made Robert really feel her distrust (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013). Resting on the couch, Robert told Travers that her demands were exorbitant and that he did not wish to switch. Travers asked Robert to go out of the conference and made the working atmosphere become despondent. Travers distrusted the staff's layout of heroes and continuously criticized them, which made Robert fight, and her control created the working atmosphere quite depressing. Travers is an autocratic leader. She not merely does not pay attention to anyone's views when making choices, but additionally distrusts workers, which results to employees' opposition. Travers wishes to absolutely control over everybody, and their behavior of her results in the inefficiency of film taking.

Leadership Styles

a) What 2 servant leadership characteristics did you observe in this person? Give an example.

Ralph displayed a welcoming character which is a quality of servant leadership. He warmly welcomed Travers and was determined to help her around whenever she wanted (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013). Despite her behavior, Ralph did not hate her but carried on receiving her warmly each day. Ralph was also caring. Based on the film, Ralph greeted Travers warmly from the very first time they met in the terminal and also introduced America to her, though she was ungrateful and answered him meanly (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013). Later Travers was more comfortable with him in the car as denoted when he asked her warmly & switched on the air conditioner. Ralph was mindful of their objective, therefore, he remained friendly and warm, although Travers's response was constantly cold and mean. Ralph even wanted Travers to make a great impression on America. Effective servant leaders not only help workers to comprehend the company's vision for detail but also take care of buyers. Based on the movie, When Travers was bad, Ralph played video games with her and shared his encounters Ralph might seem a follower, but he displayed the characteristics of a servant leader. If a follower wants to become a great servant leader, he/she ought to begin by being an excellent follower as Ralph does.

b. How did they overcome a challenge they faced by using their servant leadership behavior?

The challenge Ralph faced was the irritable mood and attitude by his guest Travers. He overcame the challenge by showing up to play video games with her and told her and share his life experiences to help her understand him better (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013). This way, she was able to find a way of interacting with ease.

Forgiveness & Servant Leadership

1. What did you learn about forgiveness from this movie? Give two examples

In the movie "Saving Mr. Banks," forgiveness is illustrated as a very crucial part of people's lives, forgiveness ends the cycle of hurt life which causes a lot of pain and marks the beginning of a new life of truth. Without forgiveness, life becomes hard and painful. Therefore, we should all learn to forgive. In the movie Mrs. Travers was unwilling to forgive her father for the pain he caused her family during childhood, either she did want to forgive herself for the behaviors that encouraged her father's behavior (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013). When Mr. Walt sat with Mrs. Trever and explained to her the importance of forgiveness, she was able to forgive her father and herself. In the movie, Mr. Walt wanted to save Mrs. Travers' father by saving George Banks through this her father could be felt by everyone who finished the movie (Kelly, Sue & John, 2013).

2. Why is forgiveness an important quality in a servant leader?

I feel forgiveness is a crucial quality of a servant leader, both Walt Disney and Ralph, who forgive as well as tolerate Travers. It should be part of servant leadership because it improves the relationship of all kinds. As we all know, relationships are the foundation of leadership. Therefore, servant leaders should honor relationships of all kinds and treat them as sacred. Relationships should be based on trust and all leaders should be compassionate. For one to be compassionate, forgiveness should be part of them. Forgiveness is the foundation of strong relationships. Servant leaders should learn to forgive others and forgive them as well. Forgiveness is an act of humility, it brings to an end the bitterness of life events and puts you and the other person on one side of the problem, thus the willingness to work together.


Crystal, L. (2017). 19 autocratic leadership style advantages and disadvantages. Future of Working. Retrieved from

Kelly, M. & Sue, S. (Producers), & John, L. H. (Director). (2013). Saving Mr. Banks [Motion picture]. United States: Essential Media Entertainment and BBC Films.

Kendra, C. (2019, May 20). Autocratic leadership. Very Well Mind. Retrieved from

Wilkes, C. G. (1998). Jesus on Leadership: Discovering the secrets of servant leadership from the life of Christ. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

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