Personalized Marketing Essay Sample

Published: 2019-10-02
Personalized Marketing Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Advertising Marketing Internet
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1298 words
11 min read

Personalized marketing uses information technology and hardware systems to form a distinctive product for a single customer. It is mostly automated, and there is the use of computer software to create personal messages and form customer-centric recommendation engines as a substitute of organization-centric selling engines. It also uses a configuration system that allows clients to select their specifications for the products they want (Tang et al. 2013). It identifies the consumer by collecting information about his or her needs, and they can be satisfied, differentiates the consumer based on the lifetime value of the company, offers communication with the client and customizes products to the consumers choices. Personalization is, therefore, the creation of the customized products that fulfill a consumers needs.

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Personalized marketing is beneficial to a company. It enables a company to provide openings for continuous improving the brand and reaching out to many clients. It improves the consumer retention because when there is the personalization of products, there is more satisfaction to the user hence making him or her repeat customer (Sarin, Challagalla & Kohli, 2012). When a company uses personalization to market products, it can manage to follow up what most clients want and plan on how to make products better without having to use a lot of time and finances to know what clients want. It also helps companies to have better sales.

The development of personalized marketing requires a strategy to actualize it. A company needs to consider the expectations it has on the marketing plan such as repeat visits and increased purchases. It should then consider the message it wants to drive and the resources needed to implement the strategy. The company should then come up with a website that suits the information collected from the plan made on the marketing strategy. Dynamic pricing involves setting up prices based on the ability of the consumer (Burgess & Steenkamp, 2013). Personalized marketing involves customization of products. Hence, it is a good idea to use dynamic pricing because some consumers may want products that are more customized than others thus making them more costly. The first-degree price discrimination is, therefore, appropriate in personalized marketing because it involves charging different prices for goods based on the consumer.

Changing Landscape of Traditional Advertising Methods

Traditional advertising methods include the use of print and television adverts. Despite the platforms still been functional, marketers are shifting to online advertising because the traditional methods are costly than online adverts, there are impersonal, and there is high competition which may make it hard for consumers to concentrate on all the adverts. Online advertising is highly segmented, and one can easily reach a particular group using pages and groups in social media. It has also become easy to have personal communication between the consumers and the organization support team thus easy feedback. It is also flexible, and a company can easily change the looks of its website or social media page without much time and costs. The reasons above have attributed to the changing landscape of traditional advertising methods becoming less effective than online adverts.

For consumers to go for products, they must have an advantage over their substitutes. Online retailers need to have strategies to make better sales than offline traders. Online traders need to have lower prices that attract consumers to their products. They also have to ensure they deliver products to the consumers and have strategies such as pay on delivery to enable consumers have trust in the company and inspect goods before paying for them (Krautter & Thompson, 2015). Retailers that have physical locations should ensure they inform the clients of an upcoming online site where they can purchase their goods from. It is important for the retailers to ensure they showcase their products in the stores so that customers know the actual products available online and can later purchase them from the comfort of their homes. There should be deliveries to the customers to create a seamless integration of the channel offerings.

Marketing Changes and Adaptations

Marketing has grown over the years, and this has made it competitive and automated. It is now done over the internet, and many applications have been built to make it easy to offer feedbacks and inquiries on products. Social media has been used to pass information globally and reach potential customers as opposed to the past years (Tucker, 2014). Globalization has increased the competition in the market because companies can reach many consumers in the world. It increases profits for a company that diversifies into other countries thus enabling it to have enough funds to run its operations as well as offering new opportunities to underdeveloped nations.

Consumers on the Internet

Consumers communicate through the internet over various products in the market. Positive feedbacks on a brand can increase sales for a company thus more income while negative reviews on products can influence others not to buy the same product hence losses for a company. Mass advertising is not yet over in the era of personalized marketing. Some companies send text messages to many people to inform them about their products and leave their contacts for the interested parties (Kotler et al., 2016). Many products are marketed by word of mouth on the internet and companies need to be strategic in their plans. The companies should be keen on the consumer feedback and brand image on the web to ensure the word of mouth information will not harm the branding and marketing efforts of the company.

The balance of power is shifting from companies to consumers because consumers can dictate the kind of products they want. Companies make products according to the needs of consumers. They also have the ability to influence other consumers in the market and can either bring profits or losses to a company. Traditional advertising methods such as television, radio, and print media are less preferred to online advertising due to the high levels of technological advancements. Most people have access to online sites and companies have made efforts to reach out to the consumers using them thus making online advertising more effective than the traditional advertising methods (Yang & Kang, 2015).

There are various pricing models used on the internet. The consumers incur shipping costs for goods for them to be delivered to their homes or workplaces. There are tax costs incurred to cater for the taxes of the product that will be the governments revenue. There are also discounts offered to consumers to promote the companys products. Globalization has changed the way companies market their products. Different nations have different cultures, therefore, it would be important for a company to have an advert that respects each nations beliefs and values to ensure sales are high in the place. Companies have also had to come up with unique strategies to ensure they have a competitive advantage over the competitors in the market.


Burgess, S. M., & Steenkamp, J. B. E. (2013). Editorial: introduction to the special issue on marketing in emerging markets. International journal of research in marketing, 30(1), 1-3.

Kotler, P., Keller, K. L., Manceau, D., & Hemonnet-Goujot, A. (2016).Marketing management. Pearson.

Krautter, W. F., & Thompson, J. (2015). U.S. Patent No. 9,117,243. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Sarin, S., Challagalla, G., & Kohli, A. K. (2012). Implementing changes in marketing strategy: The role of perceived outcome-and process-oriented supervisory actions. Journal of Marketing Research, 49(4), 564-580.

Tang, H., Liao, S. S., & Sun, S. X. (2013). A prediction framework based on contextual data to support mobile personalized marketing. Decision Support Systems, 56, 234-246.

Tucker, C. E. (2014). Social networks, personalized advertising, and privacy controls. Journal of Marketing Research, 51(5), 546-562.

Yang, K. C., & Kang, M. Y. (2015). The Influence of Cultural Factors on Consumers' Reactions to Internet Advertisements. In Proceedings of the 2002 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference (pp. 148-153). Springer International Publishing.

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