Free Essay on the Paul Revere's House and Its Artifacts

Published: 2019-10-04
Free Essay on the Paul Revere's House and Its Artifacts
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History Architecture
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 721 words
7 min read

Paul Revere's House is the National Historic Landmark and the family home of Paul Revere, an outstanding silversmith and the legendary messenger who warned his fellow citizens in Lexington that the British forces were going on the offensive. The House is situated in the downtown Boston and is considered to be the oldest building in the area. It was built in 1680 and had a view of North Square back then. The House was restored to the way it looked in the 18th century in the beginning of the 20th century by a Revere descendant. It is said to reflect the peculiarities of the Georgian architecture that manifested itself through clear symmetry and simplicity of shape.

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The house is without any doubt a valuable monument of history representing the mode of life of late period colonial America. On the outside it looks like a plain wooden house with small windows of different sizes that have shutters and bars. The bars remind the visitor that originally the house was owned by a wealthy merchant, Robert Howard, who was probably afraid of burglars. The exposition does not take long, it is unguided and the visitor is offered to read the signs. It starts with the home kitchen that seems to be the most ascetic room in the house. The small fireplace is the main piece of furniture and artifact of history here. It was typical for the people of the 18th century to cook and heat the food in such a dangerous device. Various kitchen utensils are on display on the mantelpiece over the fireplace and hung on the metal rod next to it. They include heavy weight cast-iron saucepans and a kettle, hand-operated spices press and wooden plates, a tiny frying pan and a very peculiar heavy device that proved to be a non-electricity iron. All these kitchen artifacts represent a priceless source of information about the way of life that well-to-do people in the late 18th century were used to.

The next room shown in the exposition is the hall. According to the sign, this room largely preserved its look from its first owner, the merchant, who obviously took pride in expensive imposing dark furniture and heavy oriental carpets. The carpet is actually used as a tablecloth which was quite typical for the colonial period. Apparently, it was considered much too expensive to put on the floor and just walk on it.

The largest and the most elegant room in the house is The Best Chamber, furnished according to the late 18th century fashion. The centerpiece of the room is the beautiful bed decorated with a floral bedspread and a canopy of the same design. It is adorably simple and luxurious at the same time. Paul and his wife Rachel used this room as their bedroom and an exquisite parlor to entertain guests. The most valuable artifacts of this room are the Windsor chairs, the mahogany bow-dresser and the arm-chair that are supposed to be originals.

The second bedroom is much simpler in appearance; its walls are white and the bed does not have a canopy. The bed cover has a plain checked pattern and the chairs do not have a soft padding as in the Best Chamber. This room was occupied by Pauls mother and after she died at the age of 73, Pauls numerous children used it as their bedroom. The most treasured artifact in this room is the original Windsor rocker that even has some original paint on it.

The courtyard also features some valued objects of 18th century smith work. These metal artifacts made by Paul Revere and his sons include the 900-pound bell that attracts most tourists interest, a small mortar on a wooden stand and a bolt from the US constitution behind a glass showcase. The bell reminds the visitors that Paul Revere was the person who made the first bell in Boston after his brave messenger trip.

In general, the museum is a worthwhile source of priceless information about late colonial architecture and interior design. Paul Reveres House styled according to his own and his familys personal style can also tell the researcher a lot about the courageous messenger personality, being industrious, simple and inventive. All the details of his small house are highly functional and probably made living in it very easy and pleasant.

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