Free Essay Sample: Romantic Era of Music

Published: 2023-08-06
Free Essay Sample: Romantic Era of Music
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Music Inspiration Relationship
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1162 words
10 min read

Music is a global phenomenon with multiple forms and genres. As such, significant musicals and ideations were transformative based on the period in which they were composed and highly appreciated. As the case, the romantic era of music gets experienced across the Western world during the mid-18th century and early 19th century. Significant efforts and musical compositions were put on display during the romantic music era and brought substantial changes in how people thought and perceived literature. The music developed and composed during the era were love attributes leading composers and music lovers to term it as romantic music due to the endless music types produced and their messages.

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Instruments Used

The period witnessed a significant surge in music composition with great emphasis getting placed on instrument use. Such instruments involved the use of flutes, oboes, saxophones, tubas, and many more. Flutes were elaborately used during the Romantic period to provide a symphony base in which the composers and music artists would improve sound volume, intonation, and range (Lee 261). The flutes were designed with a cylindrical length base, which helped to produce more precise tones and registers. They were developed in such a way that they could synchronize keyboard tones. Adolphe Sax developed the saxophone. He wanted to create an ideal instrument that combines tunes attained from the woodwind and brass family sets. It experienced significant modifications with slight extensions in its bell and the additional key to expanding its range. Johann Gottfried Moritz developed the tuba with the help of his son. It is similar to other bass brands and orchestras as it is useful for producing and synchronizing tunes obtained from other instruments. They also used pianos, strings, trumpets, and percussion as additional appeals to create a solitary form of music.

Style of Music

Many music composers during the Romantic era used some techniques and styles to create profound music. Such efforts enabled them to bring a deeper level of emotional connection to their music and work. Such efforts included the use of styles such as chromatic harmony, rubato, and thematic transformation. Achromatic accord involved the use of a chromatic scale to create music tunes. It included the creation of sensational music chords based on the range giving the music a romantic attribution and characteristic of the music genre. Such types of techniques enabled music lovers to connect with the music content emotionally. The use of rubato helped to create a musical tune harmony and increased music intensity by holding back the tempo or moving forward. Such elaborate movements created musical artistry in songs improving fine-tuning the vocal prowess of the composers (Lee 263). The thematic transformation involved the resumption of a music theme after it had been altered and later restarted in a corresponsive movement. Such a characteristic style elaborated great instrumental mastery helping bring out fine tunes and implements accompanying the composer's words.

Popular Forms of Music

Most music composers during the Romantic era altered the forms of their music genres to make their contents more subjective. Such implements enabled them to provide listeners with thought-provoking emotions and feelings. Popular types during the era involved the use of romance style, a popular music form in which composers used short lyrical pieces with the help of pianos. The piano tunes were used with another solo instrument as a companion easing fusion. It brought about a significant change in melody and tunes. Nocturne was also a popular form referring to a night piece (Adams n.p). It was characteristically slow, intimate, and lyrically composed by a piano solo. Etude was also a form of music that aimed at helping new learners and music composers to master essential technical skills inclining them to respond to any difficulty. Polonaise was also used to supplement tunes making the composition in triple meter piano use.

Biographical Information

The Romantic era experienced an increased surge in composers of different abilities and ideas. Examples in reference would be Ludwig Van Beethoven and Franz Schubert. Ludwig Van Beethoven was a composer of romantic music and was able to bridge different music styles of the 18th and 19th centuries. His fiery passion was well renowned with elaborate music samples such as fifth harmony, Ode to Joy, Moonlight Sonata, and Fur Elise. He wrote these classics when suffering from severe Tinnitus, a condition known to cause deafness. He got idolized as a music legend, and his death brought with it profound changes in romantic music and later composition.

Franz Schubert was an elaborate romantic music composer of the 19th century his famous jam, the lieder earned him considerable appreciation and fame in the early romantic era. His tunes and music had elaborated piano and voice command making them a classical directive at the time. He composed many resounding tunes with the unfinished symphony, getting described as a musical masterpiece. His resounding ability to use pianos, and other instrumentals set a high level compared to different sets of composers at the time.

History Information at the Time

The romantic era of music brought with it significant social and political changes across the globe. The emergence and continuous nationalist trends led to increased political sanctions, such as the French Revolution, in which France experienced substantial changes. It brought significant changes in social action and thought as numerous societies got torn between capitalism, socialism, and the need for freedom. Such developments were constituting the oppression, neglect, and unequal resource distribution that was characteristic at the time.

Societal Influence

Due to societal differences in classes, the period for romantic music experienced resound change; specific genres were meant for the poor and others for the rich. Music composers strived to appeal to everyone based on societal standings. As such, multiple artists came up with the Romantic Movement in song composition as a way of addressing their efforts, feelings, and thoughts in line with what was unfolding during the timeline (Hansen, Niels, Makiko, and Marcus 417). It had a tremendous impact as artistry changed with the surge in musical prowess and delivery.


In summary, the romantic era of music bears significant importance on how society evolved together with artistry. Such efforts by an elaborate number of musical geniuses and instrument mastery brought forth a different form of music genres. The implements meant that artists during such efforts made songs which attributed to love to improve the social morale of people at a time of great misfortune and societal depression due to challenges brought about by capitalism and socialism. Such significant changes helped eradicate a problematic past for such societies and pushed them forward to a distant future.

Works Cited

Adams, Danny. "The Golden Age Exposed: The Reality Behind This Romantic Era." (2017).

Hansen, Niels Chr, Makiko Sadakata, and Marcus Pearce. "Nonlinear changes in the rhythm of European art music: Quantitative support for historical musicology." Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 33.4 (2016): 414-431.

Lee, Sherry D. "The Melody of Time: Music and Temporality in the Romantic Era, by Benedict Taylor." (2018): 260-264.

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