Free Paper: Prevention of Falls in the Elderly - Qualitative and Quantitative Researches Critique

Published: 2022-04-19
Free Paper: Prevention of Falls in the Elderly - Qualitative and Quantitative Researches Critique
Essay type:  Quantitative research papers
Categories:  Health and Social Care Research
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1191 words
10 min read


Dr. Colin Tidy, (2016), Prevention of Falls in the Elderly

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In this kind of research, it's more interested in the quality and not the quantity. Random sampling is one of its methods of observation. Consequently, it provides simple results which are also easily summarized.

1. Research issue and purpose

What are some of the preventions of falls in the elderly? The sole purpose of this study is to identify the causes and prevention measures of falls among the elderly.

2. Researcher pre-understandings

According to (Tidy, 2016), whenever you feel at the edge of getting falls, request your physician to run some falls tests on you. From his discussions it can be deduced that he is a physician and is more interested in prevention than cure, therefore, he insists more on the regular check-up.

3. Literature review

The quality of literature review is the prevention of falls among the elderly which is the central idea in this study. This study is recent and is more relevant to the contemporary society. Nevertheless, the author held some critiques on the results caused by falls in that some other results may be fatal. In the case of bone breakage, this may lead to long-term disability. In summary, the most effective preventions of falls among the elderly are the use of multidisciplinary interventions.

4. Theoretical Framework or Conceptual Framework

The study of research is basically a theoretical framework, the causes and prevention measures of the stipulated disease; falls among the elderly, have been clearly demonstrated which in turn can be used for checking whether the elderly are physically fit or not. Thus making makes this research a theoretical framework.

5. Participants

The participants in this study are mainly the elderly, physicians and nurses. Hospital is the setting for this research, an adequate random sampling of elderly patients was used as a method of data collection. Consequently, the objectives of this research were achieved d and redundancy of information was attained.

6. Protection of Human Research Participants.

Through awareness, the human participants such as the elderly were educated on the preventive measures of falls and encouraged to have regular check-ups thus protecting these participants.

7. Research Design

This research was based on piloting studies, in that, tidy does not use the information from other scholars..8. Data collection

The method of data collection used in this research is sampling specifically random sampling, elders were randomly sampled as participants and thereafter data was obtained.

9. Credibility

The data obtained from this data were believable and realistic, for instance it is a fact that in most cases the causes of falls among the elderly is caused by Arthritis or footwear that is not fitting, small fitting.

10. Method of data analysis

Meta- analysis is one of the methods used in data collection

11. Findings

From this study, the researcher deduced that some of the causes of falls among the elderly are as follows; Arthritis, small fitting footwear, weakness in muscles.

12. Discussions of findings

The findings were hand in hand with the theoretical framework, professionally a nursing framework. The causes that were deduced include; Arthritis- a disease characterized by pain in leg joints among the elderly.

13. Limitations

This kind of research despite having strengths also has weaknesses. The scientific scholars in many of their works don't use it; the research quality also is affected by the competency of the researcher which might lead to biasness of information. The data collected mainly is for the benefit of the old in the society and not the young.

14. Implications

The researcher's conclusions and implications are supported by the findings.

15. Recommendations

Preventive measures should be taken into action; frequent check-ups should be done as well as doing exercises to prevent Arthritis

16. Research Utilization in your practise

This research study has deposited more knowledge in my practise, i learnt of the new causes of falls among the elderly. It can also trigger the changes in other aspects of practice because of the awareness created.


Laurence z. Rubenstein & Karen R. Josephson, (2006), Fallls & their Prevention in Elderly People

This kind of research is more concerned with testing the hypothesis of an interested field of research. In this case we more interested in the prevention of falls among the elderly.

1.Research issue and purpose

Which techniques help mitigate falls in the elderly? The objective of this study is to identify the causes and ways of reducing falls in the elderly.

2.Researcher pre-understandings

According to ( Reubenstein & josephson, 2006)),whenever you feel at the edge of getting falls, request your physician to run some falls tests on you. From his discussions it can be deduced that he is a physician and is more interested in prevention than cure therefore he insists more in regular check-up

3.Literature review

The quality of literature review is the prevention of falls among the elderly which is the central idea in this study. This study is recent and is more relevant to the contemporary society. Nevertheless, the author held some critique on the results caused by falls in that some other results may be fatal. In the case of bone breakage this may lead to long term disability. In summary, the most effective preventions of falls among the elderly is the use of multidisciplinary interventions.

4.Theoretical Framework or Conceptual Framework

It has used the conceptual framework due to the use of tables to present the data of information collected.


The participants in the study are physicians and nurses. Hospital being the setting of this research, adequate random sampling of elderly patients was used as a method of data collection. Information redundancy was successfully achieved.

6.Protection of Human Research Participants.

Statistical measures taken shows that the age population comprised of the old aged,Who were made aware of the mitigations against falls among the elderly.

7. Research Study

This research was modelled from the previous study, the dependent and the independent variables used were from the data collected from the previous research.

8.Instruments and Strategies for measurement

Health care organization surveys instruments can be used in collecting this data because it's a nursing framework.

9. Data Collection

Paper-pencil questioneers can be sent to a large group of people which saves the researcher's time.

10. Data Analysis

Typology was used as one of the methods of data analysis, basically on the category of elderly people whose information was exhausted.

11. Interpretation of Results

From the data analysis we realize that most causes of falls among the elderly is due to lack of exercises and Arthritis

12. Discussions of findings

The results obtained are relative with the nursing framework, therefore such results findings were among the expectations.

13. Limitations

Quantitative research might be biased by the participants as well as not asking detailed information

14. Implications

The conclusions of the researcher on the preventive measures to be undertaken and frequent exercises are authorized from the findings.

15. Recommendations

The author recommends frequent check-ups as well as well as exercises.

16. Research Utilization in Your practise

This research study can be used in my area of practise to create awareness and improve on the future health sectors.


Dr. Colin Tidy, (2016), Prevention of Falls in the Elderly

Laurence z. Rubenstein & Karen R. Josephson, (2006), Fallls & their Prevention in Elderly People

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