Paper Example. Room With a View by MN Dance Company

Published: 2023-07-10
Paper Example. Room With a View by MN Dance Company
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Music Analysis Movie Essays by pagecount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 705 words
6 min read

Watching the dance was the best activity I enjoyed watching. It was exciting and held my attention throughout the performance time. The scene involving the performance was among the exciting genre, notably the dance setting, which played the best role. The family of Vernazza is impressive, especially when the recording of the dance provides the dancers with all the necessary performance resources required. Almost all the room corners of the room were used by the dancers to express different scenes involved in the performance.

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The dance "Room with a View" is highly based on a personal life with a reflection of the inner world aspect. A common language of the dance is used throughout the entire film in a unique show in the film depicting different interactions between women and men in a modern world (MN Dance Company, 2016). A price dancing style is achieved by the dancers assuming a given line following a given architecture. During the progress of the dance, different notable aspects can be considered to be a reflection of a typical lifestyle.

Elements such as dreams, memories, frustrations, and relationships are presented in the film. Others, such as frustrations and loneliness, which often happen in the modern world, were among the main aspects depicted within the dance performance. The different individual dancers can notice every aspect which occurs within the film within the film ((MN Dance Company, 2016)). The various interaction aspects evident between the man and women are represented continuously as the film progresses. The sharing responsibilities were among the most exciting element depicted in the movie, which was very enjoyable to watch. The sharing aspect is shown when a thirsty male who takes a glass and presents it to a woman who gives him water.

The action depicts precisely what goes on and happens in the current society. Also, the film provides random chances for people to come together. The film continually portrayed that casual meetings occurred where individuals came to understand one another, and it helped in the creation of friendships. All these are evident in our current society, where individuals develop an understanding, love, and live to create new stories about each other. Hence, the film created a fantastic attitude and feeling when watching.

I did not enjoy the dance moves that were made up and down the stairs. I lacked an understanding of why they were incorporated in the dance and why they were made for. However, how the dancers tried to make the moves were impressive. Through this, I was thrilled as it showed me how individuals in the current society make strong relationships with each other to avoid loneliness. The moves also carried more profound information on how individuals help each other out while conducting different day-to-day activities.

The dance made me understand why different genders need each other and why they need to corporate. It showed the need for support expected by both women and men and why they should give each other support. The dance draws the big picture that relationships can be made more influential in our current society and that minimal instances of a man hurting a woman or vice versa could be achieved (MN Dance Company, 2016).

I can also associate the male-female dance as the best section of the film, mainly because the dancers integrated well throughout the entire dance. In my opinion, the male-female dancers were the best in the dance. They also helped me to generate the general idea being portrayed in the dance. They continually seemed energized and helped each other to perform significantly in the dance.


The dance was made using vivid sound, and the dancers were well equipped, even with their dancing costumes, and it impressed me. I also enjoyed every bit of the dance because the music integrated with each scene in the film. I was able to understand the dance with the help of rhyme created by the costumes and background. The male-female dance was made synchronously, capturing my attention. Therefore, I can recommend the dance to those in relationships and to those who want to engage in relationships.


MN Dance Company. (2016, March 21). ROOM WITH A VIEW - dance film - MN DANCE COMPANY. Retrieved from

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Paper Example. Room With a View by MN Dance Company. (2023, Jul 10). Retrieved from

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