Persuasive Speech Evaluation - Paper Sample

Published: 2023-12-12
Persuasive Speech Evaluation - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication skills
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 593 words
5 min read


The speaker starts by greeting the audience and cracking some jokes. This works in his favor since it opens up the audience to the speaker and creates a positive environment in which they can interact. The introduction also includes acknowledging the previous speakers, and the speaker uses the information already passed by prior speakers to create a platform on which they can add more information. The speech is organized so that the speaker takes the audience from the known to the unknown points. The introduction acts as an ice breaker, with the speaker presenting the audience with new ideas every step of the way, as they build up their points step by step. The step-by-step buildup of the speech helps to make it flow smoothly and helps make the speech understandable.

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Speaker's Main Point

The speaker's main point is that while it is commonly believed that education helps people tap into creativity, the existence of education makes people get out of touch with their creative selves. This is because, as the speaker argues, that education makes people think in a certain way. Therefore people are not allowed or encouraged to think or act differently or behave or live creatively. The speaker includes the use of statistics in their speech. For example, they mention that by the year 2065, all the children currently in the school system will have retired. They mention that the current educators' duty must ensure that they properly educate the present generation to help them face the unpredictable future (Robinson, 2007). Secondly, he mentions that 30 years from now, there will be an inflation of education, whereby more people than ever will be graduating with different qualifications, resulting in the education that was once cherished to become useless to the masses.


The speaker uses emotion by mentioning two of the issues that matter the most to the people today. First, they mention the children of the current generation who are said to be the future of the days to come, and they also mention issues concerning the future. These are two issues that people have strong emotions for, and therefore their mention is bound to create intense emotions from the people concerned. Vivid language has been used extensively by the speaker. This is evident in how the speaker discusses the issues that affect the audience and the world at large explicitly. For example, the use of statistics to explain the issues concerning education and the effects that the overreliance on education and minimizing the use of creativity will have on the future generations gives the audience a clear picture of what to expect. The use of statistics known by the audience also helps create vivid images in the audience's minds.


The speaker finishes the presentation by giving the audience their personal opinions and stands on the subject matter, as well as that of TED Talks. Also, they remind the audience about what is at stake should the society continue suppressing the creativity of the children of the current generation and offering a way out of the situation (Robinson, 2007). In my opinion, the speech is very persuasive, and through the proper presentation of points, it has presented all the necessary points needed to convince me about the issues covered. Additionally, the accurate presentation of data and the clarity with which the information was presented also helped make the points more straightforward and understandable, hence convincing me further.


Robinson, K. (2007). Do schools kill creativity? [Video]. YouTube.

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