Paper Example. Psychological Information

Published: 2023-08-02
Paper Example. Psychological Information
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Religion Personality Human behavior
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 615 words
6 min read

Individual differences in religion consistently relate to personality in terms of cultural practices such as values and strict personality traits that are greatly influenced by genetics. A person's religious practices, beliefs, and attitudes reflect the individual's personality. Religious beliefs have a positive relationship with good personality traits that aid people to identify crises and resolve the challenges of their life. Religion provides people with decreased life span stress, relaxation, and more adjustments with daily hassles and ultimately alters positive personality traits such as agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness. Openness reflects a willingness to consider new ideas and question one's values, opinions, and beliefs. Religion has a positive relationship with agreeableness values such as selfless, sympathetic, and forgiving characteristics as well as extraversion values such as friendly and joiner characteristics. People with conscientiousness are careful, reliable, and hardworking. Primary religious beliefs have a welcoming relationship with excellent features that helps people resolve their identity and life crisis challenges. Moral discipline borrowed from religion has positive effects on the feelings, experiences, and behavior of human beings. What people think, how they feel, and how they actively interact with each other and their religious beliefs change people’s opinions and affect how people respond. Moreover, religion helps people by offering more practice and avoiding behaviors that deplete resources, thereby ensuring that people are used to specific routines that, in turn, shape their personality and habits. Personality traits such as behaving, believing, belonging, and behaving are developed by religion. People can accept the belief in a supernatural being or world. At the same time, bonding shows how important religion is to the self and how they are connected to something bigger than themselves. Behaving, on the other hand, is reflected by how people change their lifestyles to appease their spiritual beliefs while belonging is the identity that an individual acquires by believing in a religion.

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Spirituality beliefs can contribute to people finding the meaning of life, thus finding goals to these people. When people can answer critical questions about self, others, world, God, and interactions among them through religion, they attain a good and stable sense of hopefulness towards the world, purpose. They can distinguish the meaning of life, feel integrated with existence, and accept realities. People understand why they live, how they should behave, and what they want in their lives. Religion causes people to act wholeheartedly without absolute certainty because for faith, an aspiration is intended to strive towards long-range goals regardless of the present difficulties and risks. Religions succeed in offering reasons to do the right thing because people feel motivated by God’s grace, and they think God wants them to do the right thing. Through religion, people want to pay attention to their behavior through meditation and mindfulness and measure if it matches the standards of the faith. Thus, the stress on selfhood may motivate some people above self towards achieving the desired goals. Religion together with its principles is essential factors that affect humans mind and psyche as it tries to show ways of human development and wellbeing. Religious individuals mostly relate their various assignments to their spiritual career path, which motivates them always to do the right thing. Religious people possess conscientiousness traits of hardworking, well organized, and reliable. Therefore one can conclude that religious people own more of these positive traits, are more responsible, and have greater achievement possibilities in their life than others. Individuals who practice religion usually have a more positive outlook on life that is increased by both personal and organizational beliefs. People feel greater satisfaction when they belong to a group, get a support system from the church, and feel more motivated when they increase participation within the church’s community.

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Paper Example. Psychological Information. (2023, Aug 02). Retrieved from

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