Essay Sample on Recruiting Challenges and Recommendations

Published: 2023-08-02
Essay Sample on Recruiting Challenges and Recommendations
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Human resources Employment Job
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1028 words
9 min read

The majority of Human Resource (HR) professionals face different problems when hiring new employees all over the globe. The lack of competent candidates who can effectively use the learned skills makes the recruiters face numerous issues when enlisting new workers every time. To overcome these problems, HR should have a wide range of understanding of how to solve emerging recruiting difficulties. This knowledge helps the recruiter to differentiate and consider the right candidate eligible for the position applied. The objective of this paper is to explain the challenges faced by recruiters and the recommendations on how to overcome them.

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To start with, the HR manager should understand the necessity of making a timely hire. The time between job announcements and the hiring of a candidate is the key to identifying a competent candidate. An appropriate candidate can get off the market for ten days, which is not close to the time that one can hire (Patel, 2017). The growth increase of companies has led to competition for hiring the best candidate. This competition is a challenge for many managers, especially when vetting the best candidate at a specific time.

However, throughout my years of experience, some conflicts between what I learned and the practical part of it has emerged. For example, the time taken for the process of recruiting and eventually hiring the best qualified requires to be enough. These considerations may take quite long, increasing the probability that the candidate can get hired by any other company. To curb this challenge, I have learned different methods of fastening the process to enroll the best candidate within the shortest time possible.

Secondly, the insufficient potential to create a structured recruiting process is a threat to the recruiters. The team should evaluate and understand what is happening in every hiring process (Jørgensen et al., 2014). An efficient hiring process has various significances that help the recruiting team to come up with the best-qualified candidates. For example, the availability of different recruiters going through the information of a candidate increases the rate of hiring him based on the right qualifications. However, various factors, such as time, has been affecting this process throughout my years of experience.

Also, inadequate know-how of engaging a qualified applicant is a great challenge. Most of the HR professionals get stuck when they don’t make it to persuade the right candidate for the offer while they get needed by the company’s competitors (Jørgensen et al., 2014). This competition lowers the chance of employing the right candidate eligible for the position applied. Therefore, it is vital as a human resource manager to ensure that the recruiting team can persuade the candidate and convince them to choose your company over other companies.

Moreover, the recruiting team faces the challenge of attracting the right candidates. Increased competition of qualified candidates leads to the hiring of the best person found other than the right one who fit for a job. This pressure has different side effects in terms of work produced since the number of applicants is not always necessary as the qualified personnel and the right one for the job. For example, the candidate may have the best qualification in a certificate, but lacks passion for the job.

Also, the company needs a clear definition vision and mission to enable the candidate to make the final judgment on whether to join it. Most of the qualified candidates join a company that has objectives aligned with their vision. Therefore, recruiters get challenged in harmonizing the mission of a company and the job-seekers innovations. To balance these two significant factors, I learned what most of the applicants need in their life. For instance, growing the talents and seeking more experience are some of the goals they desire to achieve. With this understanding, I suggest the benefits like timely payments in my business, contrary to any other company.

To improve the recruiting process speed and to overcome different challenges faced by recruiters, I understand the interest of most qualified applicants. It is significant to have different questions that help to reduce the evaluation process for hiring the right candidate (Jørgensen et al., 2014). First, I confirm whether all the recruiting stages are necessary. Secondly, I ensure that the candidates get sought from the right place just before the process begins. Lastly, I make sure that we communicate fast with the recruiting team and the job seekers.

To fasten the hiring process, I would recommend the HR managers to use recruiting metrics. This gadget enables one to measure the impact of the recruiting process from the “Applicant Tracking System (ATS)” (Bika, 2019). It guides the recruiters by answering different questions concerning the quality, expenses, and benefits of the leasing process. For example, it helps to know how good the recruiters are in spotting the right applicant. Similarly, it enables one to see the number of candidates needed for the job and how to take them through from one process to another.

Despite multiple advantages contributed by the growth of technology, the extension has caused different challenges to the recruiting team. An increase in industries has enhanced the competition of recruiters who always look for the right applicants. As such, the recruiters need to heighten the standard to attract qualified candidates to fit for the post. Also, a hiring team must look for what motivates the job-seekers just before the beginning of the process. What makes an applicant happy in a job tends to influence the choice when considering the hiring company. Therefore, to have the right recruited personnel, I recommend the recruiters to maximize in describing what they can offer to the applicants and not vice versa.


Bika, N. (2019, November 20). Recruiting Metrics FAQ: Everything you need to know about top KPIs. Retrieved from

Jørgensen, R., Munk-Jørgensen, P., Lysaker, P. H., Buck, K. D., Hansson, L., & Zoffmann, V. (2014). Overcoming recruitment barriers revealed high readiness to participate and a low dropout rate among people with schizophrenia in a randomized controlled trial testing the effect of a Guided Self-Determination intervention. BMC psychiatry, 14(1), 28.

Patel, S. (2017, November 11). How to Overcome the Biggest Challenges in Hiring Top Talent. Retrieved from

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