Essay Sample on Research Methodology: A Detailed Guide

Published: 2023-08-26
Essay Sample on Research Methodology: A Detailed Guide
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Research
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 814 words
7 min read


The research methodology chapter provides a detailed description of the methods used in actual research. It offers facts and figures concerning the sampled population, the study design, the site of the study, the size of the sample, the procedure of sampling, and the methods of data collection. The main aim of the research methodology section is to describe actions to be taken and followed in investigating a research problem. This section provides a clear framework of specified procedures used to identify and analyze a given set of information to help in understanding the problem. The methodology section enables the readers and other users of the study to evaluate its reliability and validity.

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What I Have Learnt to Do a Research

Throughout the research, I have learned that methodology is vital for pursuers because they demand the source of information. After all, the technique one selects dramatically affects the results. Additionally, by augmentation, how someone deciphered the outcomes essentialness through the conversation areas of the research also matters. The approach, in most cases, is pivotal for the entire sections of the study because an inconsistent strategy produces uncertain results. The unexpected outcome may sabotage the desired examination as par with the expected discoveries. The philosophy part of the research paper should unmistakably express why one has decided to pick a particular system or procedure. Techniques must be proper to enhance the satisfaction of the examination concerns.

Types of Research and Data Collection

According to (Armstrong, 2012), the types of research methods include; “Basic research, Applied research, problem-oriented research, problem-solving research, Qualitative research, and Quantitative research”. Primary research involves the collection of data to enhance knowledge. In most cases, this type of research does not facilitate the creation or invention of anything. According to (Armstrong, 2012), Applied research is used in analyzing research problems and coming up with solutions to real-life issues. The “Problem-oriented research” method is carried out to enable comprehension of the specific purpose of research to identify the required answers. According to (Armstrong, 2012), Problem-solving research is majorly conducted by large organizations, including companies to comprehend and find out resolutions to their challenges. Qualitative research aids in creating comprehension of real issues in their original points of views. In most cases, qualitative research overly depends on the nature of the research questions and the researchers’ level of experience. Quantitative research involves the collection and analysis of structured data to find out conclusions. It employs the use of a statistical process in data collection and analysis

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Pros and Cons

Quantitative Pros and Cons

According to (Amabile, 1982), the advantages of quantitative research include the speedy collection of information. The information gathered can be examined, and conclusions are drawn faster. According to (Amabile, 1982), data accuracy and data repeatability will result in a believed set of estimations that can certainly yield in the case of forecasting arrangements. On the contrary, according to (Amabile, 1982), quantitative research has a constrained nature of testing the answers. Additionally, participants who are happy to participate might have shared qualities which in most cases are not different from the general population, creating a potential challenge during the investigation.

Qualitative Pros and Cons

According to (Amabile, 1982), subjective research involves the investigation of points in details as compared to quantitative research. Besides, qualitative research is cheaper than quantitative research because one is not necessarily required to enlist participants of the same number or strain to make use of broad strategies. On the contrary, one significant drawback of subjective research method is the failure to evaluate the amount of the crowd that can give the right answers. This challenge makes it amazingly difficult to come up with reliable and accurate estimations. Additionally, one cannot add up their discoveries. Subjective research doesn’t permit a researcher to utilize the developments as the reason for a more extensive crowd

Under What Circumstances Which Research Method is Used

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research strategies are being used to assemble input and bits of knowledge from a moderately little gathering of clients. All in all, this research type is portrayed as noting the; How, When, Where, and Why, of client conduct. Instances of subjective strategies include: unstructured or semi-organized meetings, journal studies, and co-creation meetings

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research strategies are additionally used to accumulate experiences; however, the size and the scope of the client gathering can be extended. This sort of research concentrates more on gathering client information rather than just understanding. This method of research is portrayed as noting the “who” and “what” of client conduct. Instances of quantitative techniques include: organized, un-moderated testing, studies, and surveys.


Armstrong, D. (2012). The contributions of creative cognition and Schizotypal symptoms to artistic achievement. Creativity Research journal, 24, 177-190. DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2012.677329

Amabile, T.M., (1982). The social psychology of creativity: A consensual assessment technique. Journal of personality and social psychology, 43, 997-1013. DOI: 10.1002/jocb.001

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