Report Sample on Community Well-Being Strategies: A Focus on Johns Hopkins Medicine Strategic Plan

Published: 2024-01-08
Report Sample on Community Well-Being Strategies: A Focus on Johns Hopkins Medicine Strategic Plan
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategy Medicine Community
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 532 words
5 min read

One of the strategic goals of the Johns Hopkins Medicine strategic plan is to support the well-being of the people and communities (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2020). Therefore, the retreat shall focus majorly on ensuring that there are strategies in place to improve people’s well-being. The retreat shall include the hospital’s staff, public health officials, and mobilization groups on community health. The retreat should help build a bond between players in healthcare, such that the health of the people begins from their homes and not at the hospitals.

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The retreat shall happen across the different halls in the county, at different intervals. The participants shall be invited through emails and phone calls. During the retreat, there shall be different activities like speeches by public health officials, collaborative discussions, and Q&A sessions that would help the moderators come up with conclusions on the best way forward (Roth & Markova, 2012). The most favored approaches to promoting community health shall be adopted, in a way agreed upon by the participants. Through the speeches, everyone will understand how public health agencies try to maintain community well-being through their work. However, it could be ineffective because some people may not be very good at delivering information through speeches. Collaborative discussions may be the best, as everyone will own the process (Roth & Markova, 2012). They would only fail if some people in the discussion group set up become too opinionated and do not give others a chance to air their views. However, the combination of the different methods in the retreat would ensure a great outcome.

The well-being of the people is central to the overall health of the community (Halleröd & Seldén, 2012). There has been an accelerated focus on teaching people about healthy living and better lifestyles. Some of the lifestyle diseases that people experience can be avoided through healthy living. The United States has a high rate of obesity, which is a lifestyle disease. It is fundamental for players in the sector to come together and educate people on the kind of lifestyles to lead to remaining healthy and disease-free. The whole idea of the retreat is to develop a functional system to work closely with communities on a better and healthier life. At the end of the retreat, everyone should be prepared to assist the people around them to live well. In a huge way, this should be part of the corporate social responsibility played by John Hopkins. The organization would get a positive public image and would come closer to one of its core objectives in the strategic plan.


Halleröd, B., & Seldén, D. (2012). The multi-dimensional characteristics of wellbeing: how different aspects of wellbeing interact and do not interact with each other. Social Indicators Research, 113(3), 807-825.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2020). John Hopkins Medicine Strategic Plan Goals - Support Our People and Our Communities.

Roth, L., & Markova, T. (2012). Essentials for great teams: Trust, diversity, communication, and joy. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 25(2), 146-148.

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Report Sample on Community Well-Being Strategies: A Focus on Johns Hopkins Medicine Strategic Plan. (2024, Jan 08). Retrieved from

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