Saving Private Ryan: An Epic War Film - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Saving Private Ryan: An Epic War Film - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Movie review
Categories:  Entertainment Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 681 words
6 min read


Saving Private Ryan is one of the American movie released in 1998 (Bodnar, 2001). It is an epic war film that was written by Robert Rodat and directed by Steven Spielberg. The films represent the story of a soldier known as Fritz Niland and the U.S War Department directive planned to safeguard the sons in various families (Crampton & Power, 2005). The movie highlights the story of Captain John H. Miller, who was the leader of the platoon during the D-Day invasion of the Normandy (Bodnar, 2001). The mission of the squad was to free France and overthrow Nazis. Together with the seven men, Captain John H. Miller went searching for Private First Class James Francis Ryan. Ryan was to return home after his three brothers were killed in the battle. The movie represents the real war that took place during the second war and the consequences of the war. Eight men had to risk their lives for the sake of one individual. The soldiers had morals and improved skills that enabled them to conquer their enemies. They went through hardship but emerged saviors and heroes. Saving Private Ryan is an American pride that is highly seen due to its dramatic movie scenes.

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Setting (time period, situation/event,location)

The movie's shooting took place in Normandy on June 6 in 1944, although some scenes were shot in England. It took place during the Second World War when Normandy invaded in World war II. The setting of the movie took place outside, although some scenes were filmed indoors. Several props such as rubble, weapon replicas, military trucks, and sandbags were used.

Major characters (include name, brief description, protagonist/antagonist)

Captain Tom Miller: He is thirty-eight years old. Initially, he was a schoolteacher, although some soldiers do not believe it (Collins & Rodat, 2008). He is a stoic protagonist in the film.

Sergeant Horvath: He is thirty years old, experienced, and tough soldier (Collins & Rodat, 2008). His role is to protect Captain, although he does not clearly understand him. He antagonist in the film.

Private Caparzo: He is twenty-two years old. He was killed for being kind to French children (Collins & Rodat, 2008). He is an antagonist in the movie.

Private Ryan: He is the youngest among the four brothers. Ryan is a humble soldier with comradeship values (Collins & Rodat, 2008). He is a symbol of the whole squad. He is an antagonist in the movie.

Corporal Upham. He is twenty-four years old. Ryan is a translator and mapmaker who joins the squad after the interpreter was murdered (Collins & Rodat, 2008). He is an antagonist in the movie.

What about this topic would you like to know more about: The topic that I would like to know more about is the contradiction of saving Private Ryan. According to my understanding, the film focuses on individuals spared suffering but not those who underwent suffering. Still, in the end, Spielberg's subject is the debt set aside by the children and not the courage of the soldiers. All these arguments bring some contradiction, making it hard to understand the film.

Key scenes/Dialogue

There at two main scenes in the film. In the beginning, the film depicts the attack of Omaha Beach (Bodnar, 2001). The men in the ship are incoherent, seasick, and they were not expecting war. This scene demonstrated what was experienced in the D-Day, such as the shooting of a man. Another scene is during the mission. The squad got involved in the mission of finding Private Ryan (Bodnar, 2001). There is no clear reason for finding someone they have never met. The scene demonstrates that Captain Miller was every soldier and every man.


Collins, M. A., & Rodat, R. (2008). Saving Private Ryan. Signet.

Crampton, A., & Power, M. (2005). Frames of reference on the geopolitical stage: saving Private Ryan and the Second World War/Second Gulf War intertext. Geopolitics, 10(2), 244-265

Bodnar, J. (2001). Saving Private Ryan and postwar memory in America. The American Historical Review, 106(3), 805-817.

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