Personality Aspects of Entrepreneurship - Paper Sample for You

Published: 2022-04-18
Personality Aspects of Entrepreneurship - Paper Sample for You
Type of paper:  Dissertation
Categories:  Business Personality
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 606 words
6 min read

iii. The overall goals, aspirations, motivations that entrepreneurs bring to their success

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iv. What traits do entrepreneurs have that motivate them to open a startup versus others.

1.3 Methodology

This research adopts a descriptive methodology which entails the following activities.

I. Data collection

Secondary data was obtained by literary search into various databases, such as Emerald and Proquest by using various keywords. The keywords used include entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial, need for achievement, the locus of control, motivation, and entrepreneurial success.

II. Sampling design

Since the study capitalized on secondary data, the researcher sampled relevant articles from the various databases. The articles covered study areas related to the topic of this paper to enable highlight vital issues of entrepreneurship and to highlight essential attributes and traits required for one to become a successful entrepreneur.

III. Results

The results of this research confirm the existence of a positive relationship between characteristics of entrepreneurs and how that assisted them to evolve into successful entrepreneurs. The individuals who practiced positive attributes stood a better chance of transforming their businesses into thriving enterprises.

1.4 Thesis outline

The thesis of this research is to explore the different characteristics of an entrepreneur and to establish the correlation between these characteristics and how they evolve into successful entrepreneurship. To be able to give profound answers to the research question questions as well as providing sufficient evidence to support the study statement, the research is broken down into four different chapters:


Literature review and hypothesis

Analysis of findings

Discussion and conclusion

The introduction chapter provides an overview of the study's background and provides the research's objectives and its aims the background of the study. The introduction also covers the methodology section while providing a brief overview of the data collection methodology (secondary data), sampling design (use of relevant articles), and results (correlating the entrepreneurial mindset and the characteristics of successful entrepreneurship).

The second chapter, the literature review, provides an analysis of what previous researchers have done pertaining to the topic of entrepreneurship, and covers what it takes to have an entrepreneurial mindset, as well as highlighting the characteristics of successful entrepreneurship. In addition, the chapter will cover the attitudes towards risk that entrepreneurs show, as well as the overall goals, aspirations, motivations that entrepreneurs bring to their success, while also highlighting the traits entrepreneurs have that motivate them to open a startup versus others.

The third chapter, analysis of findings, entails analyzing the findings of research regarding what it pertains to the research topic while also introducing the hypotheses that will be tested to verify their validity in relation to the objectives of the research, and whether they will be accepted or rejected based on the analysis of secondary data. As such, the chapter also introduces additional evidence that will be used to verify why hypotheses were accepted or rejected. As such, the chapter highlights the findings of the research and helps meet the objectives of the research by identifying the characteristics of entrepreneurs and how they compare to others, what defines their attitudes towards risk, their goals, aspirations, motivations that correlate to bringing their success, as well as the traits entrepreneurs that motivate them in opening startups.

The last chapter, discussion and conclusion, aims to discuss the findings of the research while highlighting essential evidence use in the analysis chapter, and lastly offers a tangible conclusion that offers a summary of the thesis.


Brandstatter, H. (2011). Personality aspects of entrepreneurship: A look at five meta-analyses. Personality and Individual differences. 51(3), 222-230.

Fairlie, R. W., & Holleran, W. (2012). Entrepreneurship training, risk aversion abd other personality traits: Evidence from a random experiment. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(2), 366-378.

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Personality Aspects of Entrepreneurship - Paper Sample for You. (2022, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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