Free Essay Sample - Reasons for Giving up on Life

Published: 2023-01-20
Free Essay Sample - Reasons for Giving up on Life
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy Ethical dilemma Social issue Lifespan development
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 492 words
5 min read

Victor Frankl points out that finding meaning in life is depended on a set of values; these values control the well-being of an individual across a wide range of situations, failure to respond to these values correctly can lead to losing hope in life by of individual.

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Aesthetic value considers the crucial of doing something in service of others. Victor Frankl concludes that we realize the meaning of life only when we utilize our gifts by contributing to society. He suggests that self-actualization is fulfilling only when it's oriented towards purpose, excluding personal power and riches. He adds that Logotherapy is dependent on self-transcendence but not on self-actualization. Probative value focuses on the relationship and how an individual relates to others. This value is based on mindfulness and current emphasis; it explores on appreciating and being grateful, which is more than the sense of our surroundings.

Attitudinal value, it applies to our reactions, especially in suffering moments. Suffering can be related more positively. This can be overcome through revision of life goals as well as beliefs, transforming pain to a heroic opportunity as a way of serving as an example to others, suffering transcendence through spiritual cultivation, trying to find a lesson experienced through a negative experience. Failure to create some work to do- most people find it hard to commit themselves to certain activities in life (Fabry, 46). Such crashes result in losing the purpose of life. Also, not encountering someone or not experiencing something can trigger losing hope for life and cause distress. Another reason, according to Frankl, is the negative attitude taken towards certain critical circumstances (Fabry, 72). Also, failure to realize that life is never an easy walkthrough leaves many in the edges of giving up (Fabry, 67). Victor Frankl argues that meaning in life can be realized even amid miserable circumstances, people feel motivated to live according to a sense of purpose to life (Fabry, 49). This gives individuals the freedom to switch between attitudes in given circumstances set.

Cigarette smokers' words to non-smokers

Most cigarette smokers feel that smoking is the best solution for disturbing moments. Most smokers suggest that non-smokers should adopt their smoking culture when life brings no meaning. A suggestion is made that cigarette smoking can help relieve personal pains in a problematic situation though it is not the best approach to handle personal matters. Revisiting Victor Frankl's conclusion towards the meaning of life.

Why Frankl's beliefs are still relevant

Frankl believes that people's search for meaning is always proper in daily life. Creating something to do, understanding the nature of life, and also maintaining good relationships with other people bring a meaningful experience to individuals. Having a clear understanding that life is hardly fair; helps me handle tough situations in life. Accepting the worst scenario, helps in reducing the power the circumstances have over an individual.

Works Cited

Fabry, Joseph B. The pursuit of meaning: Viktor Frankl, logotherapy, and life. San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1980.

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