Sensory Unveiling: A 3-Day Exploration of Seeing and Hearing - Paper Example

Published: 2024-01-20
Sensory Unveiling: A 3-Day Exploration of Seeing and Hearing - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Family
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 578 words
5 min read

The ability to hear or see has always been taken for granted by many people. Although many people have the potential and ability to see or hear, some individuals lack the same skills and yearn to have the potential to listen to or see. The possibility of listening to or seeing is significant to individuals in conducting everyday activities that are useful in making meaningful decisions when faced with varying experiences and situations. Individuals with the ability to see or hear can link particular objects or sounds with a given effect. Individuals tend to avoid sounds and things that produce traumatizing experiences. Thus, when I am granted a chance to see it for three days, I will use the opportunity to identify the environment, codify objects, and extend my knowledge of understanding the environment.

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I will use my first day to identify and link my sense of touch to the environment that I had been exploring without a sense of touch. I will be able to hear the whistles, bending of trees, and clouds of dust when the wind blows. Further, I will see the rising sun in the morning, feel its heating effects alongside time, and eventually see how the sun sets. Furthermore, I will identify household items at home that are not limited to knives, chairs, televisions, coaches, and family members. I will also see my helper, who usually directs me to move from one place to another at home or far from home.

On the second day, I will understand the different methods that individuals and animals use to react to the environment. I will comprehend, observe, and associate a disgusting face, a happy face, and a calm expression. Notably, happy individuals tend to smile; those who are sad usually frown while the ones with a quiet look show contention. Besides, I will associate certain sounds that individuals make in different environments while portraying a given experience. I will understand that when people cry, they are enduring a painful experience; when they laugh, they are happy, and when they yell, they are angry. I will also associate the cat’s mewing sounds, the dog’s barking sound, and the ambulance’s siren. In so doing, I will gain knowledge and understanding of different sounds produced by people, animals, and objects.

On the third day, I will codify items to remember them when I touch them quickly. I will associate household items that I frequently use to facilitate and ease my essential activities when I lose my sight and hearing. For instance, I will arrange items in my room to remember them without involving my helper. Notably, I will place clothes in my wall drop, my drinking cup, spoon, and plates on the table for easier identification. Besides, I will associate the height of my friends and family members with rods’ measurements to help me identify them quickly. Resultantly, I will easily locate items and identify my close friends and family members correctly.

When allowed to see or hear for three days, I will use my first day to observe objects and human beings that I had been touching without seeing or hearing. On my second day, I will learn different methods that individuals and animals use in reacting to different situations. Lastly, I will use my third day to arrange items in the house and make rods with a similar height to those of friends and family members to remember easily.

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Sensory Unveiling: A 3-Day Exploration of Seeing and Hearing - Paper Example. (2024, Jan 20). Retrieved from

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